Classic engineering schematics

Item Category Materials Skill Source Orange Yellow Green Gray  [Rough Blasting Powder] Crafting material 1x  [Rough Stone] 1 20 30 40 Trainer  [Rough Dynamite] Explosive 1x  [Rough Blasting Powder]
1x  [Linen Cloth] 1 30 45 60 Trainer  [Handful of Copper Bolts] Crafting material 1x  [Copper Bar] 30 45 53 60 Trainer  [Rough Copper Bomb] Explosive 1x  [Handful of Copper Bolts]
2x  [Rough Blasting Powder] 30 60 75 90 Trainer  [Arclight Spanner] Tool 6x  [Copper Bar] 50 70 80 90 Trainer  [Rough Boomstick] Gun 4x  [Copper Bar]
3x  [Handful of Copper Bolts]
1x  [Wooden Stock] 50 80 95 110 Trainer  [Crude Scope] Item enhancement 1x  [Malachite]
2x  [Copper Bar]
1x  [Handful of Copper Bolts] 60 90 105 120 Trainer  [Coarse Blasting Powder] Crafting material 1x  [Coarse Stone] 65 85 90 95 Trainer  [Coarse Dynamite] Explosive 1x  [Coarse Blasting Powder]
1x  [Linen Cloth] 68 95 100 105 Trainer  [Mechanical Squirrel Box] Companion 2x  [Malachite]
1x  [Copper Bar]
1x  [Handful of Copper Bolts] 75 105 120 135  [Schematic: Mechanical Squirrel Box]  [Target Dummy] Device 2x  [Bronze Bar]
2x  [Wool Cloth] 85 115 130 145 Trainer  [Silver Contact] Crafting material 1x  [Silver Bar] 90 110 125 140 Trainer  [Ez-Thro Dynamite] Explosive 4x  [Coarse Blasting Powder]
1x  [Wool Cloth] 100 115 123 130  [Schematic: EZ-Thro Dynamite]  [Clockwork Box] Device 3x  [Bronze Bar] 100 125 125 125 Trainer  [Flying Tiger Goggles] Cloth 2x  [Tigerseye]
6x  [Light Leather] 100 130 145 160 Trainer  [Small Seaforium Charge] Explosive 2x  [Coarse Blasting Powder]
1x  [Copper Modulator]
1x  [Light Leather]
1x  [Refreshing Spring Water] 100 130 145 160  [Schematic: Small Seaforium Charge]  [Bronze Tube] Crafting material 2x  [Bronze Bar] 105 115 135 155 Trainer  [Large Copper Bomb] Explosive 3x  [Copper Bar]
4x  [Coarse Blasting Powder]1x  [Silver Contact] 105 125 140 155 Trainer  [Deadly Blunderbuss] Gun 4x  [Bronze Tube]
1x  [Standard Scope]
1x  [Wooden Stock] 105 130 143 155 Trainer  [Standard Scope] Item enhancement 1x  [Moss Agate]
1x  [Bronze Tube] 110 135 148 160 Trainer  [Small Bronze Bomb] Explosive 2x  [Bronze Bar]
4x  [Coarse Blasting Powder]
1x  [Silver Contact]
1x  [Wool Cloth] 120 120 145 170 Trainer  [Lovingly Crafted Boomstick] Gun 3x  [Moss Agate]
2x  [Bronze Tube]
2x  [Handful of Copper Bolts]
1x  [Heavy Stock] 120 145 158 170  [Schematic: Lovingly Crafted Boomstick]  [Shadow Goggles] Cloth 2x  [Shadowgem]
4x  [Medium Leather] 120 145 158 170  [Schematic: Shadow Goggles]  [Flame Deflector] Other 1x  [Small Flame Sac]
1x  [Whirring Bronze Gizmo] 125 125 150 175  [Schematic: Flame Deflector]  [Heavy Blasting Powder] Crafting material 1x  [Heavy Stone] 125 125 135 145 Trainer  [Heavy Dynamite] Explosive 2x  [Heavy Blasting Powder]
1x  [Wool Cloth] 125 125 135 145 Trainer  [Small Blue Rocket] Firework 1x  [Coarse Blasting Powder]
1x  [Medium Leather] 125 125 138 150  [Schematic: Small Blue Rocket]  [Small Green Rocket] Firework 1x  [Coarse Blasting Powder]
