Burning Crusade reputation rewards

Reputation rewards

The Burning Crusade Bc icon
Wrath of the Lich King Wrath-Logo-Small
Cataclysm Cataclysm
Mists of Pandaria Mists of Pandaria
Warlords of Draenor Warlords of Draenor
Legion Legion
Battle for Azeroth Battle for Azeroth
Shadowlands Shadowlands
Dragonflight Dragonflight

This article is a list of all reputation rewards for The Burning Crusade factions.


Honor Hold[]

Logistics Officer Ulrike
<Honor Hold Quartermaster>
Reputation Item Cost Type
Friendly Inv scroll 06 [Design: Regal Deep Peridot] 6g Jewelcrafting (315)
Inv scroll 05 [Pattern: Felstalker Belt] 12g Leatherworking (350)
Inv drink waterskin 05 [Footman's Waterskin] 20s Consumable
Inv mushroom 01 [Dried Mushroom Rations] 45s Consumable
Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Superior Healing] 6g Enchanting (325)
Honored Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Cobrahide Leg Armor] 6g Leatherworking (335)
Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Elixir of Major Agility] 5g Alchemy (330)
Inv scroll 05 [Pattern: Felstalker Bracers] 16g Leatherworking (360)
Inv scroll 05 [Pattern: Felstalker Breastplate] 16g Leatherworking (360)
Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Transmute Skyfire Diamond] 8g Alchemy (350)
Inv sword 20 [Footman's Longsword] 34g 98s 1c One Hand Sword
Inv jewelry ring 11 [Sage's Band] 11g 47s 80c Ring
Inv shoulder 22 [Crusader's Ornamented Spaulders] 22g 35s 13c Plate Shoulder
Inv gauntlets 29 [Crusader's Scaled Gauntlets] 15g 7s 19c Plate Hands
Inv helmet 22 [Savage Plate Helm] 22g 52s 19c Plate Head
Inv helmet 09 [Seer's Linked Helm] 19g 5s 3c Mail Head
Inv chest chain 11 [Seer's Mail Armor] 27g 14s 76c Mail Chest
Inv gauntlets 11 [Seer's Ringmail Gloves] 12g 65s 14c Mail Hands
Inv gauntlets 11 [Stalker's Chain Gauntlets] 12g 74s 90c Mail Hands
Inv chest leather 03 [Dragonhide Robe] 22g 38s 11c Leather Chest
Inv shoulder 12 [Kodohide Spaulders] 16g 84s 68c Leather Shoulder
Inv gauntlets 28 [Wyrmhide Gloves] 11g 27s 19c Leather Hands
Inv gauntlets 28 [Opportunist's Leather Gloves] 11g 15s 9c Leather Hands
Inv chest cloth 43 [Dreadweave Robe] 17g 58s 29c Cloth Chest
Inv shoulder 19 [Evoker's Silk Amice] 13g 23s 46c Cloth Shoulder
Inv chest cloth 43 [Mooncloth Vestments] 17g 77s 64c Cloth Chest
Inv helmet 30 [Satin Hood] 13g 28s 35c Cloth Head
Revered Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Chest - Exceptional Stats] 6g Enchanting (345)
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Dawnstone Crab] 12g Jewelcrafting (370)
Inv weapon halberd 12 [Hellforged Halberd] 55g 50s 19c Polearm
Inv jewelry ring 43 [Ring of Convalescence] 17g 59s 52c Ring
Exalted Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Nethercobra Leg Armor] 12g Leatherworking (365)
Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Subtlety] 9g Enchanting (300)
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Felsteel Shield Spike] 6g Blacksmithing (360)
Inv shirt guildtabard 01 [Honor Hold Tabard] 1g Tabard
Inv sword 11 [Honor's Call] 192g 13s 50c One Hand Sword
Inv weapon rifle 02 [Veteran's Musket] 152g 27s 89c Gun
Inv weapon shortblade 37 [Blade of the Archmage] 204g 50s 2c Main Hand Sword


Trader Narasu
<Kurenai Quartermaster>
Item Cost Type
Friendly Inv scroll 05 [Pattern: Netherfury Belt] 12g Leatherworking
Honored Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Reinforced Mining Bag] 5g Leatherworking
Inv scroll 06 [Pattern: Drums of Restoration] 16g Leatherworking
Inv scroll 06 [Pattern: Drums of Speed] 16g Leatherworking
Inv scroll 05 [Pattern: Netherfury Leggings] 12g Leatherworking
Revered Inv scroll 06 [Recipe: Transmute Primal Fire to Earth] 8g Alchemy
Inv jewelry ring 35 [Band of Elemental Spirits] 17g 59s 52c Ring
Inv pants leather 14 [Kurenai Kilt] 21g 88s 18c Leather
Inv shoulder 25 [Blackened Leather Spaulders] 16g 7s 43c Leather
Inv scroll 05 [Pattern: Netherfury Boots] 12g Leatherworking
Exalted Inv mace 45 [Arechron's Gift] 52g 43s 92c Two-Handed Mace
Inv misc cape 19 [Cloak of the Ancient Spirits] 13g 3s 14c Cloth
Inv helmet 04 [Far Seer's Helm] 20g 71s 31c Mail
Inv misc foot centaur [Reins of the Cobalt Riding Talbuk] 70g Mount
Inv misc foot centaur [Reins of the Silver Riding Talbuk] 70g Mount
Inv misc foot centaur [Reins of the Tan Riding Talbuk] 70g Mount
Inv misc foot centaur [Reins of the White Riding Talbuk] 70g Mount
Inv misc foot centaur [Reins of the Cobalt War Talbuk] 100g Mount
Inv misc foot centaur [Reins of the Silver War Talbuk] 100g Mount
Inv misc foot centaur [Reins of the Tan War Talbuk] 100g Mount
Inv misc foot centaur [Reins of the White War Talbuk] 100g Mount
Inv shirt guildtabard 01 [Kurenai Tabard] 1g Tabard



