
  • ️Tue Nov 17 2020
Image of Choofa
Gender Male
Race Soulshape (Humanoid)
Level 55-60
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Night Fae
Location Tirna Vaal, Ardenweald
Status Active

Choofa is a soulshape in the form of a squirrel located in the Tirna Vaal in Ardenweald. The local spriggans ambushed the area, and Droman Tashmur sent the Maw Walker to rescue the animals of the forest, finding Choofa.[1] Choofa asked them to reclaim stolen anima and kill Boggart and Mizik the Haughty.[2][3] He looks out for his fellow nature spirits, Slanknen, Rury, and Awool, and wants them restored.[4] With the spriggan defeated, anima reclaimed and spirits restored, Choofa returned to Tashmur.[5]

Choofa then appears inside the Heart of the Forest, attends the Ember Court, and participates with his fellow souls in the Night Fae assault on the Maw from the Crucible of the Damned.


Ardenweald storyline
Ember Court
Heart of the Forest
The Maw

Objective of[]



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  • Greetings friend!
  • What is that?!
  • Hello there.
  • Goodbye!
  • For the trees!
  • Oh, time to go!


If part of the Venthyr Covenant and are not a Friend or higher
Safe, safe! We will be safe here.
Thank you, thank you, for saving us!
If part of the Venthyr Covenant and are a Friend or higher
Big courts, big parties. We're living the life, you and me!... and Rury, and Awool, and Slanknen.
Speaking of Which, when's the next Ember Court? I've got time right now. You want to head over early, pop open a couple of bottles, and kick off a pre-party?
Nah, I can see you're busy. You got stuff to do. That's fine.
Just make sure I'm there for the next one, alright?
If part of the Venthyr Covenant and are a Best Friend
Hey, I don't know if I ever actually said this to you directly, but thanks for always getting my friends into the Ember Court too.
We're a tight group. We stick together.
Plus, Slanknen would never let me hear the end of it if I was going to these epic parties without him!
<Choofa laughs>
But, hey, I could just replace him with you, right? You're one of us now.
At the Ember Court
What a great day for a party! I was just saying to my friends that I could really go for a vacation right now.
I was picturing someplace a little more... green, but this'll do!
Oh, and I hope you don't mind that I brought my friends along. I'm sure you meant to invite all of us.
On approach if part of the Venthyr Covenant and are not a Friend or higher
Choofa says: Now where'd Rury run off to...?
On approach if part of the Venthyr Covenant and are a Friend or higher
Choofa says: Hey, <name>! When's the next party?
On approach if part of the Venthyr Covenant and are a Best Friend
Choofa says: Buddy, buddy! You got any leftover fireworks from the court on you?
If the player uses the Inv inscriptionlanathelquill [Quill of Correspondence], he responds with a Letter
Main article: Quill of Correspondence
Crittershape gossip in the Heart of the Forest
  • Hello there!
  • Hello friend!

Gossip Tell me about crittershapes.

Of course, Choofa loves other critters! If you make friends with any, bring them back here and I can help you look like them! But we scare easily, so you can only take our form somewhere safe.
Gossip Choofa
What?! You want to look like me? I'm not sure how I feel about that...
Gossip Please!
Okay, you've convinced me! Keep my likeness safe!
Gossip Thank you!
Gossip Squirrel
Gossip Corgi
Gossip What other critters can I look like?
How do you want to look?
Gossip Cat
Gossip Well Fed Cat
Gossip Turkey
Gossip Return to my previous options.
Gossip Remove my crittershape
Crucible of the Damned, the Maw
Having a tirnenn carry me where I am needed on the battlefield isn't laziness--it's tactical efficiency!
It takes my tiny legs twenty steps to match one of their steps. I'd actually be hurting our cause if I wasn't carried everywhere!

Patch changes[]

See also[]


External links[]