Battle for Darkshore

  • ️Tue Dec 11 2018
This article is about the Warfront. For the overworld zone, see Darkshore. For the unrelated Cataclysm quest, see A [5-30] The Battle for Darkshore.
Battle for Azeroth Battle for Darkshore
Battle for Darkshore loading screen
Location Northwestern Darkshore
Result Alliance victory, with Bashal'Aran secured as the new night elf stronghold in Darkshore[1][2]

Alliance Alliance

Horde Horde

Commanders and leaders

Alliance Alliance

Horde Horde

Previous Battle for Stromgarde

The Battle for Darkshore is the second warfront in Battle for Azeroth where the Forsaken and the night elves struggle for control of a staging area near the former night elven capital region of Teldrassil.[4]

It also came with an updated outdoor Darkshore region.


Maps and subregions[]

  • Darkshore warfront (Alliance version).

    Darkshore warfront (Alliance version).

  • Darkshore warfront (Horde version).

    Darkshore warfront (Horde version).

Darkshore - Kaldorei forces

Kaldorei forces

Darkshore - Dark Warden

Sira Moonwarden.

Standoff at Darkshore by Astri Lohne


Alliance Alliance areas[]

  • The Moonspray — Starting area for the Alliance, off the coast of the Ruins of Auberdine.
  • Bashal'Aran — Capture and Rebuild!
    • Tree of Life — Main structure which improves the base.
      • It can be further upgraded into the Tree of Ages and later the Tree of Eternity; which further increase resource collection and troop deployment rates.
    • Altar of Elders — Access to powerful player bonuses
    • Ancient of War — Primary troop production building.
    • Glaiveworks — Vehicle production building.
    • Hunter's Lodge — Upgrade the weapons and armor of units.
  • Lornesta Mine — Allows for the collection of iron.
  • Cinderfall Grove — Allows for the collection of wood.
  • Forlorn Crossing — Secure a foothold in Darkshore.
  • Gloomtide Strand — Summon an Archdruid to assist your army. Allows the recruitment of druid units.
  • Ashwood Depot — Capture to provide fast access to captured locations. Allows the recruitment of huntress units.
  • Lor'danel Landing — Capture to lay siege to the Dredge.
  • The Dredge — Assault and defeat the enemy commander.

Horde Horde areas[]

  • The Black Arrow — Starting area for the Horde, off the coast of the Ruins of Auberdine.
  • Bashal'Aran — Capture and Rebuild!
    • Great Hall — Main structure which improves the base.
      • It can be further upgraded into a Stronghold and later a Fortress; which further increase resource collection and troop deployment rates.
    • Altar of Storms — Access to powerful player bonuses.
    • Barracks — Primary troop production building.
    • Plagueworks — Vehicle production building.
    • Armory — Upgrade the weapons and armor of units.
  • Lornesta Mine — Allows for the collection of iron.
  • Cinderfall Grove — Allows for collection of wood.
  • Forlorn Crossing — Secure a foothold in Darkshore.
  • Gloomtide Strand — Summon an Abomination to assist your army. Allows for recruitment of Alchemist units
  • Ashwood Depot — Capture to provide fast access to captured locations. Allows for recruitment of Lancer units.
  • Lor'danel Landing — Capture to lay siege to the Dredge.
  • The Dredge — Assault and defeat the enemy commander.

Background and summary[]

Alliance Crest Alliance[]

With most of the night elf population seemingly destroyed in the War of the Thorns,[5] Tyrande Whisperwind subsequently asked Anduin Wrynn for Alliance aid in reclaiming Darkshore and the remains of Teldrassil from the Horde, but Anduin was unable to acquiesce, arguing that their resources would be stretched too thin with the Alliance already simultaneously engaging on several battlefronts at Arathi and Zandalar throughout the course of the Fourth War, but vowed to help reclaim Teldrassil before the war's conclusion (although he apparently was unable to do so).[6] Maiev Shadowsong, Sira Moonwarden and Shandris Feathermoon also unsuccessfully asked Anduin for assistance shortly afterwards, but were able to secure support from Gilneas and Genn Greymane as well as Alliance adventurers.[7]