Provisioner Nasela
<Mag'har Quartermaster>
Item Cost Type
Friendly Inv scroll 05 [Pattern: Netherfury Belt] 12g Leatherworking
Honored Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Reinforced Mining Bag] 5g Leatherworking
Inv scroll 06 [Pattern: Drums of Restoration] 16g Leatherworking
Inv scroll 06 [Pattern: Drums of Speed] 16g Leatherworking
Inv scroll 05 [Pattern: Netherfury Leggings] 12g Leatherworking
Revered Inv scroll 06 [Recipe: Transmute Primal Fire to Earth] 8g Alchemy
Inv jewelry ring 15 [Band of Ancestral Spirits] 17g 59s 52c Ring
Inv shoulder 07 [Talbuk Hide Spaulders] 16g 71s 32c Leather
Inv pants leather 14 [Tempest Leggings] 21g 80s 4c Leather
Inv scroll 05 [Pattern: Netherfury Boots] 12g Leatherworking
Exalted Inv axe 44 [Hellscream's Will] 52g 23s 58c Two-Handed Axe
Inv misc cape 06 [Ceremonial Cover] 12g 63s 29c Cloth
Inv helmet 17 [Earthcaller's Headdress] 20g 63s 98c Mail
Inv misc foot centaur [Reins of the Cobalt Riding Talbuk] 70g Mount
Inv misc foot centaur [Reins of the Silver Riding Talbuk] 70g Mount
Inv misc foot centaur [Reins of the Tan Riding Talbuk] 70g Mount
Inv misc foot centaur [Reins of the White Riding Talbuk] 70g Mount
Inv misc foot centaur [Reins of the Cobalt War Talbuk] 100g Mount
Inv misc foot centaur [Reins of the Silver War Talbuk] 100g Mount
Inv misc foot centaur [Reins of the Tan War Talbuk] 100g Mount
Inv misc foot centaur [Reins of the White War Talbuk] 100g Mount
Inv shirt guildtabard 01 [Mag'har Tabard] 1g Tabard


Quartermaster Urgronn
<Thrallmar Quartermaster>
Rep Item Cost Type
Friendly Inv misc food 42 [Dried Fruit Rations] 45s Consumable
Inv drink waterskin 05 [Grunt's Waterskin] 20s Consumable
Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Bracer - Superior Healing] 6g Enchanting (325)
Inv scroll 06 [Design: Regal Deep Peridot] 6g Jewelcrafting (315)
Inv scroll 05 [Pattern: Felstalker Belt] 12g Leatherworking (350)
Honored Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Elixir of Major Agility] 5g Alchemy (330)
Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Transmute Skyfire Diamond] 8g Alchemy (350)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Cobrahide Leg Armor] 6g Leatherworking (335)
Inv scroll 05 [Pattern: Felstalker Bracers] 16g Leatherworking (360)
Inv scroll 05 [Pattern: Felstalker Breastplate] 16g Leatherworking (360)
Inv jewelry ring 17 [Farseer's Band] 11g 47s Ring
Inv axe 11 [Grunt's Waraxe] 34g 73s One-Hand Axe
Inv shoulder 22 [Crusader's Ornamented Spaulders] 22g 60s 2c Plate
Inv gauntlets 29 [Crusader's Scaled Gauntlets] 15g 99s 1c Plate
Inv chest leather 03 [Dragonhide Robe] 21g 8s 56c Leather
Inv chest cloth 43 [Dreadweave Robe] 17g 64s 97c Cloth
Inv shoulder 19 [Evoker's Silk Amice] 13g 77s 4c Cloth
Inv shoulder 12 [Kodohide Spaulders] 16g 5s 67c Leather
Inv chest cloth 43 [Mooncloth Vestments] 17g 97s 17c Cloth
Inv gauntlets 28 [Opportunist's Leather Gloves] 10g 78s 58c Leather
Inv helmet 30 [Satin Hood] 13g 57s 64c Cloth
Inv helmet 22 [Savage Plate Helm] 23g 46s 46c Plate
Inv helmet 09 [Seer's Linked Helm] 19g 19s 28c Mail
Seer's Mail Armor (Thrallmar) 25g 88s 8c Mail
Inv gauntlets 11 [Seer's Ringmail Gloves] 13g 23s 20c Mail
Inv gauntlets 11 [Stalker's Chain Gauntlets] 13g 82s 58c Mail
Inv gauntlets 28 [Wyrmhide Gloves] 10g 98s 71c Leather
Revered Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Chest - Exceptional Stats] 6g Enchanting (345)
Inv jewelry ring 22 [Ancestral Band] 17g 59s Ring
Inv spear 03 [Blackened Spear] 55g 70s Two-Hand Polearm
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Dawnstone Crab] 12g Jewelcrafting (370)
Exalted Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Felsteel Shield Spike] 6g Blacksmithing (360)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Nethercobra Leg Armor] 12g Leatherworking (365)
Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Subtlety] 2g 50s Enchanting (300)
Inv shirt guildtabard 01 [Thrallmar Tabard] 1g Tabard
Inv weapon bow 08 [Marksman's Bow] 159g 99s Bow
Inv sword 01 [Stormcaller] 215g 60s Main Hand Sword
Inv axe 10 [Warbringer] 207g 99s One-Hand Axe