1x  [Medium Leather] 125 125 138 150  [Schematic: Small Green Rocket]  [Small Red Rocket] Firework 1x  [Coarse Blasting Powder]
1x  [Medium Leather] 125 125 138 150  [Schematic: Small Red Rocket]  [Whirring Bronze Gizmo] Crafting material 2x  [Bronze Bar]
1x  [Wool Cloth] 125 125 150 175 Trainer  [Gnomish Universal Remote] Trinket 1x  [Malachite]
1x  [Tigerseye]
6x  [Bronze Bar]
2x  [Flask of Oil]
1x  [Whirring Bronze Gizmo] 125 150 163 175  [Schematic: Gnomish Universal Remote]  [Silver-Plated Shotgun] Gun 3x  [Silver Bar]
2x  [Bronze Tube]
1x  [Heavy Stock]
2x  [Whirring Bronze Gizmo] 130 155 168 180 Trainer  [Ornate Spyglass] Device 1x  [Moss Agate]
2x  [Bronze Tube]
1x  [Copper Modulator]
2x  [Whirring Bronze Gizmo] 135 160 173 185 Trainer  [Big Bronze Bomb] Explosive 3x  [Bronze Bar]
2x  [Heavy Blasting Powder]
1x  [Silver Contact] 140 140 165 190 Trainer  [Minor Recombobulator] Trinket 1x  [Moss Agate]
1x  [Bronze Tube]
2x  [Medium Leather]
2x  [Whirring Bronze Gizmo] 140 165 178 190  [Schematic: Minor Recombobulator]  [Bronze Framework] Crafting material 2x  [Bronze Bar]
1x  [Medium Leather]
1x  [Wool Cloth] 145 145 170 195 Trainer  [Moonsight Rifle] Gun 2x  [Lesser Moonstone]
3x  [Bronze Tube]
1x  [Heavy Stock]
3x  [Whirring Bronze Gizmo] 145 170 183 195  [Schematic: Moonsight Rifle]  [Aquadynamic Fish Attractor] Device 2x  [Bronze Bar]
1x  [Coarse Blasting Powder]
1x  [Nightcrawlers] 150 150 160 170 Trainer  [Blue Firework] Firework 1x  [Heavy Blasting Powder]
1x  [Heavy Leather] 150 150 163 175  [Schematic: Blue Firework]  [Green Firework] Firework 1x  [Heavy Blasting Powder]
1x  [Heavy Leather] 150 150 163 175  [Schematic: Green Firework]  [Red Firework] Firework 1x  [Heavy Blasting Powder]
1x  [Heavy Leather] 150 150 163 175  [Schematic: Red Firework]  [Gold Power Core] Crafting material 1x  [Gold Bar] 150 150 170 190 Trainer  [Explosive Sheep] Explosive 1x  [Bronze Framework]
2x  [Heavy Blasting Powder]
1x  [Whirring Bronze Gizmo]
2x  [Wool Cloth] 150 175 188 200 Trainer  [Green Tinted Goggles] Cloth 2x  [Moss Agate]
1x  [Flying Tiger Goggles]
4x  [Medium Leather] 150 175 188 200 Trainer  [Ice Deflector] Device 1x  [Frost Oil]
1x  [Whirring Bronze Gizmo] 155 175 185 195  [Schematic: Ice Deflector]  [Iron Strut] Crafting material 2x  [Iron Bar] 160 160 170 180 Trainer  [Discombobulator Ray] Device 1x  [Jade]
1x  [Bronze Tube]
2x  [Silk Cloth]
3x  [Whirring Bronze Gizmo] 160 180 190 200  [Schematic: Discombobulator Ray]  [Goblin Jumper Cables] Device 2x  [Shadowgem]
6x  [Iron Bar]
2x  [Flask of Oil]
1x  [Fused Wiring]
2x  [Silk Cloth]
2x  [Whirring Bronze Gizmo] 165 165 180 200  [Schematic: Goblin Jumper Cables]  [Portable Bronze Mortar] Explosive 4x  [Bronze Tube]
4x  [Heavy Blasting Powder]
1x  [Iron Strut]
4x  [Medium Leather] 165 185 195 205  [Schematic: Portable Bronze Mortar]  [Gyrochronatom] Crafting material 1x  [Iron Bar]
