Chain Lightning

  • ️Tue Mar 21 2023
Chain Lightning

Spell nature chainlightning

  • Chain Lightning
  • Row 1 shaman talent
  • 40 yd range
  • 1% of base mana
  • 2 sec cast
  • Hurls a lightning bolt at the enemy, dealing (63.5% of Spell power) Nature damage and then jumping to additional nearby enemies. Affects 3 total targets.

    EnhancementIf Chain Lightning hits more than 1 target, each target hit by your Chain Lightning increases the damage of your next Crash Lightning by 20%

    Each target hit by Chain Lightning reduces the cooldown of Crash Lightning by 1.0 sec

    ElementalGenerates 4 Maelstrom per target hit.

Class Shaman
School Nature
Cooldown None/Global Cooldown
Improvements Ability thunderking balllightning [Call of Thunder], Spell nature chainlightning [Crashing Storms], Spell lightning lightningbolt01 [Flash of Lightning], Spell shaman ancestralawakening [Thorim's Invocation], Ability vehicle electrocharge [Unrelenting Calamity]

Chain Lightning is a shaman class talent that deals direct damage to up to 3 targets. It is automatically learned for Elemental and Enhancement shamans.

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