Cauldron (alchemy)
- For the subzone of Searing Gorge, see The Cauldron.
Cauldrons are an item that can be created by someone in the alchemy profession. The created cauldron is placed in the alchemist's inventory much like a repair bot from engineering. Thus, it can be used in the future at any time. When Cauldrons are used, a ground object is created that can be clicked on by members of a raid to receive a corresponding potion. Cauldron recipes can only be obtained through alchemy discoveries and currently only create Major Protection potions for the various magical schools (excluding Holy).
For Cataclysm Guild Cauldrons, see [Cauldron of Battle] and
[Big Cauldron of Battle].
List of Cauldrons[]
- [Cauldron of Major Arcane Protection]
- [Cauldron of Major Fire Protection]
- [Cauldron of Major Frost Protection]
- [Cauldron of Major Nature Protection]
- [Cauldron of Major Shadow Protection]
When you create a cauldron, the cauldron will appear in your bags. To use just right click on it; the cauldron will appear on the ground before you. The cauldron will last five minutes before disappearing. It has up to 25 potions in it, although each person in your raid or group can only get one (1) potion from the cauldron, even the person who made it. This means it is more cost-effective to make five single potions for a group of five people, rather than a cauldron. (See the recipes below.) Also you are not able to make the cauldron and collect all 25 potions by yourself to sell.
Potions received from cauldrons are conjured items. They will disappear if the player is logged out for more than 15 minutes, similar to conjured food or water. Potions created from a Cauldron have two additional limitations: Unique and Bind on Pickup. This means you cannot trade or sell the potions.
Outland Cauldron Recipes[]
- [Recipe: Major Fire Protection Potion] is dropped in The Mechanar on normal and heroic.
- [Recipe: Major Arcane Protection Potion] is dropped from Vir'aani Arcanists around Oshu'gun in Nagrand.
- [Recipe: Major Frost Protection Potion] is dropped by Nexus-Prince Shaffar, the final boss of Mana Tombs.
- [Recipe: Major Shadow Protection Potion] is dropped by the Shadow Council Warlocks at the top of Legion Hold in Shadowmoon Valley.
- [Recipe: Major Nature Protection Potion] is faction reputation reward with the Cenarion Expedition in Zangarmarsh.
All cauldrons currently use similar reagents: 7x [Mana Thistle], 1x [Fel Iron Casing], and 2 of a corresponding Primal item (e.g., 2x [Primal Mana] for [Cauldron of Major Arcane Protection], or 2x [Primal Shadow] for [Cauldron of Major Shadow Protection]). The ingredients for a Cauldron (with 25 uses) are comparable to making 10 ordinary Major Protection potions.
Cataclysm Cauldrons[]
The [Cauldron of Battle] and
[Big Cauldron of Battle] recipes are purchased from a Guild vendor once the guild has achieved
[Mix Master] and
[Better Leveling Through Chemistry] (respectively),
The duration of the buff provided by a [Flask of Battle] is affected by the Guild Perk
[Chug-A-Lug]. The number of flasks provided by each cauldron is affected by
[Happy Hour].