1x  [Gold Power Core] 170 170 190 210 Trainer  [Solid Blasting Powder] Crafting material 2x  [Solid Stone] 175 175 185 195 Trainer  [Solid Dynamite] Explosive 1x  [Silk Cloth]
1x  [Solid Blasting Powder] 175 175 185 195 Trainer  [Large Blue Rocket] Firework 1x  [Heavy Blasting Powder]
1x  [Heavy Leather] 175 175 188 200  [Schematic: Large Blue Rocket]  [Large Green Rocket] Firework 1x  [Heavy Blasting Powder]
1x  [Heavy Leather] 175 175 188 200  [Schematic: Large Green Rocket]  [Large Red Rocket] Firework 1x  [Heavy Blasting Powder]
1x  [Heavy Leather] 175 175 188 200  [Schematic: Large Red Rocket]  [Compact Harvest Reaper Kit] Device 1x  [Bronze Framework]
2x  [Gyrochronatom]
4x  [Heavy Leather]
2x  [Iron Strut] 175 175 195 215 Trainer  [Gyromatic Micro-Adjustor] Tool 4x  [Steel Bar] 175 175 195 215 Trainer  [Iron Grenade] Explosive 1x  [Iron Bar]
1x  [Heavy Blasting Powder]
1x  [Silk Cloth] 175 175 195 215 Trainer  [Bright-Eye Goggles] Cloth 2x  [Citrine]
6x  [Heavy Leather] 175 195 205 215  [Schematic: Bright-Eye Goggles]  [Accurate Scope] Item enhancement 1x  [Citrine]
1x  [Jade]
1x  [Bronze Tube] 180 200 210 220  [Schematic: Accurate Scope]  [Advanced Target Dummy] Device 1x  [Bronze Framework]
1x  [Gyrochronatom]
4x  [Heavy Leather]
1x  [Iron Strut] 185 185 205 225 Trainer  [Flash Bomb] Explosive 1x  [Blue Pearl]
1x  [Heavy Blasting Powder]
1x  [Silk Cloth] 185 185 205 225  [Schematic: Flash Bomb]  [Craftsman's Monocle] Cloth 2x  [Citrine]
6x  [Heavy Leather] 185 205 215 225  [Schematic: Craftsman's Monocle]  [Big Iron Bomb] Explosive 3x  [Iron Bar]
3x  [Heavy Blasting Powder]
1x  [Silver Contact] 190 190 210 230 Trainer  [Snowmaster 9000] Toy 8x  [Mithril Bar]
1x  [Frost Oil]
4x  [Gyrochronatom]
4x  [Snowball] 190 190 210 230  [Schematic: Snowmaster 9000]  [Mithril Tube] Crafting material 3x  [Mithril Bar] 195 195 215 235 Trainer  [Goblin Land Mine] Explosive 2x  [Iron Bar]
1x  [Gyrochronatom]
3x  [Heavy Blasting Powder] 195 215 225 235  [Schematic: Goblin Land Mine]  [Ez-Thro Dynamite II] Explosive 2x  [Mageweave Cloth]
1x  [Solid Blasting Powder] 200 200 210 220  [Schematic: EZ-Thro Dynamite II]  [Large Seaforium Charge] Explosive 2x  [Heavy Leather]
1x  [Refreshing Spring Water]
2x  [Solid Blasting Powder] 200 200 220 240  [Schematic: Large Seaforium Charge]  [Mechanical Repair Kit] Device 1x  [Mithril Bar]
1x  [Mageweave Cloth]
1x  [Solid Blasting Powder] 200 200 220 240 Trainer  [Unstable Trigger] Crafting material 1x  [Mithril Bar]
1x  [Mageweave Cloth]
1x  [Solid Blasting Powder] 200 200 220 240 Trainer  [Gnomish Cloaking Device] Trinket 2x  [Citrine]
2x  [Jade]
2x  [Lesser Moonstone]
1x  [Fused Wiring]
4x  [Gyrochronatom] 200 220 230 240  [Schematic: Gnomish Cloaking Device]  [Mechanical Dragonling] Trinket 1x  [Citrine]
1x  [Bronze Framework]
2x  [Gyrochronatom]
2x  [Iron Strut] 200 220 230 240  [Schematic: Mechanical Dragonling]  [Lil' Smoky] Companion 1x  [Truesilver Bar]
2x  [Mithril Bar]
1x  [Core of Earth]
1x  [Fused Wiring]
