
  • ️Tue Oct 14 2014
For other uses, see Battlemaster (disambiguation).
Battleground Battlemaster HS

Battleground Battlemaster in Hearthstone.

Battlemasters are NPCs that offer characters the opportunity to join the queue for battlegrounds. Originally one of the only ways to queue for battlegrounds, with the introduction of the PvP interface, battlemasters are largely redundant, and serve no practical purpose.

Each capital city has several battlemasters, but not all capital cities have battlemasters for all the battlegrounds: only Stormwind City and Orgrimmar have Tol Barad Battle-Mages, and only Dalaran has Wintergrasp Battle-Mages. The battlemasters can usually be found gathered in one place, often a war-room or similar. Battlemasters can also be found at the entrances to the original battlegrounds. Interacting with any battlemaster will open the PvP interface window. When using the tracking system with the minimap battlemasters will appear with the Alliance and Horde icons (MiniIcon BattleMaster) at their locations.

City battlemasters were originally the only way to queue for a battleground without travelling to the physical entrance of that battleground. There was one battlemaster for each battleground, with players having to seek out the correct battlemaster to queue for the corresponding battleground. Players who had queued for a battleground could continue to travel around and play the game while they were queued, but upon leaving the battleground would be immediately teleported back to the battlemaster's location. Since battlemasters were located in cities, players generally had to travel from the zones where they were adventuring in order to seek out a battlemaster, making it difficult to combine battlegrounds with non-city-based activities. With the introduction of the PvP interface, battlemasters were made redundant, as players can access the same options directly through the Micro Menu, without needing to seek out a battlemaster.


Battlemasters come in two varieties: warriors and mages. Battlemasters without a mana bar are considered warriors. City battlemasters are often in separate areas from normal PvP combat, however Sylvanas Windrunner and Velen both pull with their respective city battlemasters.

Warrior battlemasters use strong physical attacks, can Ability warrior cleave [Cleave], have a Ability golemthunderclap Frightening Shout, Ability warrior savageblow [Mortal Strike], and Ability whirlwind [Whirlwind] attacks. As such, they are best kept separated from the rest of your party to minimize their overall damage and interference during combat.

Mage battlemasters are weak physically but use Spell frost frostarmor02 [Frost Armor], Spell fire flamebolt [Fireball], Spell fire fireball [Fire Blast], Spell frost frostbolt02 [Frostbolt], Spell nature polymorph [Polymorph], and "Amplify Damage". "Amplify Damage" increases the target's damage taken by 100% for 10 seconds and as such should be dispelled quickly. When engaged with a city leader they should be quickly eliminated to avoid sudden spikes in tank damage.

Alliance Crest Alliance battlemasters[]

Location Battlemasters Battlegrounds
Darnassus (Warrior's Terrace) IconSmall NightElf Male Landuen Moonclaw
IconSmall NightElf Female Rissa Shadeleaf
Ironforge (Hall of Arms, Military Ward) IconSmall Dwarf Male Borim Goldhammer
IconSmall Gnome Female Lixa Felflinger
Stormwind City (War Room, Stormwind Keep) IconSmall Human Female Alison Devay
IconSmall Human Male Devin Fardale
IconSmall Human Female Kaellin Tarvane
Tol Barad Cataclysm
Exodar (Vault of Lights) Bc icon IconSmall Draenei Female Hunara
IconSmall Draenei Male Liedel the Just
Shattrath City (Lower City) Bc icon IconSmall Draenei Male Jonru
IconSmall Draenei Female Mijiri
Dalaran (Silver Enclave) Wrath-Logo-Small IconSmall HighElf Male Arcanist Braedin Wintergrasp Wrath-Logo-Small
Alterac Valley tunnel, Hillsbrad Foothills IconSmall Dwarf Male Grumbol Grimhammer All
Silverwing Grove, Ashenvale IconSmall NightElf Female Su'ura Swiftarrow All
Refuge Pointe, Arathi Highlands IconSmall Human Male Radulf Leder All

Horde Crest Horde battlemasters[]

Location Battlemasters Battlegrounds
Orgrimmar (Hall of the Brave, Valley of Honor) IconSmall Orc Female Karba Blazemaw
IconSmall Orc Male Karg Skullgore
IconSmall Orc Female Zugra Flamefist
Tol Barad Cataclysm
Silvermoon City (Hall of Blood) Bc icon IconSmall BloodElf Male Alenjon Sunblade
IconSmall BloodElf Female Irissa Bloodstar
Thunder Bluff (Hunter Rise) IconSmall Tauren Female Mosha Starhorn
IconSmall Tauren Male Ruk Warstomper
Undercity (Royal Quarter) IconSmall Undead Male Deathstalker Fane
IconSmall Undead Female Misery
Shattrath City (Lower City) Bc icon IconSmall BloodElf Female Asara Dawnblaze
IconSmall BloodElf Male Saeld Brightflare
Dalaran (Sunreaver's Sanctuary) Wrath-Logo-Small IconSmall BloodElf Male Magister Surdiel Wintergrasp Wrath-Logo-Small
Alterac Valley tunnel, Hillsbrad Foothills IconSmall Orc Female Usha Eyegouge All
Mor'shan Base Camp, Northern Barrens IconSmall Orc Male Gargok All
Hammerfall, Arathi Highlands IconSmall Undead Female The Black Bride All

Removed battlemasters[]

Battlegrounds and Wintergrasp[]

Wintergrasp battlemasters were removed in patch 4.0.3a, and most battlemasters for specific battlegrounds were removed in patch 6.0.2.