Ashtongue Deathsworn[]

<Ashtongue Deathsworn Quartermaster>
Rep Item Cost Type
Friendly Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Boots of Shackled Souls] 8g Leatherworking (375)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Bracers of Shackled Souls] 8g Leatherworking (375)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Redeemed Soul Cinch] 8g Leatherworking (375)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Redeemed Soul Legguards] 8g Leatherworking (375)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Soulguard Bracers] 8g Tailoring (375)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Soulguard Girdle] 8g Tailoring (375)
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Shadesteel Bracers] 8g Blacksmithing (375)
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Shadesteel Girdle] 8g Blacksmithing (375)
Honored Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Greaves of Shackled Souls] 8g Leatherworking (375)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Waistguard of Shackled Souls] 8g Leatherworking (375)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Redeemed Soul Moccasins] 8g Leatherworking (375)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Redeemed Soul Wristguards] 8g Leatherworking (375)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Soulguard Leggings] 8g Tailoring (375)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Soulguard Slippers] 8g Tailoring (375)
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Shadesteel Greaves] 8g Blacksmithing (375)
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Shadesteel Sabots] 8g Blacksmithing (375)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Night's End] 8g Tailoring (375)
Exalted Inv jewelry necklace 27 [Ashtongue Talisman of Acumen] 28g 81s 56c Trinket (Priest)
Inv qiraj jewelengraved [Ashtongue Talisman of Equilibrium] 28g 81s 56c Trinket (Druid)
Inv misc elvencoins [Ashtongue Talisman of Insight] 28g 81s 56c Trinket (Mage)
Inv misc coin 10 [Ashtongue Talisman of Lethality] 28g 81s 56c Trinket (Rogue)
Inv qirajidol night [Ashtongue Talisman of Shadows] 28g 81s 56c Trinket (Warlock)
Inv jewelry talisman 09 [Ashtongue Talisman of Swiftness] 28g 81s 56c Trinket (Hunter)
Inv jewelry necklace 18 [Ashtongue Talisman of Valor] 28g 81s 56c Trinket (Warrior)
Inv jewelry necklace 31 [Ashtongue Talisman of Vision] 28g 81s 56c Trinket (Shaman)
Inv qiraj jewelblessed [Ashtongue Talisman of Zeal] 28g 81s 56c Trinket (Paladin)

Cenarion Expedition[]

Fedryen Swiftspear
<Cenarion Expedition Quartermaster>
Rep Item Cost Type
Friendly Inv enchant essenceastralsmall [Expedition Flare] 80s Consumable
Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Green Smoke Flare] 6g Engineering (335)
Inv scroll 05 [Pattern: Heavy Clefthoof Boots] 14g Leatherworking (355)
Honored Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Adamantite Sharpening Stone] 6g Blacksmithing (350)
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Adamantite Weightstone] 6g Blacksmithing (350)
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Greater Rune of Warding] 6g Blacksmithing (350)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Clefthide Leg Armor] 6g Leatherworking (335)
Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Earthen Elixir] 4g Alchemy (320)
Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Transmute Earthstorm Diamond] 8g Alchemy (350)
Inv scroll 05 [Pattern: Heavy Clefthoof Leggings] 14g Leatherworking (355)
Inv scroll 05 [Pattern: Heavy Clefthoof Vest] 16g Leatherworking (360)
Inv chest leather 08 [Warden's Hauberk] 18g 11s 53c Leather
Inv mace 11 [Preserver's Cudgel] 35g 97s 4c One-Handed Mace
Inv staff 31 [Explorer's Walking Stick] 44g 79s 82c Staff
Inv gauntlets 29 [Crusader's Ornamented Gloves] 15g 1s 15c Plate
Inv pants plate 17 [Crusader's Scaled Legguards] 32g 2s 63c Plate
Inv pants cloth 05 [Dragonhide Legguards] 22g 54s 38c Leather
Inv helmet 30 [Dreadweave Hood] 13g 9s 8c Cloth
Inv pants 07 [Evoker's Silk Trousers] 17g 32s 42c Cloth
Inv chest leather 03 [Kodohide Robe] 22g 38s 11c Leather
Inv shoulder 02 [Mooncloth Shoulderpads] 13g 43s 13c Cloth
Inv helmet 30 [Opportunist's Leather Helm] 16g 23s 81c Leather
Inv chest cloth 43 [Satin Robe] 18g 29s 55c Cloth
Inv gauntlets 29 [Savage Plate Gauntlets] 15g 29s 49c Plate
Inv shoulder 29 [Seer's Linked Spaulders] 19g 42s 53c Mail
Inv gauntlets 11 [Seer's Mail Gauntlets] 12g 98s 92c Mail
Inv pants mail 15 [Seer's Ringmail Legguards] 27g 35s 61c Mail
Inv pants mail 15 [Stalker's Chain Leggings] 25g 20s 25c Mail
Inv shoulder 12 [Wyrmhide Spaulders] 16g 66s 37c Leather
Revered Inv scroll 06 [Recipe: Transmute Primal Water to Air] 8g Alchemy (350)
Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Precise Strikes] 8g Enchanting (360)
Inv jewelry necklace 06 [Strength of the Untamed] 17g 59s 52c Necklace
Inv helmet 34 [Watcher's Cowl] 12g 73s 71c Cloth
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Nightseye Panther] 12g Jewelcrafting (370)
Inv scroll 04 [Plans: Wildguard Helm] 24g Blacksmithing (375)
Inv scroll 04 [Plans: Wildguard Leggings] 24g Blacksmithing (375)
Exalted Inv shirt guildtabard 01 [Cenarion Expedition Tabard] 1g Tabard
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Nethercleft Leg Armor] 12g Leatherworking (365)
Inv scroll 06 [Recipe: Major Nature Protection Potion] 10g Alchemy (360)
Inv scroll 06 [Recipe: Flask of Distilled Wisdom] 4g Alchemy (300)
Inv jewelry ring 51naxxramas [Ashyen's Gift] 79g 1s 12c Ring
Inv misc orb 01 [Windcaller's Orb] 79g 1s 12c Off Hand
Inv hammer 10 [Earthwarden] 265g 68s 17c Two-Handed Mace
Inv scroll 04 [Design: The Natural Ward] 12g Jewelcrafting (375)
Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Stealth] 10g Enchanting (300)
Inv scroll 04 [Plans: Wildguard Breastplate] 24g Blacksmithing (375)
Ability mount warhippogryph [Cenarion War Hippogryph] 2000g Riding (300)


