Calling the Blue Dragons

  • ️Tue Nov 15 2022
NeutralCalling the Blue Dragons
Start Kalecgos [39.5, 63.0]
End Kalecgos [39.5, 63.0]
Level 65-68
Category The Azure Span
Experience 2,450
Rewards Inv companiondrake [Highland Drake]
Ability dragonriding barrelroll01 Whirling Surge Unlock

6g 72s 87c

Previous N [65-68] Azure Alignment
Next N [65-68] To Rhonin's Shield


View Kalecgos call back the blue dragonflight.


I can no longer be afraid of reuniting the blue dragons, <name>. It is better for us to be a family... than a fragment of our former selves.

Even if I cannot reclaim the oathstone, I can still use its power to send a message to all of the blue dragons.

It is time they received word... from their Aspect.


The following will be cast on you:

  • Ability dragonriding barrelroll01 Whirling Surge Unlock — Unlocks the ability Whirling Surge. Spiral forward a great distance, increasing speed.

You will also receive:


Stand back, <name>.


We need to move, <name>.


Speak with Kalecgos:

The blue dragons must be reunited if we are to defend Azeroth once again.
Gossip I'm ready to see you call back the blue dragonflight.

An in-engine cutscene plays out:

Kalecgos puts out a call for blue dragons. Khadgar returns, Raszageth is attacking!
Kalecgos says: I... hope that worked. I need my flight.
Sindragosa says: We will see in due time.
The oathstone glimmers with power, but only Khadgar teleports in.
Kalecgos says: Khadgar--what's happened?
Archmage Khadgar says: The Primalists are on the move!
Archmage Khadgar says: It seems we did far too well at stymieing their efforts at Vakthros.
Archmage Khadgar says: Raszageth has renewed the attack herself!
Sindragosa says: If Vakthros falls, the whole of the Azure Span will fall with it.
Kalecgos says: Quickly then! We must stop her, before all is lost!
Kalecgos says: Hopefully we won't have to face her alone.

On the other side of the cutscene, they continue:

Sindragosa says: Vakthros is connected to the major ley lines in Azure Span. If it is destroyed, the Archives would cease to exist... along with the rest of the Azure Span.
Archmage Khadgar says: I don't suppose any more blue dragons showed up to help?
Kalecgos says: Not yet... it will be up to us to stop this.


  1. N [65-68] Calling the Blue Dragons
  2. N [65-68] To Rhonin's Shield
  3. N [65-68] To the Mountain
  4. N [65-68] Primal Offensive, N [65-68] Lava Burst, & N [65-68] Elemental Unfocus
  5. N [65-68] Kirin Tor Recovery & N [65-68] Primal Power
  6. N [65-68] Free Air
  7. N [65-68] In Defense of Vakthros
  8. N [65-68] The Storm-Eater's Fury
  9. N [65-68] The Blue Dragon Oathstone

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