Daerion the Assassin

NeutralDaerion the Assassin
Image of Daerion the Assassin
Gender Male
Race Human
Affiliation(s) Stormwind Assassin's Guild
Occupation Assassin
Location Unknown
Status Deceased
Companion(s) Blackklaw (gryphon mount)
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This article contains lore taken from the Warcraft manga or comics.

Daerion the Assassin was the assassin hired by Katrana Prestor through Gakca to kill the strong-willed Varian.

Daerion met with Magatha Grimtotem, who was told by the Forsaken of his arrival. Magatha revealed to him the location of the gladiator Lo'Gosh. Later on, the assassin was killed during a fight with Valeera Sanguinar in Dustwallow Marsh; his demise caused by a tarantula whose web he got caught in.[1] He owned an ebon gryphon named Blackklaw.[2]


  • His name was revealed during Valeera's Book of Heroes chapter in Hearthstone.