Almost immediately after the successful completion of the Night Warrior ritual in Bashal'Aran by High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind in revenge for the Burning of Teldrassil at the hands of Sylvanas Windrunner, Maiev and Shandris were ordered to prepare the night elves' forces for war against the Horde to reclaim the ancestral lands of Darkshore for the kaldorei. Although Tyrande and Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage were able to temporarily drive away Nathanos Blightcaller and slay Brynja, several night elves, including Delaryn Summermoon and Sira Moonwarden (despite her efforts to follow and slay the Horde adventurer[8]) were raised as Forsaken, embittered and disillusioned by Tyrande and Elune's apparent abandonment of them when they needed them most.[9] Malfurion Stormrage personally intercepted and ambushed several Horde convoys bringing supplies to the warfront, killing most of the party, with the lone surviving troll left traumatized by his close encounter with death and reporting the experience shortly afterwards to the commanders of the Horde base in Darkshore. Tyrande and Malfurion along with Dori'thur, Tyrande's owl companion, and other night elf forces, then confronted Nathanos and his forces yet again, although Nathanos would survive the encounter and the battle would continue elsewhere.[10]

With most of Darkshore still seemingly controlled by Horde forces, the Alliance forces under Maiev Shadowsong's leadership (including adventurers from Boralus[11]) launched a full-scale coastal attack from the Moonspray, assaulting and capturing the Ruins of Auberdine and killing the death knight Deathguard Captain Vandel, destroying the Forsaken's Blight Throwers in the process. After rescuing several ancients, the Alliance forces, largely consisting of night elves and Gilneans (the latter personally led by Princess Tess Greymane), fought beside Maiev and cleared a path towards Bashal'Aran, where they slew Blightguard Captain Thedric and reclaimed the ancient Highborne settlement for their main base of operations against the Horde. Malfurion rallied the Tree of Life Shadebough, the Ancient of War Gnarlroot, and the Ancient of Lore Elderbranch to aid their efforts, and Jarod Shadowsong helped recruit additional allies from Bashal'Aran, where most of Maiev's surviving Wardens (including Mirana Starlight, Marin Bladewing, Drelanim Whisperwind, Shalis Darkhunter, and Malace Shade) were also stationed. Shortly afterwards, Lornesta Mine and Cinderfall Grove were also captured, their iron and wood benefiting the Alliance soldiers and reinforcing their buildings respectively.

After successfully constructing an Altar of Elders (enhancing individual player strengths with the aid of Moon Priestess Lasara), the Hunter's Lodge (allowing the upgrade and armor of units by Sentinel Cordressa Briarbow), and the Glaiveworks (from which glaive thrower vehicles were built by Erion Shadewhisper), the Alliance forces were able to capture Forlorn Crossing, Gloomtide Strand, and Ashwood Depot in quick succession, further substantially bolstering their strategic assets and resources. After Ashwood was captured, Mordent Evenshade and Fidelio Featherleaf managed to effectively open a flight path network throughout the region, with the aid of the kaldorei's hippogryph riders and chimaera; Thisalee Crow and Keeper Dagda inspired the wisps at Cinderfall Grove to gather necessary wood resources; and Gloomtide Strand considerably empowered the night elves' druidic forces as well, enabling them to heal and restore their allies. They then moved northwards and routed the remaining Horde forces, including Magmaster Blastcrank and an azerite-fueled shredder, at the ruins of the destroyed and blighted night elf town Lor'danel, reclaiming what remained of the settlement for the kaldorei and securing Lor'danel Landing. For their final assault, the Alliance forces and Maiev herself together attacked the Dredge, an artificial goblin platform in the Veiled Sea, subsequently defeating Sira Moonwarden and ultimately winning the Battle for Darkshore for the Alliance.


Alliance Crest Alliance[]

Night elves

The Wardens (stationed at Bashal'Aran):

The Moonspray Crew:

Gilneans and other Alliance NPCs:


Alliance Crest Alliance[]

Battle for Darkshore Altar of Elders Abilities

Transformation options for Alliance players at the Altar of Elders

The Altar of Elders at Bashal'Aran, with the aid of Moon Priestess Lasara, allows the transformation of Alliance players into:
Tank Alert A Keeper of the Grove, a defensive tank unit with potent area attacks and self-healing abilities.
Healer Alert A Faerie Dragon, a healer unit that restores allies.
Damage Dealer Alert A Dryad, a ranged attack unit with devastating poison.