Alliance Alliance battlemasters
Emissary Stormwind City Ironforge Darnassus Bc iconExodar Bc iconShattrath City Arathi Highlands
Warsong Gulch Silverwing Emissary Elfarran Lylandris Aethalas Jihi Lylandor
Alterac Valley Stormpike Emissary Thelman Slatefist Glordrum Steelbeard Brogun Stoneshield Mahul Haelga Slatefist
Arathi Basin League of Arathor Emissary Lady Hoteshem Donal Osgood Keras Wolfheart Tolo Adam Eternum Sir Maximus Adams
Bc iconEye of the Storm Eye of the Storm Emissary Jovil Kandaar Enlae Mitia Iravar
Wrath-Logo-SmallWintergrasp Arcanist Paharin Arcanist Laniria Arcanist Dulial Arcanist Nazalia Arcanist Iramhir
Wrath-Logo-SmallStrand of the Ancients Strand of the Ancients Emissary Bethany Aldire Marga Bearbrawn Nivara Bladedancer Buhurda Vinvo Goldgear
Wrath-Logo-SmallIsle of Conquest Isle of Conquest Emissary Dracien Flanning Lynette Bracer Terrance Matterly Erutor Marsa Keybrand
CataclysmBattle for Gilneas Gilnean Emissary Lormic Farroden Henry Lew Scot Moore Lesun
CataclysmTwin Peaks Wildhammer Emissary Gend Goldwing Heng Cloudhammer Lurik Stoneclaw Tarna Brightfeather
Mists of PandariaSilvershard Mines Silvershard Emissary
Mists of PandariaTemple of Kotmogu Tushui Emissary
Horde Horde battlemasters
Envoy Orgrimmar Thunder Bluff Undercity Bc iconSilvermoon City Bc iconShattrath City
Warsong Gulch Warsong Envoy Brakgul Deathbringer Kergul Bloodaxe Kurden Bloodclaw Krukk Montok Redhands
Alterac Valley Frostwolf Envoy Kartra Bloodsnarl Taim Ragetotem Grizzle Halfmane Gurak Wolf-Sister Maka
Arathi Basin Defilers Envoy Deze Snowbane Martin Lindsey Sir Malory Wheeler Karen Wentworth Keldor the Lost
Bc iconEye of the Storm Eye of the Storm Envoy Andrissa Heartspear Althallen Brightblade Lyrlia Blackshield Duyash the Cruel Yula the Fair
Wrath-Logo-SmallWintergrasp Magister Savarin Magister Dalhyr Magistrix Erembria Magistrix Caradess Magistrix Aldessia
Wrath-Logo-SmallStrand of the Ancients Strand of the Ancients Envoy Ufuda Giant-Slayer Godo Cloudweaver Sarah Forthright Mabrian Fardawn Jojindi
Wrath-Logo-SmallIsle of Conquest Isle of Conquest Envoy Gorom Warfang Deathscreamer Gura Marog Bruka Woebringer Orgo Ribcrusher
CataclysmBattle for Gilneas Gilnean Envoy Patrick Rudolph Nathan Lamusga Hans Crump Caley McCready
CataclysmTwin Peaks Dragonmaw Envoy Envoy Droln Envoy Karlog Envoy Ragda Envoy Turom
Mists of PandariaSilvershard Mines Silvershard Envoy
Mists of PandariaTemple of Kotmogu Huojin Envoy


Arena battlemasters were removed in patch 3.2.0.

Bc icon AllianceAlliance
Beka Zipwhistle Stormwind City
Max Xim Ironforge
Fima Five-Fingers Darnassus
Miglik Blotstrom Exodar
Zeggon Botsnap Orgrimmar
Fizim Blastwrench Thunder Bluff
Rex Pixem Undercity
Bipp Glizzitor Silvermoon City
Max Luna Tanaris
"Backstab" Bindo Gearbomb Shattrath City
Kixi the Shiv Shattrath City
Ear-Biter Nagrand
"Lefty" Puddemup Blade's Edge Mountains
Wrath-Logo-Small "Dapper" Danik Blackshaft Dalaran
"Techs" Rickard Rustbolt Dalaran
Schembari "Uncle Sal" Shearbolt Dalaran
Ramik Slamwrench Dalaran
Minzi the Minx Dalaran


Aelus Goldmorn in Silvermoon City and Sawemba in Orgrimmar were generic battlemasters, like the battlemasters still in-game today.

Arena Battlemasters for Arena Tournaments were found in all races' starting areas on Arena Tournament realms.

Patch changes[]

See also[]