Asira Dawnslayer

  • ️Tue Nov 29 2011
BossAsira Dawnslayer
Image of Asira Dawnslayer
Gender Female
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Level 37 Elite
Class Rogue
Resource Energy
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Twilight's Hammer
Occupation Assassin
Location Galakrond's Rest, Hour of Twilight
Status Killable
Hour of Twilight

Asira Dawnslayer
Archbishop Benedictus


Asira Dawnslayer is the second boss to appear in the Hour of Twilight.[1]


Adventure Guide[]

Former blade-for-hire Asira Sunbright was initially leery of working for the Twilight's Hammer, but the cult's generous payments quickly won her over. In time, she succumbed to the corruptive influence of her dark employers, even going so far as to take on the name Dawnslayer. As one of the cult's deadliest assassins, Asira has been called upon to exterminate Thrall and his comrades.



  • Spell shaman lavaburst Lava Burst — Hurl molten lava at the target, dealing 50000 Fire damage.
  • Spell fire totemofwrath Rising Fire Totem — Summons a Fire Totem that lasts 30 sec and periodically increases the damage and maximum health of nearby players.
  • Spell nature magicimmunity Healing Wave — Thrall calls upon Nature magic to heal himself.


If you are the target of Mark of Silence, position yourself so that a non-marked player (preferably the tank) is between you and Asira. This way, the non-marked player will take the damage, but will not be silenced. To best facilitate this, the tank should point Asira toward the rest of the group.

When Asira casts Choking Smoke Bomb, the tank should move her out of it immediately.

Take advantage of Thrall's Rising Fire Totem that appears as a large yellow circle on the ground.

When Asira uses Blade Barrier, only use your most powerful burst-damage abilities (as lesser ones are deflected by the barrier). The Rising Fire Totem will make it easier to overwhelm the Blade Barrier the longer you stand in it.



Thrall yells: Beware. Enemies approach!
Thrall yells: Let none stand in our way.
Thrall yells: The Twilight's Hammer returns.
Thrall yells: Let them come!
Thrall says: Alexstrasza's drakes should meet us here...
A Life Warden flies towards them.
Thrall says: Up there, above us!
Asira appears on the Life Warden and kills it.
Asira Dawnslayer yells: Where do you think you're going, little lizard?
Thrall says: An assassin. Quickly! Ready yourselves for battle!
Asira Dawnslayer yells: ...and with that out of the way, you and your flock of fumbling friends are next on my list. Mmm, I thought you'd never get here!
Thrall yells: I haven't come this far to be stopped by the likes of you.
Let's get to work, shall we?
Smoke Bomb
  • Bye-bye.
  • Now you see me...
  • Surprise.
Killing a player
  • So soon.
  • I hope your friends can do better!
  • Too much fun!
  • Good night.
Asira Dawnslayer says: Ah. Well. That was even easier than I thought!
Asira Dawnslayer yells: You're much... better... than I thought...
Thrall says: Well done. Let's see to our friend.
Thrall resurrects the Life Warden.
Thrall says: The rest of the drakes should be here shortly. I'll fly on ahead; catch up when you can.


Patch changes[]


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