
  • ️Fri Feb 21 2014

Chi is a secondary resource used by monks. It is the pandaren word for "Spirit", the same primal life force used by shamans to heal and to commune with elementals.[1][2][3][4] Monks harness their inner chi (i.e. inner spirit) to power their abilities,[5] while using their bodies as their main weapon:[1][5] the chi is directed to control the battlefield by enhancing own's movement and restricting foe's, healing allies while simultaneously damaging enemies, or invoking celestial spirits to aid in battle.[5]

Monks are differentiated from shamans in their inability to ask the elements for help.[1]


Chi is generated by using certain abilities, and consumed to power others. Chi does not decay during combat, but decays rapidly outside of combat. Monks can have a maximum of 5 chi, or 6 if they have the Ability monk ascension [Ascension] talent. No stats specifically increase chi, although haste and spirit can lead to players using chi-generating abilities more often.

While chi was utilized by all specializations of Monk from Mists of Pandaria to Warlords of Draenor, since Legion it was removed from Brewmasters and Mistweavers. Now only Windwalkers use the resource.

Warlords of Draenor[]

Chi was generated by using abilities that cost energy or mana:

Chi could be spent on the following abilities:

1 Chi 2 Chi 3 Chi


  1. ^ a b c Dave Kosak on Twitter (2014-02-21) - ""Chi" is the Pandaren word for "Spirit," same energy that helps shaman heal, etc."
  2. ^ Dave Kosak on Twitter: ""Chi" is just the Pandaren term for the life force that Shaman manipulate. Same stuff. :)
  3. ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 14
  4. ^ Dave Kosak on Twitter: ""Chi" is a Pandaren term for "Spirit," the primal life force that shaman tap into."
  5. ^ a b c Official Game Guide - Monk