2x  [Gyrochronatom] 205 205 205 205  [Schematic: Lil' Smoky]  [Pet Bombling] Companion 6x  [Mithril Bar]
1x  [Big Iron Bomb]
1x  [Fused Wiring]
1x  [Heart of Fire] 205 205 205 205  [Schematic: Pet Bombling]  [Fire Goggles] Cloth 2x  [Citrine]
1x  [Green Tinted Goggles]
2x  [Elemental Fire]
4x  [Heavy Leather] 205 225 235 245 Trainer  [Mithril Blunderbuss] Gun 4x  [Mithril Bar]
2x  [Elemental Fire]
1x  [Heavy Stock]
1x  [Mithril Tube]
1x  [Unstable Trigger] 205 225 235 245 Trainer  [Deadly Scope] Item enhancement 2x  [Aquamarine]
1x  [Mithril Tube]
2x  [Thick Leather] 210 230 240 250  [Schematic: Deadly Scope]  [Mithril Casing] Crafting material 3x  [Mithril Bar] 215 215 235 255 Trainer  [Mithril Frag Bomb] Explosive 1x  [Mithril Casing]
1x  [Solid Blasting Powder]
1x  [Unstable Trigger] 215 215 235 255 Trainer  [Catseye Ultra Goggles] Cloth 2x  [Aquamarine]
1x  [Catseye Elixir]
4x  [Thick Leather] 220 240 250 260  [Schematic: Catseye Ultra Goggles]  [Mithril Heavy-Bore Rifle] Gun 2x  [Citrine]
6x  [Mithril Bar]
1x  [Heavy Stock]
2x  [Mithril Tube]
1x  [Unstable Trigger] 220 240 250 260  [Schematic: Mithril Heavy-Bore Rifle]  [Firework Launcher] Device 1x  [Goblin Rocket Fuel]
1x  [Inlaid Mithril Cylinder]
1x  [Mithril Casing]
1x  [Unstable Trigger] 225 245 255 265  [Schematic: Firework Launcher]  [Parachute Cloak] Cloak 4x  [Bolt of Mageweave]
2x  [Shadow Silk]
4x  [Solid Blasting Powder]
1x  [Unstable Trigger] 225 245 255 265  [Schematic: Parachute Cloak]  [Spellpower Goggles Xtreme] Cloth 2x  [Star Ruby]
4x  [Thick Leather] 225 245 255 265  [Schematic: Spellpower Goggles Xtreme]  [Blue Rocket Cluster] Firework 1x  [Solid Blasting Powder]
1x  [Thick Leather] 225 255 238 250  [Schematic: Blue Rocket Cluster]  [Green Rocket Cluster] Firework 1x  [Solid Blasting Powder]
1x  [Thick Leather] 225 255 238 250  [Schematic: Green Rocket Cluster]  [Red Rocket Cluster] Firework 1x  [Solid Blasting Powder]
1x  [Thick Leather] 225 255 238 250  [Schematic: Red Rocket Cluster]  [Deepdive Helmet] Cloth 4x  [Malachite]
4x  [Tigerseye]
1x  [Truesilver Bar]
8x  [Mithril Bar]
1x  [Mithril Casing] 230 250 260 270 Trainer  [Rose Colored Goggles] Cloth 2x  [Star Ruby]
6x  [Thick Leather] 230 250 260 270 Trainer  [Hi-Explosive Bomb] Explosive 2x  [Mithril Casing]
2x  [Solid Blasting Powder]
1x  [Unstable Trigger] 235 235 255 275 Trainer  [Sniper Scope] Item enhancement 1x  [Star Ruby]
2x  [Truesilver Bar]
1x  [Mithril Tube] 240 260 270 280  [Schematic: Sniper Scope]  [Green Lens] Cloth 3x  [Aquamarine]
3x  [Jade]
2x  [Heart of the Wild]
8x  [Thick Leather]
2x  [Wildvine] 245 265 275 285 Trainer  [Dense Blasting Powder] Crafting material 2x  [Dense Stone] 250 250 255 260 Trainer  [Dense Dynamite] Explosive 2x  [Dense Blasting Powder]
3x  [Runecloth] 250 250 260 270 Trainer  [Snake Burst Firework] Firework 1x  [Deeprock Salt]
2x  [Dense Blasting Powder]
2x  [Runecloth] 250 250 260 270  [Schematic: Snake Burst Firework]  [High-Powered Flashlight] Trinket 4x  [Thorium Widget]
