Coven of Shivarra

  • ️Tue Aug 29 2017
BossThe Coven of Shivarra
Image of The Coven of Shivarra
Gender Female
Race Shivarra (Demon)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Burning Legion
Location Temple of Anguish, Antorus, the Burning Throne
Status Killable

The Coven of Shivarra is the ninth boss in Antorus, the Burning Throne.


Adventure Guide[]

Having proven themselves to be the most depraved and fanatical of all his followers, Sargeras entrusted the Coven with the unholy task of twisting the minds of the fallen titans into an unstoppable Dark Pantheon.

Each sister employs her own signature brand of torture, eliciting screams which echo throughout the halls of Antorus. It is said that neither mortal nor demon can refuse their whispers, making it only a matter of time before the will of the titans is broken.


The Mothers of the Coven of Shivarra share a health pool. Two of the Shivarra stay within the arena and engage their enemies directly, while the titans' souls are being tormented. The Shivarra exchange places after forcing two titans' souls to use their abilities against the enemies of the Coven. While within 18 yards of each other, the Coven of Shivarra will take reduced damage. Defeating the tormented aparitions of the titans is the key to defeating the Coven itself, and freeing the souls of Aman'Thul, Golganneth, Khaz'goroth and Norgannon.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers[]

  • Avoid standing next to allies when afflicted with Fury of Golganneth.
  • Defeat Torments of Aman'Thul before they finish casting Machinations of Aman'Thul and are restored to full health.
  • Use abilities to slow the movement of Torments of Norgannon until they are no longer affected by Visage of the Titan.
  • Interrupt Touch of the Cosmos.

Healer Alert Healers[]

  • Allies take increasingly high amounts of damage leading up to any Torment of the Titans ability.
  • Avoid standing next to allies when afflicted with Fury of Golganneth.
  • Heal allies afflicted with Chilled Blood.

Tank Alert Tanks[]

  • Avoid gaining too many stacks of Flashfreeze and Fiery Strike.
  • Position the Mothers so that they are unaffected by Shivan Pact.
  • Avoid standing next to allies when afflicted with Fury of Golganneth.


The Coven of Shivarra[]

Torment of the Titans Important[]


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  • Asara, Mother of Night yells: You cannot escape the shadows.
  • Diima, Mother of Gloom yells: I am the chill running down your spine.
  • Noura, Mother of Flames yells: I can't wait to hear your flesh sizzle.
Whirling Saber
Noura, Mother of Flames yells: I want to see your limbs roasting!
Storm of Darkness
Asara, Mother of Night yells: You look so vulnerable, trembling in the dark.
Chilled Blood
Diima, Mother of Gloom yells: Enjoy my icy caress before you are frozen solid.
Cosmic Glare
Thu'raya, Mother of the Cosmos yells: I wield the power of the cosmos!
Machinations of Aman'Thul
  • Magni Bronzebeard yells: They're usin' Aman'thul's mastery o' time against ye!
  • Magni Bronzebeard yells: The coven's torments o' the Highfather have taken form!
Fury of Golganneth
  • Magni Bronzebeard yells: Golganneth... he's lost in a storm o' agony!
  • Magni Bronzebeard yells: The coven strikes at ye through the storms o' Golganneth!
Flames of Khaz'goroth
  • Magni Bronzebeard yells: Khaz'goroth's will is bein' twisted. He can't control his flame!
  • Magni Bronzebeard yells: The demons are turnin' the Shaper's flames against ye!
Spectral Army of Norgannon
  • Magni Bronzebeard yells: They're tearin' Norgannon's mind ta pieces!
  • Magni Bronzebeard yells: Careful! Mortals ain't meant ta walk the Dreamweaver's path!
Killed a player
  • Asara, Mother of Night yells: You were right to fear the dark.
  • Asara, Mother of Night yells: There is no light that can pierce my shadow.
  • Diima, Mother of Gloom yells: Your pieces will make a fine trophy.
  • Diima, Mother of Gloom yells: Your corpses will be frozen in eternal agony.
  • Noura, Mother of Flames yells: Burned and blackened.
  • Noura, Mother of Flames yells: Another body for the fire!
  • Thu'raya, Mother of the Cosmos yells: Your faith is weak.
  • Thu'raya, Mother of the Cosmos yells: Your existence was meaningless.
Magni Bronzebeard says: The souls of the Pantheon are free, but they endured so much sufferin'. Let me bide with 'em fer a time. Offer a bit o' comfort.
Prophet Velen says: Remain here, Magni. The rest of us will go on.
Illidan Stormrage says: So close now to the end...
Unused quotes
  • Asara, Mother of Night: I welcome... oblivion...
  • Diima, Mother of Gloom: So... cold...
  • Magni Bronzebeard: I'll do what I can ta ease the titan spirits while you put an end ta their torturers!
  • Noura, Mother of Flames: I will never... burn out...
  • Thu'raya, Mother of the Cosmos: I have walked the spaces between stars. What hope did you have against me?
  • Thu'raya, Mother of the Cosmos: My essence... returns... to the Nether...


  • Sister Subversia, Lady Heretica, and Mistress Apostriss are members, but not part of the boss fight. Only Subversia is a confirmed member, but the other two are separately noted to both be part of Sargeras' "inner circle" and are only a short distance away.
  • In the PTR, their adventure guide was as such: "Shivarra Priestesses, tasked with torturing and brainwashing the souls of the mighty Titans, assault the raid together from within their temple, deep within the core of Argus."
  • Asara, Mother of Night is voiced by Kimberly Brooks, and Diima, Mother of Gloom is voiced by Cindy Robinson.

Patch changes[]

External links[]

Asara, Mother of Night Diima, Mother of Gloom Noura, Mother of Flames Thu'raya, Mother of the Cosmos