Cookie One-Eye

  • ️Tue Jan 09 2007
HordeCookie One-Eye
Image of Cookie One-Eye
Title <Food & Drink>
Gender Male
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Orgrimmar
Location Thrallmar, Hellfire Peninsula
Status Alive

Cookie One-Eye is an orc meat and drink vendor located beside the stable master at Thrallmar in the Hellfire Peninsula. Occasionally, he drops Inv misc food 67 [Mystery Meat] to the Injured Thrallmar Grunts.


Inv misc food 48 [Clefthoof Ribs]
Inv drink waterskin 11 [Filtered Draenic Water]
Inv potion 01 [Morning Glory Dew]
Inv drink waterskin 12 [Purified Draenic Water]
Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Ravager Dog]
Inv misc food 15 [Roasted Quail]
Inv misc food 50 [Smoked Talbuk Venison]


With meat in his hand, Cookie One-Eye approaches the bonfire with Injured Thrallmar Grunts.
Cookie One-Eye says: Yer slop is ready. Come n' get it...
Cookie One-Eye says: And if I hear that you palookas complained to Nazgrel again, it'll be one of ya's that I serve up next time...
Injured Thrallmar Grunts approach Cookie One-Eye and return to their seats.
Injured Thrallmar Grunt says: Do I detect a hint of cinnamon? Or is that nutmeg? Whatever it is, one thing's for sure - nobody cooks a donkey like you, Cookie.
Injured Thrallmar Grunt says: Is this what it's come down to, Cookie? Are we so low on supplies that you've resorted to feeding us dung flavored wood chips?
Injured Thrallmar Grunt says: Delicious, Cookie... You've really outdone yourself this time, old-timer. I've never tasted horse this good.
Injured Thrallmar Grunt says: If my stomach wasn't threatening to dislodge itself from my body and leave me for the refuse that we give to the prisoners, I might be insulted by this... this food.

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