Consortium rewards
Rep Item Cost Type
Friendly Inv enchant formulagood 01 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - PvP Power] 4g Enchanting (325)
Inv scroll 06 [Design: Shifting Shadow Draenite] 6g Jewelcrafting (315)
Inv scroll 06 [Design: Reckless Flame Spessarite] 5g Jewelcrafting (305)
Inv scroll 05 [Pattern: Fel Leather Gloves] 12g Leatherworking (340)
Honored Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Bag of Jewels] 4g Tailoring (340)
Inv scroll 03 [Design: Swift Skyfire Diamond] 12g Jewelcrafting (365)
Inv scroll 03 [Design: Powerful Earthstorm Diamond] 12g Jewelcrafting (365)
Inv scroll 06 [Design: Subtle Golden Draenite] 6g Jewelcrafting (315)
Inv scroll 06 [Design: Sparkling Azure Moonstone] 6g Jewelcrafting (325)
Inv scroll 06 [Design: Delicate Blood Garnet] 6g Jewelcrafting (325)
Inv scroll 05 [Pattern: Fel Leather Boots] 14g Leatherworking (350)
Inv weapon shortblade 08 [Nethershard] 34g 99s 38c One-Hand Dagger
Inv sword draenei 01 [Gift of the Ethereal] 34g 85s 80c One-Hand Sword
Revered Inv scroll 05 [Pattern: Fel Leather Leggings] 14g Leatherworking (350)
Inv pants 02 [Nomad's Leggings] 23g 1s 89c Leather
Inv scroll 03 [Design: Bracing Earthstorm Diamond] 12g Jewelcrafting (365)
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Crimson Sun] 12g Jewelcrafting (360)
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Don Julio's Heart] 12g Jewelcrafting (360)
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Pendant of the Null Rune] 12g Jewelcrafting (360)
Inv weapon rifle 07 [Consortium Blaster] 34g 40s 63c Gun
Inv scroll 03 [Schematic: Elemental Seaforium Charge] 8g Engineering (350)
Inv chest cloth 08 [Stormspire Vest] 29g 25s 52c Cloth
Inv inscription weaponscroll03 [Illusion: Executioner] 12g Weapon Illusion
Exalted Inv shirt guildtabard 01 [Consortium Tabard] 1g Tabard
Inv helmet 30 [Nether Runner's Cowl] 57g 39s 16c Cloth
Inv jewelry necklace 29naxxramas [Haramad's Bargain] 97g 1s 12c Necklace
Inv weapon shortblade 31 [Guile of Khoraazi] 190g 57s 45c One-Hand Dagger
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Relentless Earthstorm Diamond] 225g Jewelcrafting (315)

Keepers of Time[]

<Keepers of Time Quartermaster>
Item Cost Type
Honored Inv chest plate05 [Crusader's Ornamented Chestplate] 5g 82s 67c Plate Chest
Inv helmet 22 [Crusader's Scaled Helm] 4g 68s 5c Plate Head
Inv gauntlets 28 [Dragonhide Gloves] 3g 8s 71c Leather Hands
Inv gauntlets 15 [Dreadweave Gloves] 2g 99s 85c Cloth Hands
Inv chest leather 01 [Evoker's Silk Raiment] 5g 91s 78c Cloth Chest
Inv pants cloth 05 [Kodohide Legguards] 5g 85s 2c Leather Legs
Inv pants cloth 05 [Mooncloth Legguards] 6g 9s 57c Cloth Legs
Inv shoulder 12 [Opportunist's Leather Spaulders] 4g 47s 91c Leather Shoulders
Inv gauntlets 15 [Satin Gloves] 3g 11s 0c Cloth Hands
Inv pants plate 17 [Savage Plate Legguards] 6g 16s 40c Plate Legs
Inv pants mail 15 [Seer's Linked Leggings] 25g 68s 81c Mail Legs
Inv shoulder 29 [Seer's Mail Spaulders] 19g 78s 91c Mail Shoulders
Inv helmet 09 [Seer's Ringmail Headpiece] 3g 73s 14c Mail Head
Inv chest chain 11 [Stalker's Chain Armor] 6g 13s 87c Mail Chest
Inv helmet 30 [Wyrmhide Helm] 4g 52s 88c Leather Head
Inv scroll 05 [Pattern: Drums of Panic] 9g 60s 0c Outland Leatherworking (50/70)
Inv scroll 03 [Design: Enigmatic Skyfire Diamond] 9g 60s 0c Outland Jewelcrafting (65)
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Facet of Eternity] 9g 60s 0c Outland Jewelcrafting (65)
Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Major Spellpower] 7g 20s 0c Outland Enchanting (60)
Revered Inv scroll 05 [Design: Stone of Blades] 9g 60s 0c Jewelcrafting (360)
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Living Ruby Serpent] 9g 60s 0c Jewelcrafting (370)
Inv sword 11 [Continuum Blade] 44g 23s 44c Main Hand Sword
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Pendant of Frozen Flame] 9g 60s 0c Jewelcrafting (360)
Inv pants plate 10 [Timewarden's Leggings] 30g 85s 1c Plate Legs
Exalted Inv scroll 06 [Recipe: Flask of Supreme Power] 3g 60s 0c Alchemy (300)
Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility] 8g Outland Enchanting (1)
Inv bracer 10 [Bindings of the Timewalker] 34g 51s 17c Cloth Wrist
Inv weapon shortblade 26 [Riftmaker] 185g 11s 18c One-Hand Dagger
Inv datacrystal02 [Timelapse Shard] 63g 20s 90c Trinket
Inv shirt guildtabard 01 [Keepers of Time Tabard] 90s Tabard


