Conjure Water

  • ️Tue Oct 12 2010
Conjure Water

Inv drink 16

  • Conjure Water (9 ranks)
  • Mage ability
  • N/A yd range
  • 40% of base mana
  • 3 sec cast
  • Conjures X bottles of water, providing the mage and allies with something to drink.
    Conjured items disappear if logged out for more than 15 minutes.
Class Mage
School Arcane
Cooldown None
"I hope you brought enough for everyone."[1]

Conjure Water is a mage spell that provides the caster with mana-replenishing drinks. There is no limit to the amount of water a mage may conjure or carry, aside from inventory limitations. Conjured drinks stack to 20, and can be traded to other players. Conjured items disappear if logged out for more than 15 minutes.

Creates Rank Mana Restored Level Cost
Inv drink 06 [Conjured Water] 1 151 mana over 18 sec 4 1s
Inv drink 07 [Conjured Fresh Water] 2 436 mana over 21 sec 10 4s
Inv drink milk 02 [Conjured Purified Water] 3 835 mana over 24 sec 20 20s
Inv drink 10 [Conjured Spring Water] 4 1344 mana over 27 sec 30 80s
Inv drink 09 [Conjured Mineral Water] 5 1992 mana over 30 sec 40 1g 80s
Inv drink 11 [Conjured Sparkling Water] 6 2934 mana over 30 sec 50 3g 20s
Inv drink 18 [Conjured Crystal Water] 7 4200 mana over 30 sec 60 4g 20s,
Inv drink waterskin 11 [Conjured Mountain Spring Water] 8 5100 mana over 30 sec 65 7g
Inv drink 16 [Conjured Glacier Water] 9 7200 mana over 30 sec 70 ??


When you first receive each rank of this spell, you can summon 2 bottles of the new type of water. Each level afterward, you can summon 2 more bottles per cast up to a maximum of 20. An exception is ranks 7, 8 and 9, which will conjure 10 bottles when first learned. Examples:

  • Casting Conjure Water (Rank 1) at level 9 will summon 12 bottles of water with a single casting.
  • Conjure Water (Rank 2) at level 20 will summon 20 bottles of fresh water, but casting your new Conjure Water (Rank 3) will summon only 2 bottles of purified water.
  • Conjure Water (Rank 9) will summon 10 bottles of water at level 70.

For the higher levels a better quality mana source can be learned with Spell mage conjuredmanapudding [Conjure Refreshment].

Tips and Tactics[]

Be sure to summon some water as soon as you log in. Party members and random players will also ask you for water, especially at high levels, when store-bought drinks get very expensive.

As a mage, you'll be drinking so much water you'll wonder why your Gnome hasn't bloated like a well-fed tick. Mages kill things very fast, and this is balanced with longer downtime (which, to be fair, is a minute at worst). Get used to having a sit and drink some water.

Try not to think about what the first rank of water is if it's not "purified" or at least "fresh". Apparently focus groups didn't respond well to "Summon Dishwater".

Patch changes[]

See also[]