6x  [Truesilver Bar]
6x  [Essence of Fire] 250 270 280 290 Trainer  [Mithril Mechanical Dragonling] Trinket 2x  [Star Ruby]
4x  [Truesilver Bar]
14x  [Mithril Bar]
2x  [Goblin Rocket Fuel]
4x  [Heart of Fire]
2x  [Inlaid Mithril Cylinder] 250 270 280 290  [Schematic: Mithril Mechanical Dragonling]  [Tranquil Mechanical Yeti] Companion 1x  [Cured Rugged Hide]
2x  [Globe of Water]
1x  [Gold Power Core]
4x  [Thorium Widget]
2x  [Truesilver Transformer] 250 320 330 340 N Engineering [60] A Yeti of Your Own  [Truesilver Transformer] Crafting material 2x  [Truesilver Bar]
1x  [Elemental Air]
2x  [Elemental Earth] 260 270 275 280 Trainer  [Gyrofreeze Ice Reflector] Trinket 2x  [Blue Sapphire]
4x  [Essence of Fire]
2x  [Frost Oil]
4x  [Icecap]
6x  [Thorium Widget]
2x  [Truesilver Transformer] 260 280 290 300  [Schematic: Gyrofreeze Ice Reflector]  [Thorium Grenade] Explosive 3x  [Thorium Bar]
3x  [Dense Blasting Powder]
3x  [Runecloth]
1x  [Thorium Widget] 260 280 290 300 Trainer  [Thorium Rifle] Gun 4x  [Thorium Bar]
1x  [Deadly Scope]
2x  [Mithril Casing]
2x  [Mithril Tube]
2x  [Thorium Widget] 260 280 290 300  [Schematic: Thorium Rifle]  [Thorium Widget] Crafting material 3x  [Thorium Bar]
1x  [Runecloth] 260 280 290 300 Trainer  [Lifelike Mechanical Toad] Companion 1x  [Living Essence]
1x  [Gold Power Core]
1x  [Rugged Leather]
4x  [Thorium Widget] 265 285 295 305  [Schematic: Lifelike Mechanical Toad]  [Spellpower Goggles Xtreme Plus] Cloth 4x  [Star Ruby]
1x  [Spellpower Goggles Xtreme]
2x  [Enchanted Leather]
8x  [Runecloth] 270 290 300 310 Trainer  [Fused Wiring] Crafting material 3x  [Delicate Copper Wire]
2x  [Essence of Fire] 275 275 280 285  [Schematic: Fused Wiring]  [Large Blue Rocket Cluster] Firework 1x  [Dense Blasting Powder]
1x  [Rugged Leather] 275 275 280 285  [Schematic: Large Blue Rocket Cluster]  [Large Green Rocket Cluster] Firework 1x  [Dense Blasting Powder]
1x  [Rugged Leather] 275 275 280 285  [Schematic: Large Green Rocket Cluster]  [Large Red Rocket Cluster] Firework 1x  [Dense Blasting Powder]
1x  [Rugged Leather] 275 275 280 285  [Schematic: Large Red Rocket Cluster]  [Powerful Seaforium Charge] Explosive 3x  [Dense Blasting Powder]
1x  [Refreshing Spring Water]
2x  [Rugged Leather]
2x  [Thorium Widget] 275 275 285 295  [Schematic: Powerful Seaforium Charge]  [Steam Tonk Controller] Device 3x  [Mithril Bar]
1x  [Gold Power Core] 275 275 280 285  [Schematic: Steam Tonk Controller]  [Major Recombobulator] Trinket 2x  [Runecloth]
2x  [Thorium Tube]
1x  [Truesilver Transformer] 275 285 290 295  [Schematic: Major Recombobulator]  [Cluster Launcher] Device 4x  [Goblin Rocket Fuel]
4x  [Inlaid Mithril Cylinder]
1x  [Mithril Casing]
2x  [Truesilver Transformer] 275 295 305 315  [Schematic: Cluster Launcher]  [Dark Iron Rifle] Gun 2x  [Blue Sapphire]
2x  [Large Opal]
6x  [Dark Iron Bar]
2x  [Deadly Scope]
4x  [Rugged Leather]
