Blackhand's Crucible: Blackhand

  • ️Tue Feb 24 2015
AllianceBlackhand's Crucible: Blackhand
Start Muradin Bronzebeard
End Bodrick Grey
Level 40 (Requires 40)
Type Raid
Category Blackrock Foundry
Rewards Inv misc bag 36 [Greater Bounty Spoils]

61g 60s

Repeatable Weekly


Defeat Blackhand in the Blackrock Foundry.


Ol' Grommash cannot rule the Iron Horde without his Warlords keeping the clans in line. Let's deal 'em a blow that they can't recover from! Blackhand, Warlord of the Blackrock clan, is a dauntless warrior and ruthless tyrant. He's second only to Grommash within the Iron Horde and oversees operations in the Foundry from atop its Crucible.

Travel to the Blackrock Foundry and defeat Blackhand.


You will receive: 61g 60s
Inv misc bag 36 [Greater Bounty Spoils]


Blackhand wields a smoldering slag hammer--a weapon like that is forged perhaps once a generation.


So it's done, then? The foundry is in shambles. We've delivered a mighty blow today, commander. Great work!

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