Battle for Darkshore Trained Troops

Trained Troops recruited by Jarod Shadowsong

Trained Troops recruited by Jarod Shadowsong:
Damage Dealer Alert - Sentinel: A melee combatant, able to provide the strength and perseverance to progress your efforts on the battlefield - Sentinel's Glaive
Damage Dealer Alert - Archer: Agile, ranged recruits, able to inflict great damage from a distance - Shoot
Healer Alert - Druid: A druid skilled in restorative magic, able to heal the wounds of injured allies - Spell nature healingtouch [Healing Touch]
Tank Alert - Huntress: Hardened warriors which act as tanks, proficient in mounted combat tactics, including the ability to stun and inflict potent amounts of damage to nearby enemies - Ability warrior charge [Charge]


  • Alliance[]

    Stage 1 – For Auberdine!
    Remove the Forsaken threat at the ruins of Auberdine.
    • Auberdine threat reduced
    Stage 2 – Applying Pressure
    Defeat the Horde's forward commander at the ruins of Auberdine
    • Deathguard Captain Vandel defeated
    Stage 3 – Protecting the Ancients
    Rescue the Ancient Protectors.
    • Rescue the Ancients
    Stage 4 – Maintaining Momentum
    Fight beside your commander to clear a path to Bashal'Aran.
    • Clear a path to Bashal'Aran
    Stage 5 – A Presence No More
    Defeat Blightguard Captain Thedric at Bashal'Aran.
    • Blightguard Captain Thedric defeated
    Stage 6 – Reclaim Bashal'Aran
    Reclaim Bashal'Aran for the Alliance.
    • Reclaim Bashal'Aran
    Stage 7 – Sinking Our Roots
    Expand your base at Bashal'Aran.
    • Restore the Ancient of War
    • Construct the Altar of Elders
    • Construct the Hunter's Hall
    Stage 8 – Advancing Our Efforts
    Construct the means necessary to defeat the enemy.
    • Restore the Tree of Ages
    • Construct the Glaiveworks
    • Build a Glaive Thrower
    Stage 9 – The Northern Shore
    Remove the remaining Horde threat at Lor'danel Landing.
    • AzerMEK MK II defeated (x2)
    • Magmaster Blastcrank defeated
    • Dredge Defences Destroyed
    Stage 10 – The Fallen Moon
    Defeat the enemy commander and reclaim Darkshore for the Alliance.
    • Horde commander defeated
  • Horde[]

    Stage 1 – Purging the Ruins
    Remove the Kaldorei presence from the ruins of Auberdine.
    • Auberdine purged
    Stage 2 – Advance the Front
    Defeat the Alliance's forward commander at the ruins of Auberdine.
    • Nevara Nightshade defeated
    Stage 3 – Free the Ensnared
    Save Master Apothecary Farenell and Deathstalker Commander Belmont from the Druids of the Branch.
    • Deathstalker Commander Belmont Freed
    • Master Apothecary Faranell freed
    Stage 4 – Charge Onward
    Fight beside your commander to clear a path to Bashal'Aran.
    • Clear a path to Bashal'Aran
    Stage 5 – Crush the Resistance
    Defeat Archdruid Andrenius at Bashal'Aran
    • Archdruid Andrenius defeated
    Stage 6 – Establish a Foothold
    Claim Bashal'Aran for the Horde.
    • Claim Bashal'Aran
    Stage 7 – Enhance Our Operations
    Expand your base at Bashal'Aran.
    • Construct the Barracks
    • Construct the Altar of Storms
    • Construct the Armory
    Stage 8 – Advancing The Effort
    Construct the means necessary to defeat the enemy.
    • Construct the Stronghold
    • Construct the Plagueworks
    • Build a Forsaken Blight Thrower
    Stage 9 – The Northern Shore
    Remove the remaining Alliance threat at Lor'danel Landing.
    • Ancient Protector defeated (x2)
    • Myara Nightsong defeated
    • Warship Glaivethrower destroyed (x4)
    Stage 10 – End of the Road
    Defeat the enemy commander and claim Darkshore for the Horde.
    • Alliance commander defeated



  • Alliance Alliance
  • Horde Horde

Introduction to the Darkshore Warfront[]

Alliance and Horde players will have an introductory scenario, going over the events leading up to the warfront in Darkshore.

Horde controls Darkshore, Alliance Warfronts phase[]

The Warfront feature is active for Alliance players immediately and starts the countdown clock for Horde players who wish to access Darkshore. This stage will last for 7 days.

The Horde starts off controlling Darkshore. During this stage, Horde players will be able to teleport to Darkshore, where there will be some things to do:

  • Complete a number of quests in the area.
  • Kill rare spawns for mounts and toys.
  • A special World Quest which tasks players with killing a World Boss named Ivus the Forest Lord for loot.

Alliance controls Darkshore, Horde contribution phase[]

Neither team is able to access the Warfront feature at this time. This stage will last until the Horde reaches 100% contribution.

Now, The Alliance will be able to teleport to Darkshore at any point as they maintain control. There will be some things to do:

  • Complete a number of quests in the area.
  • Kill rare spawns for mounts and toys.
  • Defeat the World Boss Ivus the Corrupted for loot.

