Besieged Villager

  • ️Tue Jul 17 2018
AllianceBesieged Villager
No image available
Gender Both
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 20-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Kul Tiras
Occupation Villager
Location Falconhurst, Drustvar
Status Alive

Besieged Villagers are humans located at Falconhurst in Drustvar.



Different dialogues can trigger between the Besieged Villager found in the house near the sea and the children.

  • Wavespeaker
Besieged Villager Child says: Tell us a story!
Besieged Villager says: Long ago, were two children, Koralynn and Domenic.
Besieged Villager says: Koralynn was strong and clever.
Besieged Villager says: She studied the charts of stars, currents and hunting grounds. She watched the sailors and learned.
Besieged Villager says: Koralynn was everything a Kul Tiran should be. Her brother was not.
Besieged Villager says: Domenic was odd. He paced across the decks as if in a dream, often humming.
Besieged Villager says: He lost his balance in the rigging and never picked up on how to properly tie knots or trim sails.
Besieged Villager says: The less said about his attempts to run a galley the better!
Besieged Villager says: So all were surprised when Koralynn picked him for the crew in her first command - including Domenic!
Besieged Villager says: But while Koralynn had been watching and learning, she'd also been watching her brother.
Besieged Villager says: He seemed to know the sea in a way no one else did; when the storms would come, when the tides would change and where to fish for food.
Besieged Villager says: One day they set sail, hunting for Kraken to feed the fleet, but there were none to be found in the usual spots!
Besieged Villager says: For weeks they could not find food, the situation growing more dire!
Besieged Villager says: Korralyn[sic] decided they needed to hunt elsewhere.
Besieged Villager says: "Brother, where do you think we should hunt?" she asked, for his intuition had never steered her wrong.
Besieged Villager says: Her brother considered the question for a long while, as if listening to a song no one else could hear. Then he pointed. "My gut says the shoals near Kalimdor."
Besieged Villager says: "They are dangerous!" the crew cried! "The ship will be smashed to bits!"
Besieged Villager says: "I believe the seas will be calm and the winds sure," Domenic said. The small hunting fleet marveled at the speed of their journey as his prediction proved true.
Besieged Villager says: But when they arrived, the ships found they were the ones being hunted.
Besieged Villager says: A massive kraken, bigger than their largest ship, rose from the depths!
Besieged Villager Child says: Oh my!
Besieged Villager says: "To port!" Domenic cried in a panic, a tug like the tides pulling him in that direction. The ship turned. "Starboard ahead!" Again his sister followed his direction.
Besieged Villager says: Weaving through the rocks, Domenic's direction was true, but the kraken gained ground in the chase!
Besieged Villager says: Massive stones suddenly rose ahead of them in the waters.
Besieged Villager says: "We're dead!" cried the crew.
Besieged Villager says: Then suddenly, a kraken, three times the size of the one that hunted them, formed from the waters!
Besieged Villager says: It lifted the fleeing ships over the rocks! The hunting Kraken swam after its escaping prey!
Besieged Villager says: But the waters receded. The beast was impaled on the rocks!
Besieged Villager Child says: Haha!
Besieged Villager says: And Domenic, with shaking hands and wide eyes, realized the sea had answered his call.
Besieged Villager says: "Well brother," Koralynn said, "you're a rotten sailor, but I think you're going to be an excellent Tidesage."
Besieged Villager Child says: Heehee
  • Lord Arom
Besieged Villager Child says: Tell us a story!
Besieged Villager says: One day while Lord Arom was hunting for food in the forest he came upon a massive white stag.
Besieged Villager says: The stag had been attacked by the Drust and had killed many but was injured.
Besieged Villager says: Lord Arom's people needed food and the massive deer would feed many, but he decided not to strike.
Besieged Villager says: "Anyone who can fight off so many Drust is someone I wish to have in my forests," he thought. So Lord Arom healed the stag's injuries.
Besieged Villager says: The stag bounded into the woods and Arom made camp.
Besieged Villager says: In the night, the Drust attacked!
Besieged Villager says: Lord Arom stood against ten warriors! He fought valiantly and with cunning but he was out numbered and surrounded!
Besieged Villager says: Determined to take down as many warriors as he could, he held his ground.
Besieged Villager says: A mighty bellow came from the forest!
Besieged Villager says: The white stag returned and trampled some of the Drust!
Besieged Villager says: Together Arom and the White Stag fought the warriors and defeated them.
Besieged Villager says: "Thank you, my friend," Arom said to the stag.
Besieged Villager says: "You are welcome. I was repaying the kindness you showed me."
Besieged Villager says: "By the light! You can speak!" Arom exclaimed!
Besieged Villager says: "I am Athair, the Heart of this forest. As long as I exist, I shall protect you and yours should they come to me," the stag said.
Besieged Villager says: The he turned and vanished into the woods. Since then, the valiant and true have found shelter with the White Stag of the forest.
  • Kobolds and Catacombs
Besieged Villager says: Would you kids like to sing a song?
Besieged Villager Child says: Yay!
Besieged Villager Child says: Yeah!
Besieged Villager Child says: Yeah!
Besieged Villager Child says: Yay!
Besieged Villager says: Legends tell of a vast underground world...
Besieged Villager says: and the countless treasures that lie in store for worthy adventurers...
Besieged Villager says: You've signed up the best, you're on a great quest
Besieged Villager says: to find the mighty motherlode.
Besieged Villager says: There's treasure galore, but perils in store, and construction that isn't up to code.
Besieged Villager says: Trespass with care, there's sure to be something rare, you can grab all the loot that you can handle!
Besieged Villager says: Such riches you'll own, but leave one thing alooooooone...
Besieged Villager says: YOU NO TAKE CANDLE!
Besieged Villager Child says: YOU NO TAKE CANDLE!
Besieged Villager Child says: YOU NO TAKE CANDLE!
Besieged Villager Child says: YOU NO TAKE CANDLE!
Besieged Villager Child says: YOU NO TAKE CANDLE!
Besieged Villager says: And if you steal their light, you then must take flight, eluding each hazard and each trap!
Besieged Villager says: It's a chaotic race, as the monsters give chase, and all the while, you're trying to follow the map!
Besieged Villager says: They're gaining on you, your options are few,
Besieged Villager says: and you hear that you're never gonna get hoooooome!
Besieged Villager says: You've sought after wealth, will you lose all your heeeealth...
Besieged Villager says: to Kobolds and Catacombs?


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