Clarity Potion

These potions appear milky in nature, but when unstoppered, they rapidly turn perfectly clear, without any sign of impurities. This potion is of great help to arcane spellcasters, and some divine spellcasters also appreciate its benefits. When inhibited before resting there are two effects. First, the drinker receives the ability to cast extra spells. In addition, the amount of time an arcane caster must sleep or meditate is cut in half. Furthermore, the amount of time required to study or pray for spells following this rest period is also cut in half.[1]

Lesser Clarity Potion[]

Main article: Lesser Clarity Potion

This concoction resembles a clarity potion, but is translucent rather than opaque. It functions like that potion, but for conferring a reduced benefit.[2]

Greater Clarity Potion[]

This concoction resembles a clarity potion, but contrains streaks of purple that seem to swirl and shift, even when the container is kept still. It functions like that potion, but confers an increased benefit.[2]


  1. ^ Magic & Mayhem, pg 129
  2. ^ a b Magic & Mayhem, pg 130