Collections achievements

  • ️Tue Jul 19 2016
Title Description Rewards  [Fashionista: Head] Collect 100 head slot appearances. 5 Achievement points  [Fashionista: Chest] Collect 100 chest slot appearances. 5 Achievement points  [Fashionista: Legs] Collect 100 leg slot appearances. 5 Achievement points  [Fashionista: Feet] Collect 100 feet slot appearances. 5 Achievement points  [Fashionista: Waist] Collect 100 waist slot appearances. 5 Achievement points  [Fashionista: Back] Collect 200 back slot appearances. 5 Achievement points  [Fashionista: Wrist] Collect 100 wrist slot appearances. 5 Achievement points  [Fashionista: Tabard] Collect 15 tabard slot appearances. 5 Achievement points  [Fashionista: Shirt] Collect 15 shirt slot appearances. 5 Achievement points  [Fashionista: Shoulder] Collect 100 shoulder slot appearances. 5 Achievement points  [Fashionista: Hand] Collect 100 hand slot appearances. 5 Achievement points  [Fashionista: Weapon & Off-Hand] Collect 100 weapon and or Off hand slot appearances. 5 Achievement points  [Fabulous] Unlock each of the achievements listed below. 10 Achievement points
Title: The Fabulous  [Accessor-Eyes] Collect any class armor set from the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. 10 Achievement points  [Never Bothered, Anyway] Collect the Sapphiron's Bane crafted set for any armor type. 10 Achievement points  [Merely a Set] Collect any class armor set from Serpentshrine Cavern and The Eye. 10 Achievement points  [Suns Out, Thori'dals Out] Collect any class armor set from Sunwell Plateau. 10 Achievement points  [That's So Last Millennium] Collect any class armor set from the Nighthold. 10 Achievement points  [The Original] Collect any class armor set from PvP Season 1. 10 Achievement points  [No Mercy] Collect any class armor set from PvP Season 2. 10 Achievement points  [With a Vengeance] Collect any class armor set from PvP Season 3. 10 Achievement points  [Tough Threads] Collect any class armor set from PvP Season 4. 10 Achievement points  [Lethal Looks] Collect any class armor set from PvP Season 5. 10 Achievement points  [The Fierce and the Furious] Collect any class armor set from PvP Season 6. 10 Achievement points  [Relentlessly Good Looking] Collect any class armor set from PvP Season 7. 10 Achievement points  [Wrath of the Stitch King] Collect any class armor set from PvP Season 8. 10 Achievement points  [Viciously Vintage] Collect any class armor set from PvP Season 9. 10 Achievement points  [(Ruth)less is More] Collect any class armor set from PvP Season 10. 10 Achievement points  [Cataclysmic Catwalk] Collect any class armor set from PvP Season 11. 10 Achievement points  [Why Male(volent) Models?] Collect any class armor set from PvP Season 12. 10 Achievement points  [Dressed to Oppress] Collect any class armor set from PvP Season 13. 10 Achievement points  [It's Not Fashion Unless It Hurts] Collect any class armor set from PvP Season 14. 10 Achievement points  [Wear It With Pride] Collect any class armor set from PvP Season 15. 10 Achievement points  [Untamed Beauty] Collect any class armor set from PvP Season 16. 10 Achievement points  [Wild Style] Collect any class armor set from Warlords PvP Season 2. 10 Achievement points  [War-Mog-ering] Collect any class armor set from PvP Season 18. 10 Achievement points  [More Like Win-dictive] Collect any class armor set from PvP Season 19 or 20. 10 Achievement points  [Cruel Intentions] Collect any class armor set from PvP Season 21 or 22. 10 Achievement points  [Claws Out] Collect any class armor set from PvP Season 23, 24, or 25. 10 Achievement points  [Don't Warfront Me] Collect any armor set from PvP Season 26 or the Arathi Warfront. 10 Achievement points  [Tall, Dark, and Sinister] Collect any armor set from Battle for Azeroth PvP Season 2 or the Darkshore Warfront. 10 Achievement points  [Never Lose, Never Choose To] Collect any armor set from Battle for Azeroth PvP Season 3. 10 Achievement points  [The Eyes Have It] Collect any armor set from Battle for Azeroth PvP Season 4.