2x Thorium Tube 275 295 305 315  [Schematic: Dark Iron Rifle]  [Masterwork Target Dummy] Device 1x  [Truesilver Bar]
1x  [Mithril Casing]
2x  [Rugged Leather]
4x  [Runecloth]
1x  [Thorium Tube]
2x  [Thorium Widget] 275 295 305 315  [Schematic: Masterwork Target Dummy]  [Thorium Tube] Crafting material 6x  [Thorium Bar] 275 295 305 315 Trainer  [Dark Iron Bomb] Explosive 1x  [Dark Iron Bar]
3x  [Dense Blasting Powder]
3x  [Runecloth]
2x  [Thorium Widget] 285 305 315 325  [Schematic: Dark Iron Bomb]  [Delicate Arcanite Converter] Crafting material 1x  [Arcanite Bar]
1x  [Ironweb Spider Silk] 285 305 315 325  [Schematic: Delicate Arcanite Converter]  [Hyper-Radiant Flame Reflector] Trinket 2x  [Azerothian Diamond]
4x  [Star Ruby]
4x  [Dark Iron Bar]
6x  [Essence of Water]
3x  [Truesilver Transformer] 290 310 320 330  [Schematic: Hyper-Radiant Flame Reflector]  [Master Engineer's Goggles] Cloth 2x  [Huge Emerald]
1x  [Fire Goggles]
4x  [Enchanted Leather] 290 310 320 330 Trainer  [Voice Amplification Modulator] Necklace 1x  [Large Opal]
2x  [Delicate Arcanite Converter]
1x  [Gold Power Core]
1x  [Thorium Widget] 290 310 320 330  [Schematic: Voice Amplification Modulator]  [Arcane Bomb] Explosive 3x  [Thorium Bar]
1x  [Delicate Arcanite Converter]
1x  [Runecloth] 300 320 330 340  [Schematic: Arcane Bomb]  [Arcanite Dragonling] Trinket 4x  [Delicate Arcanite Converter]
1x  [Mithril Mechanical Dragonling] 300 320 330 340  [Schematic: Arcanite Dragonling]  [Biznicks 247x128 Accurascope] Item enhancement 6x  [Dark Iron Bar]
2x  [Lava Core]
2x  [Essence of Earth]
4x  [Delicate Arcanite Converter]
1x  [Thorium Tube] 300 320 330 340  [Schematic: Biznicks 247x128 Accurascope]  [Bloodvine Goggles] Cloth 5x  [Souldarite]
4x  [Bloodvine]
2x  [Delicate Arcanite Converter]
4x  [Enchanted Leather]
8x  [Powerful Mojo] 300 320 330 340  [Schematic: Bloodvine Goggles]  [Bloodvine Lens] Leather 5x  [Souldarite]
5x  [Bloodvine]
1x  [Delicate Arcanite Converter]
4x  [Enchanted Leather]
8x  [Powerful Mojo] 300 320 330 340  [Schematic: Bloodvine Lens]  [Core Marksman Rifle] Gun 4x  [Fiery Core]
2x  [Lava Core]
6x  [Arcanite Bar]
2x  [Delicate Arcanite Converter]
2x  [Thorium Tube] 300 320 330 340  [Schematic: Core Marksman Rifle]  [Field Repair Bot 74A] Device 16x  [Thorium Bar]
1x  [Fused Wiring] 300 320 330 340 Schematic: Field Repair Bot 74A  [Flawless Arcanite Rifle] Gun 2x  [Azerothian Diamond]
10x  [Arcanite Bar]
2x  [Essence of Earth]
2x  [Essence of Fire]
2x  [Enchanted Leather]
2x  [Thorium Tube] 300 320 330 340  [Schematic: Flawless Arcanite Rifle]  [Force Reactive Disk] Shield 6x  [Arcanite Bar]
8x  [Essence of Air]
8x  [Essence of Earth]
12x  [Living Essence]
2x  [Delicate Arcanite Converter] 300 320 330 340  [Schematic: Force Reactive Disk]  [Ultra-Flash Shadow Reflector] Trinket 2x  [Azerothian Diamond]
2x  [Large Opal]
8x  [Dark Iron Bar]
4x  [Essence of Undeath]
6x  [Living Essence]
4x  [Truesilver Transformer] 300 320 330 340  [Schematic: Ultra-Flash Shadow Reflector]