Drake Dealer Hurlunk
Rep Item Cost Type
Exalted Ability mount netherdrakepurple [Reins of the Azure Netherwing Drake] 200g Mount
Ability mount netherdrakepurple [Reins of the Cobalt Netherwing Drake] 200g Mount
Ability mount netherdrakepurple [Reins of the Onyx Netherwing Drake] 200g Mount
Ability mount netherdrakepurple [Reins of the Purple Netherwing Drake] 200g Mount
Ability mount netherdrakepurple [Reins of the Veridian Netherwing Drake] 200g Mount
Ability mount netherdrakepurple [Reins of the Violet Netherwing Drake] 200g Mount


<Ogri'la Quartermaster>
Rep Item Cost Type
  Inv potion 160 [Crystal Healing Potion] 50 Apexis Shard 40s Potion
Inv potion 163 [Crystal Mana Potion] 50 Apexis Shard 40s Potion
Honored Inv potion 73 [Blue Ogre Brew] 3 Apexis Shard Potion
Inv potion 52 [Red Ogre Brew] 2 Apexis Shard Potion
Revered Inv misc cape 08 [Apexis Cloak] 1 Apexis Crystal50 Apexis Shard Cloak
Inv datacrystal01 [Crystalforged Trinket] 1 Apexis Crystal50 Apexis Shard Trinket
Inv shield 30 [Ogri'la Aegis] 1 Apexis Crystal50 Apexis Shard Shield
Inv wand 14 [Cerulean Crystal Rod] 1 Apexis Crystal50 Apexis Shard Wand
Exalted Inv weapon crossbow 14 [Crystalline Crossbow] 4 Apexis Crystal100 Apexis Shard Crossbow
Inv misc orb 04 [Crystal Orb of Enlightenment] 4 Apexis Crystal100 Apexis Shard Off-hand
Inv bracer 13 [Shard-Bound Bracers] 4 Apexis Crystal100 Apexis Shard Leather
Inv boots plate 02 [Vortex Walking Boots] 4 Apexis Crystal100 Apexis Shard Plate
Inv shirt guildtabard 01 [Ogri'la Tabard] 10 Apexis Shard Tabard

Scale of the Sands[]

Scale of the Sands quest rewards
Rep Item Type
Friendly Inv jewelry ring 54 [Band of Eternity] Melee
Inv jewelry ring 54 [Band of Eternity] Tank
Inv jewelry ring 54 [Band of Eternity] Healer
Inv jewelry ring 54 [Band of Eternity] Caster
Honored Inv jewelry ring 54 [Band of Eternity] Melee
Inv jewelry ring 54 [Band of Eternity] Tank
Inv jewelry ring 54 [Band of Eternity] Healer
Inv jewelry ring 54 [Band of Eternity] Caster
Revered Inv jewelry ring 54 [Band of Eternity] Melee
Inv jewelry ring 54 [Band of Eternity] Tank
Inv jewelry ring 54 [Band of Eternity] Healer
Inv jewelry ring 54 [Band of Eternity] Caster
Exalted Inv jewelry ring 55 [Band of the Eternal Champion] Melee
Inv jewelry ring 55 [Band of the Eternal Defender] Tank
Inv jewelry ring 55 [Band of the Eternal Restorer] Healer
Inv jewelry ring 55 [Band of the Eternal Sage] Caster
<Keeper of Ancient Gem Lore>
Rep Item Cost Type
Friendly Inv scroll 04 [Design: Bold Crimson Spinel] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Brilliant Crimson Spinel] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Delicate Crimson Spinel] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Solid Empyrean Sapphire] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Sparkling Empyrean Sapphire] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Smooth Lionseye] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Subtle Lionseye] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
Honored Inv scroll 04 [Design: Quick Lionseye] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Potent Pyrestone] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Reckless Pyrestone] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Forceful Seaspray Emerald] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Jagged Seaspray Emerald] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Radiant Seaspray Emerald] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Steady Seaspray Emerald] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Glinting Shadowsong Amethyst] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Purified Shadowsong Amethyst] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Timeless Shadowsong Amethyst] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
Revered Inv scroll 04 [Design: Rigid Empyrean Sapphire] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Deadly Pyrestone] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Regal Seaspray Emerald] 6g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)