Alliance controls Darkshore, Horde Warfronts phase[]

Similar to stage one, Horde players will be able to access Warfronts and the countdown clock for Alliance control of Arathi starts. This phase will also last for 7 days.

The content that Alliance players have will not change. They are still able to teleport to the zone, complete quests and kill the World Boss Ivus the Corrupted for loot.

Horde controls Darkshore, Alliance contribution phase[]

Just like the second stage, neither team is able to access the Warfront feature at this time. This stage will last until the Alliance reaches 100% contribution.

Now, Horde will once again be able to teleport to Darkshore at any point as they maintain control. There will again be some things to do:

  • Complete a number of quests in the area.
  • Kill rare spawns for mounts and toys.
  • Defeat the World Boss Ivus the Forest Lord for loot.


Stub Please add any available information to this section.

Alliance Alliance: Maiev Shadowsong - Sira Moonwarden[]

Mariner Farsight  yells: There--in the distance. I can't quite make it out...
Mariner Swiftstar says: What is that?
Captain Taldar Windsinger yells: Bat riders! Take cover!
Maiev Shadowsong yells: Quickly, get to shore!
Capturing Bashal'Aran
Maiev Shadowsong says: To battle!
Deathguard Captain Vandel yells: Your efforts end here.
Maiev Shadowsong yells: Do not falter. The Horde trespasses on kaldorei land. Auberdine will be reclaimed!
Sira Moonwarden says: Maiev! You are a fool if you think you can stop us.
Maiev Shadowsong says: Sira... What has that banshee done to you?
Sira Moonwarden says: These lands have been forsaken by Elune. You will leave, or you will die!
Maiev Shadowsong says: If we are to put an end to this horror, we must secure Bashal'Aran. Move!
Maiev Shadowsong says: Hold the line! Those ancients need our aid!
Malfurion Stormrage says: Spirits of nature, heed our call. Mighty ancients, join us as we restore the land.
Maiev Shadowsong says: Well done. With Bashal'Aran secured, we will bolster our forces and strike at the Horde. Fight for every resource from here to Lor'danel.
Sira Moonwarden says: There is no hope for you, Maiev. The forces of death are endless. You will watch your pathetic base crumble into dust.
Maiev Shadowsong says: None can evade the strike of a true warden. You should know that better than anyone!
Capturing Lornesta Mine & Cinderfall Grove
  • Maiev Shadowsong says: The ruins of Lornesta belong to us now. The iron in their vicinity will benefit our soldiers.
  • Maiev Shadowsong says: The lumber mill at Cinderfall Grove is under our control. With its wood, we can improve our buildings and reinforce our base.
Buildings complete
  • Maiev Shadowsong says: The Ancient of War has joined our cause. Now we can have Jarod bring more troops to Bashal'Aran.
  • Maiev Shadowsong says: The Altar of Elders is complete. Tap into it to empower yourself, or to take the form of a potent ally.
  • Maiev Shadowsong says: We have finished building the Hunter's Hall. Provide it with the resources it needs to improve our weapons and armor.
  • Maiev Shadowsong says: Our Tree of Life has become a Tree of Ages. It is time to start building the Glaiveworks.
  • Maiev Shadowsong says: The Glaiveworks is ready. Use it to build glaive throwers that can destroy the machines blocking our path to Lor'danel.
  • Maiev Shadowsong says: We now have a Tree of Eternity on our side. Recruit additional forces and take the fight to Sira!
Areas taken
  • Maiev Shadowsong says: We have captured Forlorn Crossing. Hold the crossroads and protect Bashal'Aran!
  • Maiev Shadowsong says: The Alliance now holds Gloomtide Strand. We can now recruit druids into our ranks, and invoke the aid of a powerful archdruid.
  • Maiev Shadowsong says: Ashwood Depot belongs to the Alliance. Now we can quickly traverse the battlefield and call chimaera to aid us.
Lor'danel Landing taken
  • Maiev Shadowsong says: Lor'danel is ours, but Sira still awaits us on that goblin monstrosity. Protect our glaive throwers as they bring down its defenses.
  • Maiev Shadowsong says: With the Horde's gunships on the retreat, we now have a clear path to Sira herself. Take a hyppogryph. It is time to finish this.
Assaulting the Dredge
Maiev Shadowsong yells: This is your last warning, Sira. In Elune's name, stand down!
Sira Moonwarden yells: Elune be damned! I will watch you all burn, just as she did!
Maiev Shadowsong yells: Then you leave me no choice! Bandu thoribas!
Attacking Sira Moonwarden
Sira Moonwarden yells: Death to the Alliance!
Sira Moonwarden yells: A Warden is prepared, even in death.
Sira Moonwarden yells: Suffer as I have!
Sira Moonwarden yells: You will all face death... in the end.

