
  • ️Tue Oct 14 2014
Image of Awbee
Race Blue dragon (Dragonkin)
Affiliation(s) Blue dragonflight
Location Various
Status Alive

Awbee as a whelp.

Awbee is a blue dragon.


World of Warcraft[]

WoW Icon update This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

If a group of adventurers visits Upper Blackrock Spire, they will find a small room where two orcs are hurting a small blue wyrmling. After killing these orcs and saving the wyrmling, they will be able to listen to the dragon's story.

The young whelp is named Awbee, and is one of many wyrmlings stolen from their mother's clutch in far away Winterspring. The blues are not the only dragons that have been captured, however. Dragons from each flight are being captured to be used as guinea pigs in experimentation. These experiments have been ordered by Nefarian, whose goal is the creation of a chromatic dragonflight. The chromatic dragons he has managed to produce so far hold the abilities of all five dragonflights, and have been raised to be under the control of the black dragons. A large number of such creatures would be unstoppable.

According to Awbee, those subjects unsuitable for experimentation are given to the sadistic minions of Nefarian and Rend Blackhand to be destroyed. The unfortunate whelplings endure horrible torture at their hands before finally dying, either from being thrown into the lava or given to the denizens of Lower Blackrock Spire to be torn apart. At the time the party finds Awbee, the orcs are getting ready to do just that.

Awbee is grateful to those in the party and will want to make sure that the blue dragonflight knows what Nefarian is up to. To this end, Awbee gave the rescuers a scale. If it is used in the proper place, they will be teleported to the blue dragonflight's matron mother, Haleh, who will be able to scry what Awbee has seen and felt when the adventurers hand over the scale.

Warlords of Draenor[]

Awbee WoD

Awbee as an adult

Awbee eventually recovered enough to leave the mountain. Years later, Awbee grew up into an adult dragon and in gratitude, returned to the mountain in order to aid the rescuer during the fight against Commander Tharbek in Upper Blackrock Spire.


Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Awbee is amongst the blue dragons who responded to the activation of the Azure Oathstone and joined the rest of the blue dragonflight in making the Azure Archives within the Azure Span their new home.


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Upper Blackrock Spire 57 Elite Alliance Horde Apparance removed in retail, in Classic only.
Upper Blackrock Spire 35-40 Elite Alliance Horde In retail.
Azure Archives, Azure Span 70 Elite Alliance Horde As part of The Veiled Ossuary questline.


I... I am badly injured...
Gossip You will be ok, Awbee. Your assailants have been terminated.
Listen, <race>. Listen well...
The dragon riders came in the night, mounted atop the black flight. They struck fast and with deadly precision, taking young whelps - such as me - and escaping under the veil of darkness.
I watched in horror as they used my brothers and sisters in their experiments. From our essence would be created the chromatic flight.
Gossip Continue please...
Nefarian had ordered that unsuitable subjects be destroyed immediately, but these retched beasts would not do so without first inflicting an 'ample' amount of torture.
When we were thoroughly 'broken,' they would round up what remained and throw us to these thugs. Our bodies used as instruments in their sick game: thrown into the lava or worse; to the open and waiting arms of the bloodthirsty legion below.
Gossip Horrifying.
You came along just as they were about to throw me to the fiends below - for that, I thank you. Perhaps, I - rather - we, of the blue flight, can assist you further?
You have come this far, <race>, risked much. Will you go a ways further to battle Nefarian and his legion of Blackrock?
Gossip Absolutely.
Added in Cataclysm
  • Awbee whimpers.
  • Awbee cries for help.
  • Awbee breathes erratically.
Warlords of Draenor

The Matron Protectorate completed:

You saved my life once, it is about time I returned the favor!


Notes and trivia[]

  • Awbee's name does not follow the usual naming conventions used for blue dragons that often differentiate between genders, neither is there any dialogue that states a specific gender.
    • 'Awbee' may be a shortened nickname of their actual name.
  • Awbee will only spawn during the Commander Tharbek encounter if someone in the party completed The Matron Protectorate.
  • Awbee is the English writing of "آبی", Persian for "blue".

Patch changes[]

See also[]

External links[]

Blackrock Spire (Classic) Upper Blackrock Spire Azure Span Azure Span
Primary dragon types
Other dragon types
Blue Dragonflight

Kalecgos - Guardian of Magic

Other draconic groups