Colossus Smash

  • ️Mon Aug 21 2023
Colossus Smash

Ability warrior colossussmash

  • Colossus Smash
  • Row 5 Arms warrior talent
  • Melee range
  • 45 sec cooldown
  • Instant
  • Requires Melee Weapon
  • Smashes the enemy's armor, dealing (181.5% of Attack power) Physical damage, and increasing damage you deal to them by 30% for 10 sec.
Class Warrior
School Physical
Cooldown 45 seconds
Talent required Ability demonhunter bloodlet [Fueled by Violence] or Spell sandstorm [Storm Wall]/Ability warrior renewedvigor [Ignore Pain]
Improvements Warrior talent icon angermanagement [Anger Management], Ability blackhand marked4death [In For The Kill], Inv helmet 08 [Spiteful Serenity], Ability warrior strengthofarms [Test of Might]
Related debuff

Ability warrior colossussmash

  • Colossus Smash
  • Taking 30% additional damage from the Warrior.
  • Duration: 10 seconds

Colossus Smash is a tier 5 Arms warrior talent that deals damage and places a debuff on the target causing the warrior's attacks to deal 30% more damage for 10 seconds.

Tips and tactics[]

Colossus Smash is the most important arms warrior ability, bar none. Against heavily-armored targets like plate-wearers in PvP and raid bosses, the damage increase from this ability can be substantial. It is imperative that a good arms warrior keep Colossus Smash up almost all the time.

Colossus Smash has a 30 second cooldown and lasts 8 seconds, which is infrequent enough that choosing the right time to use it is very important. Colossus Smash should not be wasted on anything that will die quickly without posing much of a threat, such as AoE trash. In contrast, bosses should have Colossus Smash on them every second that it's possible to do so. Colossus Smash shines especially bright during the Inv sword 48 [Execute] phase of a raid boss fight.

Using Colossus Smash followed immediately by Ability warrior bladestorm [Bladestorm] can deal a lot of damage. In general pooling rage and having cooldowns available for use during Colossus Smash is highly effective.


Colossus Smash is one of Varian's Heroic Abilities in Heroes of the Storm. It also makes him hold his sword, Shalamayne, in two hands.

Patch changes[]

Developers' Notes: The cooldown on Colossus Smash serves as bad luck protection against long streaks of Ability warrior unrelentingassault [Tactician] not activating. At 45 seconds, the worst case scenario of actually waiting for the full cooldown to elapse was a rare occurrence that was particularly noticeable (and frustrating) when it happened. At 30 seconds, the majority of the time Colossus Smash will still reset before its cooldown elapses, but those unlucky streaks should feel a little better.

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