Bandit Lord (Warcraft III)

For the Bandit Lord of the Bloodhill Bandits, see Menag. For the cut Legion NPC, see Bandit Lord (NPC).
Bandit Lord
Race Human
Faction Neutral (Creep)
Hit points 950
Hit point regeneration Always
Hit point regeneration rate ? HP/sec.
Level 7
Gold 425 Gold
Lumber 100 Lumber
Food 6 Food
Produced at Mercenary Camp
Stock Start Delay ?
Stock Replenish Interval ?
Gold Bounty Awarded ?
Hotkey ?
Collision Size ?
Range Melee
Cooldown 1.35 sec.
Weapon type Normal
Armor Type Heavy
Armor 3
Day Sight 140
Night Sight 80
Movement Speed 320
Turn Rate ?
Sound Set Bandit

Bandit Lords are human bandit creeps that can be encountered in the Cityscape, Dalaran, Dalaran Ruins, Village and Village Fall tilesets.

Spells and abilities[]


Lie in wait for enemies without attacking (Will respond to attacks).
Units will hold position and hold their fire, so when they are Shadowmelding, they will not break their own invisibility.
It's very handy for running away from a battle. The Hide ability is disabled during the day.
Requires 1.5 seconds to Fade.

Divine Shield[]

An impenetrable shield surrounds the Paladin, protecting him from all damage and spells for a set amount of time.

Devotion Aura (Passive)[]

Gives additional armor to nearby friendly units.
+3 to Armor


External links[]