Conjurus Rex

AllianceConjurus Rex
Image of Conjurus Rex
Gender Male
Race Human
Class Archmage
Affiliation(s) Kirin Tor, Magocracy of Dalaran
Occupation Leader of the Mages' Guild
Status Deceased - initially killed by Arthas, ghost destroyed by Kael'thas and Lady Vashj


This article contains lore taken from Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, the manuals, and/or official bonus maps.

Conjurus Rex was an archmage who Arthas killed when he raided Dalaran. His ghost was later put to rest by Kael'thas and Vashj when they escaped from the Dungeons of Dalaran.[1]

In the RPG[]

Icon-RPG This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Conjurus Rex was an Archmage of Kirin Tor. He was tall and slightly overweight, with a balding head, olive skin, and a great white beard. His face had a nebbish quality to it, making him look as if he wished to please whoever he spoke to. Unsure of himself in social situations, Conjurus Rex made excellent use of years of study when he was in battle. He prided himself on protecting the troops with defensive spells, as well as spying on enemy troops with magic. He didn't usually prepare aggressive spells unless specifically requested.[2]