Horde Horde: Sira Moonwarden - Maiev Shadowsong[]

Avery Nightwing yells: What's that on the horizon? Looks like...
Second Mate Florinius says: What are those?
Dread-Captain Coldfathom yells: Chimaera! Take cover!
Sira Moonwarden yells: Get to shore before we are overrun!
Capturing Bashal'Aran
Sira Moonwarden says: Battle awaits!
Nevara Nightshade yells: Halt! You'll go no further.
Sira Moonwarden says: Show no mercy, for you can expect none from Maiev.
Maiev Shadowsong says: Sira... No... Turn back now, or I will be forced to strike you down!
Maiev Shadowsong says: Has the Horde robbed you of all honor, Sira? You will be brought to justice.
Sira Moonwarden says: Maiev. She is a fool to think she can stop us.
Sira Moonwarden says: Press forward to Bashal'Aran. From there, we will lay waste to the Alliance!
Deathstalker Commander Belmont yells: Champions! Free us so we may continue our mission.
Deathstalker Commander Belmont yells: Tales of my demise were gravely exaggerated.
Master Apothecary Faranell yells: Finally free!
Master Apothecary Faranell yells: Back to the Dark Lady's mission. Let's make some blight!
Deathstalker Commander Belmont says: It won't matter how far we push into Darkshore if the night elves circle back and attack us from behind.
Master Apothecary Faranell says: That's what the plague wagons are for. Just need Blightcaller to give the order.
Nathanos Blightcaller says: Blight it all, from here to the shoreline.
Sira Moonwarden says: Hold your ground! Do what needs to be done.
Sira Moonwarden says: Bashal'Aran is under our control. Scour the region for more resources and lay waste to any obstacles between here and Lor'danel.
Maiev Shadowsong says: You are a Warden no longer, Sira! You have abandoned everything we stand for!
Sira Moonwarden says: It is you who abandoned us, Maiev! You burdened me with everything in your absence!
Buildings complete
  • Sira Moonwarden says: The Barracks are fully constructed. Make use of them to recruit additional forces.
  • Sira Moonwarden says: We have finished building the Altar of Storms. Absorb its power yourself, or use it to take the shape of a formidable ally.
  • Sira Moonwarden says: The Armory is ready for use. Provide it with the resources it needs to improve our weapons and armor.
  • Sira Moonwarden says: Our Great Hall is now a Stronghold. We can start building a workshop without delay.
  • Sira Moonwarden says: The workshop is now operational. Begin building catapults so that we can clear a path to Lor'danel.
  • Sira Moonwarden says: Our Stronghold has become a Fortress. Rally our forces and prepare to storm the islet!
Areas taken
  • Sira Moonwarden says: Good. The magic of Gloomtide Strand will allow our apothecary to train alchemists and create a monster to fight beside us.
  • Sira Moonwarden says: Forlorn Crossing is secured. Hold the crossroads and maintain our grasp on Bashal'Aran!
  • Sira Moonwarden says: With Ashwood Depot under our control, we can swiftly navigate the battlefield and call down aid from the skies.
Lor'danel Landing taken
  • Maiev Shadowsong says: Die, Horde filth! Ash'al theradas!
Sira Moonwarden says: We do not fear death! We are its harbingers!
  • Sira Moonwarden says: Prepare to attack, Maiev awaits us.
Deploy the Blight!
Nathanos Blightcaller says: Leave nothing alive.
Assaulting the Dredge
Maiev Shadowsong yells: How can you side with the Horde, sister? How can you abandon justice?
Sira Moonwarden yells: You dare speak to me of justice? I died following your orders. You abandoned me!
Maiev Shadowsong yells: I failed you, Sira. And I will atone for it by releasing you from your torment.
Maiev Shadowsong yells: For the kaldorei!
Attacking Maiev Shadowsong
Maiev Shadowsong yells: Vengeance for Teldrassil!
Maiev Shadowsong yells: Burn Horde scum!
Maiev Shadowsong yells: Horde scum!
Maiev Shadowsong yells: I will not be defeated so easily...



  • Patch 8.1 - Battle for Darkshore.jpg

  • 8.1 - Battle for Darkshore.jpg

  • 8.1 - Battle for Darkshore 2.jpg

  • Alliance sets

    Alliance sets

  • Horde sets

    Horde sets


Patch changes[]


External links[]

Alliance scenario Horde scenario

Conflicts starting since Deathwing's Cataclysm

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