<Sporeggar Quartermaster>
Rep Item Cost Type
Neutral Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Clam Bar] 1 Glowcap Cooking (300)
Inv mushroom 01 [Marsh Lichen] 2 Glowcap Consumable
Friendly Inv mushroom 10 [Tallstalk Mushroom] 2 Glowcap Consumable
Honored Inv misc cape 17 [Muck-Covered Drape] 25 Glowcap Cloak
Inv shield 21 [Petrified Lichen Guard] 15 Glowcap Shield
Inv mushroom 07 [Redcap Toadstool] 1 Glowcap Consumable
Revered Inv weapon shortblade 08 [Hardened Stone Shard] 45 Glowcap One-Hand Dagger
Inv staff 02 [Sporeling's Firestick] 20 Glowcap Wand
Inv scroll 06 [Recipe: Transmute Primal Earth to Water] 25 Glowcap Alchemy (350)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Mycah's Botanical Bag] 25 Glowcap Tailoring (375)
Exalted Inv shirt guildtabard 01 [Sporeggar Tabard] 10 Glowcap Tabard
Inv scroll 06 [Recipe: Shrouding Potion] 30 Glowcap Alchemy (335)
Ability hunter pet sporebat [Tiny Sporebat] 30 Glowcap Companion

Violet Eye[]

Apprentice Darius
Item Cost Type
Inv 70 raid ring2a [Violet Seal of the Archmage] 10g Ring
Honored Inv scroll 04 [Design: The Frozen Eye] 12g Jewelcrafting (375)
Ability warrior shieldmastery [Inscription of Endurance] 30g Augment (Resistance)
Inv scroll 06 [Recipe: Flask of Chromatic Wonder] 4g Alchemy (375)
Revered Inv scroll 04 [Pattern: Shadowprowler's Chestguard] 24g Leatherworking (365)
Exalted Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Greater Agility] 3g Enchanting (360)
Inv scroll 05 [Pattern: Cloak of Darkness] 5g Leatherworking (360)
Inv sword 34 [Falchion]
5g 18s 37c
Inv axe 01 [Francisca]
5g 22s 20c
Inv throwingaxe 06 [Great Axe]
5g 61s 71c
Inv mace 12 [Morning Star]
5g 26s 8c
Inv scroll 04 [Plans: Iceguard Breastplate]
Inv scroll 04 [Plans: Iceguard Helm]
Inv scroll 04 [Plans: Iceguard Leggings]
Inv sword 31 [Rondel]
4g 54s 32c
Inv hammer 17 [War Maul]
6g 11s 8c
Inv staff 14 [War Staff]
6g 15s 58c
Inv sword 15 [Zweihander]
6g 50s 32c
Archmage Leryda
Rep Item Type
Friendly Inv jewelry ring 62 [Violet Signet] Melee
Inv jewelry ring 62 [Violet Signet] Tank
Inv jewelry ring 62 [Violet Signet] Healer
Inv jewelry ring 62 [Violet Signet] Caster
Honored Inv jewelry ring 62 [Violet Signet] Melee
Inv jewelry ring 62 [Violet Signet] Tank
Inv jewelry ring 62 [Violet Signet] Healer
Inv jewelry ring 62 [Violet Signet] Caster
Revered Inv jewelry ring 62 [Violet Signet] Melee
Inv jewelry ring 62 [Violet Signet] Tank
Inv jewelry ring 62 [Violet Signet] Healer
Inv jewelry ring 62 [Violet Signet] Caster
Exalted Inv jewelry ring 62 [Violet Signet of the Master Assassin] Melee
Inv jewelry ring 62 [Violet Signet of the Great Protector] Tank
Inv jewelry ring 62 [Violet Signet of the Grand Restorer] Healer
Inv jewelry ring 62 [Violet Signet of the Archmage] Caster

Shattrath City[]


Quartermaster Endarin
<Aldor Quartermaster>
Item Cost Type
Friendly Inv scroll 06 [Design: Smooth Golden Draenite] 5g Jewelcrafting (305)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Flameheart Bracers] 6g Tailoring (350)
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Flamebane Bracers] 6g Blacksmithing (350)
Honored Inv chest cloth 19 [Anchorite's Robes] 17g 95s 94c Cloth Chest
Inv scroll 06 [Design: Purified Shadow Draenite] 5g Jewelcrafting (305)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Blastguard Belt] 5g Leatherworking (350)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Flameheart Gloves] 6g Tailoring (360)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Flamescale Belt] 6g Leatherworking (350)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Silver Spellthread] 6g Tailoring (355)
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Flamebane Gloves] 6g Blacksmithing (360)
Revered Inv staff 14 [Auchenai Staff] 56g 32s 67c Staff
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Pendant of Shadow's End] 12g Jewelcrafting (360)
Inv jewelry ring 48naxxramas [Lightwarden's Band] 2g 84s 10c Finger
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Blastguard Boots] 8g Leatherworking (350)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Flamescale Boots] 8g Leatherworking (350)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Vindicator's Armor Kit] 5g Leatherworking (325)
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Flamebane Breastplate] 8g Blacksmithing (365)
Inv chest plate02 [Vindicator's Hauberk] 56g 93s 15c Plate Chest
Exalted Inv shirt guildtabard 01 [Aldor Tabard] 1g Tabard
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Blastguard Pants] 8g Leatherworking (350)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Flameheart Vest] 8g Tailoring (370)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Flamescale Leggings] 8g Leatherworking (350)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Golden Spellthread] 36g Tailoring (375)
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Flamebane Helm] 8g Blacksmithing (355)
Inv jewelry amulet 04 [Medallion of the Lightbearer] 79g 1s 12c Neck
Inv sword draenei 01 [Vindicator's Brand] 207g 27s 20c One-Hand Sword