  • Collect any armor set from PvP Season 29.
10 Achievement points  [Crimson Carpet Fashion] Collect any armor set from Dragonflight PvP Season 1. 10 Achievement points  [Obsidian Tie Event] Collect any armor set from Dragonflight PvP Season 2. 10 Achievement points  [Storming the Runway] Collect an armor set from the Primal Storms. 10 Achievement points  [Azeroth's Next Top Model] Unlock a class armor set from 10 different raid tiers or PvP seasons. 20 Achievement points
Title: Stylist  [Deep Cuts From the Vault] Complete one of the achievements or feats of strength listed below. 10 Achievement points
 [Gleaming Incarnate Thunderstone]  [Thunderwear] Collect any class armor set from Throne of Thunder. 10 Achievement points  [Yaass'shaarj] Collect any class armor set from Siege of Orgrimmar. 10 Achievement points  [Make it W-orc W-orc] Collect any class armor set from Blackrock Foundry. 10 Achievement points  [Extreme Makeover: Fel Edition] Collect any class armor set from Hellfire Citadel. 10 Achievement points  [Winter Catalog] Collect any class armor set from Icecrown Citadel. 10 Achievement points  [Outlandish Style] Collect any class armor set from Gruul's Lair, Karazhan, and Magtheridon's Lair. 10 Achievement points  [Sha of Fabulous] Collect any class armor set from Heart of Fear and Terrace of Endless Spring. 10 Achievement points  [Mogg-Saron] Collect any class armor set from Ulduar. 10 Achievement points  [Can I Get A Helya] Collect any class armor set from Trial of Valor. 10 Achievement points  [Retro Trend] Collect any class armor set from the Tomb of Sargeras. 10 Achievement points  [Argussy Up] Collector any class armor set from Antorus, the Burning Throne. 10 Achievement points  [New Mog, G'huun This?] Collect an armor set from Uldir. 10 Achievement points  [So Hot Right Now] Collect any class armor set from Molten Core. 10 Achievement points  [Daz'aling Attire] Collect an armor set from the Battle of Dazar'alor. 10 Achievement points  [Under the Seams] Collect an armor set from The Eternal Palace. 10 Achievement points  [All Eyes On Me] Collect an armor set from Ny'alotha, the Waking City. 10 Achievement points  [Castle Vain] Collect an armor set from Castle Nathria. 10 Achievement points  [Dominating the Catwalk] Collect an armor set from Sanctum of Domination. 10 Achievement points  [First Wonders] Collect an armor set from Sepulcher of the First Ones. 10 Achievement points  [Vaulternative Fashion] Collect an armor set from Vault of the Incarnates. 10 Achievement points  [I Live, I Die, I Queue Again] Collect any armor set from Shadowlands PvP Season 1. 10 Achievement points  [It's Off the Chain!] Collect any armor set from Shadowlands PvP Season 2. 10 Achievement points  [Cosmic Chic] Collect any armor set from Shadowlands PvP Season 3 or Season 4. 10 Achievement points  [What We Wear In The Shadowflame] Collect an armor set from Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible. 10 Achievement points  [Dress in Lairs] Collect any class armor set from Blackwing Lair. 10 Achievement points  [Undying Aesthetic] Collect any class armor set from Naxxramas. 10 Achievement points  [Black is the New Black] Collect any class armor set from Black Temple. 10 Achievement points  [Style of the Crusader] Collect any class armor set from Trial of the Crusader. 10 Achievement points  [Glamour of Twilight] Collect any class armor set from The Bastion of Twilight and Blackwing Descent. 10 Achievement points  [Hot Couture] Collect any class armor set from Firelands. 10 Achievement points  [Wardrobe of the Old Gods] Collect any class armor set from Dragon Soul. 10 Achievement points