Champion's Writ

  • ️Tue Apr 14 2009

Inv scroll 11250

  • Champion's Writ
  • Binds when picked up
  • "Used to purchase Commendation Badges from Tournament Quartermasters."

Champion's Writs are one of the two reward options from completing the following daily quests of the Argent Tournament:

If players are already exalted with the racial capitals with whom they have earned the right to champion, they are better-served by choosing the Inv misc bag 10 blue [Champion's Purse] instead. The sole purpose of Champion's Writs is to be exchanged for a factional Commendation Badge at a ratio of one writ per badge (worth 250 reputation with that faction) from the quartermasters in the Silver Covenant Pavilion or the Sunreaver Pavilion.

After a main has unlocked the <Crusader> title, each alt must only go through the process of championing their own capital to unlock the above quests. If you are a different race than the city you wish to champion, you must champion your own capital first. Completing each one is required before being allowed to buy items from the pavilion's quartermasters.

Alliance Horde
Inv misc tournaments symbol nightelf [Darnassus Commendation Badge]
Inv misc tournaments symbol draenei [Exodar Commendation Badge]
Inv misc tournaments symbol gnome [Gnomeregan Commendation Badge]
Inv misc tournaments symbol dwarf [Ironforge Commendation Badge]
Inv misc tournaments symbol human [Stormwind Commendation Badge]
Inv misc tournaments symbol orc [Orgrimmar Commendation Badge]
Inv misc tournaments symbol troll [Sen'jin Commendation Badge]
Inv misc tournaments symbol bloodelf [Silvermoon Commendation Badge]
Inv misc tournaments symbol tauren [Thunder Bluff Commendation Badge]
Inv misc tournaments symbol scourge [Undercity Commendation Badge]

Though treated as a currency, Champion's Writs do not appear in the currency tab but instead act as a regular item.

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