Lower City[]

<Lower City Quartermaster>
Item Cost Type
Friendly Inv scroll 06 [Design: Potent Flame Spessarite] 6g Jewelcrafting (325)
Honored Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Cloak of Arcane Evasion] 6g Tailoring (350)
Inv pants plate 17 [Crusader's Ornamented Leggings] 30g 7s 72c Plate legs
Inv chest plate05 [Crusader's Scaled Chestpiece] 31g 68s 46c Plate legs
Inv helmet 30 [Dragonhide Helm] 16g 84s 68c Leather head
Inv shoulder 02 [Dreadweave Mantle] 13g 18s 85c Cloth shoulder
Inv helmet 08 [Evoker's Silk Cowl] 12g 84s 67c Cloth head
Inv gauntlets 28 [Kodohide Gloves] 10g 58s 35c Leather hands
Inv gauntlets 15 [Mooncloth Mitts] 8g 92s 16c Cloth hands
Inv chest leather 03 [Opportunist's Leather Tunic] 21g 89s 50c Leather chest
Inv pants cloth 05 [Satin Leggings] 18g 16s 70c Cloth legs
Inv shoulder 22 [Savage Plate Shoulders] 23g 63s 52c Plate shoulder
Inv gauntlets 11 [Seer's Linked Gauntlets] 12g 74s 64c Mail hands
Inv pants mail 15 [Seer's Mail Leggings] 26g 17s 37c Mail legs
Inv chest chain 11 [Seer's Ringmail Chestguard] 26g 36s 64c Mail chest
Inv helmet 09 [Stalker's Chain Helm] 18g 82s 86c Mail head
Inv pants cloth 05 [Wyrmhide Legguards] 22g 13s 69c Leather legs
Revered Inv scroll 05 [Design: Falling Star] 12g Jewelcrafting (360)
Inv scroll 06 [Recipe: Elixir of Major Shadow Power] 8g Alchemy (350)
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Felsteel Boar] 12g Jewelcrafting (370)
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Pendant of Thawing] 12g Jewelcrafting (360)
Inv pants cloth 09 [Leggings of the Skettis Exile] 17g 44s 3c Cloth legs
Inv misc book 11 [Lower City Prayerbook] 17g 59s 52c Trinket (healer)
Inv chest plate08 [Salvager's Hauberk] 26g 6s 29c Mail chest
Exalted Inv shirt guildtabard 01 [Lower City Tabard] 1g Tabard
Inv enchant formulasuperior 01 [Formula: Enchant Cloak - Dodge] 10g Enchanting (300)
Inv jewelry ring 41 [Shapeshifter's Signet] 19g 75s 28c Ring (agility)
Inv hammer 08 [Gavel of Unearthed Secrets] 50g 48s 41c Main Hand caster mace
Inv spear 04 [Trident of the Outcast Tribe] 250g 50s 80c Two-Hand strength polearm


Quartermaster Enuril
<Scryers Quartermaster>
Item Cost Type
Friendly Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Enchanted Adamantite Belt] 6g Blacksmithing (355)
Inv scroll 06 [Design: Brilliant Blood Garnet] 6g Jewelcrafting (315)
Honored Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Enchanted Clefthoof Boots] 8g Leatherworking (350)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Enchanted Felscale Gloves] 8g Tailoring (335)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Mystic Spellthread] 6g Tailoring (335)
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Enchanted Adamantite Boots] 6g Blacksmithing (355)
Revered Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Enchanted Clefthoof Gloves] 8g Leatherworking (350)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Enchanted Felscale Boots] 8g Leatherworking (350)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Magister's Armor Kit] 5g Leatherworking (325)
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Enchanted Adamantite Breastplate] 6g Blacksmithing (360)
Inv scroll 06 [Recipe: Elixir of Major Firepower] 6g Alchemy (345)
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Pendant of Withering] 12g Jewelcrafting (360)
Inv gauntlets 26 [Gauntlets of the Chosen] 16g 9s 92c Plate hands
Inv pants leather 18 [Retainer's Leggings] 22g 61s 20c Leather legs
Inv misc gem bloodstone 02 [Scryer's Bloodgem] 17g 59s 52c Caster trinket
Inv staff 38 [Seer's Cane] 56g 93s 15c Healer staff
Exalted Inv shirt guildtabard 01 [Scryers Tabard] 1g Tabard
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Enchanted Clefthoof Leggings] 8g Leatherworking (350)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Enchanted Felscale Leggings] 8g Leatherworking (350)
Inv scroll 03 [Pattern: Runic Spellthread] 36g Tailoring (375)
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Enchanted Adamantite Leggings] 8g Blacksmithing (365)
Inv weapon shortblade 29 [Retainer's Blade] 208g 3s 72c Agility dagger
Inv jewelry ring 52naxxramas [Seer's Signet] 79g 1s 12c Caster ring


<Sha'tari Quartermaster>
Item Cost Type
Friendly Inv scroll 03 [Design: Insightful Earthstorm Diamond] 12g Jewelcrafting (365)
Honored Inv scroll 05 [Pattern: Drums of Battle] 12g Leatherworking (365)
Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Major Healing] 6g Enchanting (350)
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Kailee's Rose] 12g Jewelcrafting (360)
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Ring of Arcane Shielding] 12g Jewelcrafting (360)
Inv shoulder 29 [Stalker's Chain Spaulders] 19g 5s 94c Mail Shoulder
Inv pants cloth 05 [Dreadweave Leggings] 17g 51s 95c Cloth Legs
Revered Inv scroll 06 [Recipe: Transmute Primal Air to Fire] 8g Alchemy (350)
Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Ring - Healing Power] 10g Enchanting (370)
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Blood of Amber] 12g Jewelcrafting (360)
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Talasite Owl] 12g Jewelcrafting (350)
Inv belt 08 [Blessed Scale Girdle] 13g 2s 88c Mail Waist
Inv misc elvencoins [Xi'ri's Gift] 17g 59s 52c Trinket
Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Major Healing] 6g Enchanting (350)
Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Alchemist Stone] 8g Alchemy (350)
Exalted Inv scroll 06 [Recipe: Flask of the Titans] 4g Alchemy (300)
Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Threat] 10g Enchanting (300)
Inv jewelry ring 48naxxramas [A'dal's Command] 79g 1s 12c Finger
Inv shield 30 [Crest of the Sha'tar] 134g 49s 28c Shield
Inv hammer 04 [Gavel of Pure Light] 191g 38s 44c One-Hand Mace
Inv shirt guildtabard 01 [Sha'tar Tabard] 1g Tabard

Sha'tari Skyguard[]

<Skyguard Quartermaster>
Rep Item Cost Type
Friendly Inv drink 09 [Enriched Terocone Juice] x 5 40s Food
Honored Inv misc food 63 [Skyguard Rations] 40s Food
Revered Inv misc cape 08 [Skyguard's Drape] 13g 81s 66c Back
Inv misc cape 05 [Skywitch's Drape] 13g 76s 91c Back
Exalted Ability hunter pet netherray [Nether Ray Fry] 32g Pet
Ability hunter pet netherray [Blue Riding Nether Ray] 160g Mount
Ability hunter pet netherray [Green Riding Nether Ray] 160g Mount
Ability hunter pet netherray [Purple Riding Nether Ray] 160g Mount
Ability hunter pet netherray [Red Riding Nether Ray] 160g Mount
Ability hunter pet netherray [Silver Riding Nether Ray] 160g Mount
Inv jewelry talisman 06 [Skyguard Silver Cross] 4g 12s 30c Trinket
Inv misc ribbon 01 [Airman's Ribbon of Gallantry] 4g 12s 30c Trinket
Inv shirt guildtabard 01 [Skyguard Tabard] 1g Tabard

Shattered Sun Offensive[]

Eldara Dawnrunner
<Shattered Sun Quartermaster>
Rep Item Cost Type
Friendly Inv misc food 95 grainbread [Naaru Ration] 50s Food
Honored Inv misc note 01 [Formula: Void Shatter] 15g Outland Enchanting (75)
Formula: Enchant Chest - Defense 15g Outland Enchanting (60)
Revered Inv scroll 03 [Design: Ember Skyfire Diamond] 15g Outland Jewelcrafting (70)
Inv scroll 03 [Design: Eternal Earthstorm Diamond] 15g Outland Jewelcrafting (70)
Inv scroll 03 [Design: Figurine - Crimson Serpent] 25g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
Inv scroll 03 [Design: Figurine - Seaspray Albatross] 25g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
Inv scroll 03 [Design: Figurine - Empyrean Tortoise] 25g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
Inv scroll 03 [Design: Figurine - Khorium Boar] 25g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
Inv scroll 03 [Design: Figurine - Shadowsong Panther] 25g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
Inv scroll 05 [Design: Regal Talasite] 12g Outland Jewelcrafting (50)
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Forceful Seaspray Emerald] 50g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Steady Seaspray Emerald] 50g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Reckless Pyrestone] 50g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
Inv scroll 04 [Design: Quick Lionseye] 50g Outland Jewelcrafting (75)
Inv axe 46 [Legionfoe] 54g 94s 66c Two-Hand Axe
Inv mace 35 [Seeker's Gavel] 43g 46s 90c One-Hand Mace
Inv sword 59 [Archmage's Guile] 41g 81s 94c One-Hand Sword
Inv weapon crossbow 14 [Truestrike Crossbow] 33g 8s 67c Crossbow
Inv mace 34 [K'iru's Presage] 43g 63s 17c One-Hand Mace
Inv weapon shortblade 14 [Bombardier's Blade] 45g 90s 15c One-Hand Dagger
Inv sword 91 [The Sunbreaker] 46g 6s 43c One-Hand Sword
Inv sword draenei 01 [Inuuro's Blade] 43g 79s 45c One-Hand Sword
Exalted Inv shield 48 [Sunward Crest] 37g 78s 42c Shield
Inv shield 05 [Dawnforged Defender] 37g 92s 31c Shield
Inv jewelry necklace 32 [Shattered Sun Pendant of Acumen] 23g 27s 52c Neck
Inv jewelry necklace 12 [Shattered Sun Pendant of Restoration] 23g 27s 52c Neck
Inv jewelry necklace 39 [Shattered Sun Pendant of Resolve] 23g 27s 52c Neck
Inv jewelry necklace 38 [Shattered Sun Pendant of Might] 23g 27s 52c Neck
Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Assassin's Alchemist Stone] 25g Outland Alchemy (75)
Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Guardian's Alchemist Stone] 25g Outland Alchemy (75)
Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Redeemer's Alchemist Stone] 25g Outland Alchemy (75)
Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Sorcerer's Alchemist Stone] 25g Outland Alchemy (75)
Inv shirt guildtabard 01 [Tabard of the Shattered Sun] 1g Tabard