- ️Sat Mar 19 2022

Darnassian script on the portal between Rut'theran Village and Darnassus.[1]
Darnassian (also called Darnassae,[2] Kaldorei[3] or elvish)[4][5][6] is the language of the night elves. It wasn't always called this way.[7]
As the naga, high elves, blood elves, void elves, and nightborne are all descended from night elves, their languages of Nazja, Thalassian,[8] and Shalassian respectively[9] bear some resemblance to Darnassian. There are, however, strong ideological differences between the night elves and their distant kin. Thus, a linguist must take great care in drawing comparisons between Darnassian and its cousin languages. Night elves tend to consider such comparisons offensive.[10]
The hearty frostsaber's ferocious appetite earned it the nickname "Dragon Belly" in the night elf language.[11]
Darnassian primer (official translations)[]
Blizzard have internally developed a grammatical template for Darnassian.[12] Here are a few common Darnassian phrases and words, for which the translations have been officially confirmed by Blizzard:
- Al'anath = Frostsoul.
- Alara'shinu = Finding beauty in imperfection.[13]
- Alash'anir = Venom and storm.[14]
- Alor'el = Lover's Leaf.[15]
- Amirdrassil = Crown of Harmony.[16]
- An'da = Papa/Father.[17][15]
- Andrassil = Crown of the Snow.[18]
- Ande'thoras-ethil = May your troubles be diminished. (A farewell.)[10][19][20]
- Andu-falah-dor = Let balance be restored. (A war cry.)[10][19]
- Anu'dorini Talah = Let my will be known.[21] - Yelled as a warcry by Malfurion Stormrage in Warcraft III, said by the Voice of Elune, and used to open the Vault of the Wardens.
- Aria = We face.[22]
- Ash karath = Do it.[10][23]
- Bandu Thoribas = Prepare to fight. (A challenge to an enemy.)[10][19]
- Bessae = From the.[22]
- Denalore = Oblivion, devastation.[22]
- Dwarf = Originally a derogatory night elven word used to refer to the earthen.[24]
- Ellemayne = Reaver.[25]
- Elune-Adore = Elune be with you. (A greeting.)[10][19]
- Elun'dris = the Eye of Elune.[26]
- Fandu-dath-belore? = Who goes there?[10][19]
- Finel = The last.[27]
- Irana'ethil = Shield against the Shadow.[28]
- Ishnu-alah = Good fortune to you. (A greeting.)[10][19]
- Ishnu-dal-dieb = Good fortune to your family. (A greeting.)[10]
- Jai'alator = Noble blade of Elune.[29]
- Kaldorei = Children of the stars,[30] people of the stars.[10]
- Lathar'Lazal = Seat of the Sky.[31]
- Lura = Sea.[22]
- Min'da = Mama.[15]
- Minn'do = Mother.[32][33] Seems to be more formal than min'da, based on the suffix 'do which is shared with shan'do and nahlen'do.
- Nahlen'do = Master of the Fang (refers to the wielder of the Scythe of Elune).[34]
- Nar'valas = View of Unending Stars.[35]
- Nordrassil = Crown of the Heavens.[10]
- Quel'dorei = Children of Noble Birth (Highborne, High-borne, high elves).[10][36]
- Ru shallora enudoril = I anoint these caretakers of the wild.[21] - Said by the Voice of Elune.
- Shaha lor'ma = Thank you.[37][38]
- Shalla'tor = Shadow Render.[25]
- Shal'nar = Aunt.[39]
- Shan'do = Honored Teacher. (A title and term of respect.)[10][19]
- Shanna melor'ne adala fal = The truth is a guiding light.[39]
- Shen'dralar = Those Who Remain Hidden.[40]
- Shu dalas na = Heavy are our hearts.[22]
- Sunstrider = He who walks the day.[10][41]
- T'lara = A derogatory term for "a warrior armed only with words".[42]
- Teldrassil = Crown of the Earth.[10]
- Thero'shan = Honored student. (A title and term of respect.)[10][19]
- Tor ilisar'thera'nal[43] = Let our enemies beware. (A war cry used against enemies since ancient times.)[10]
- Vordrassil = Broken Crown.[18]
- Xaxas = A short title with many meanings, all dire. "Chaos", "fury", "The embodiment of elemental rage, such as found in erupting volcanos or shattering earthquakes", "elemental fury", "catastrophe". Often used to refer to the black dragon Aspect Deathwing.[10][44][45]
- Zin-Azshari = The glory of Azshara.[10][46]
Untranslated phrases[]
Untranslated words[]
- Aethenar - An underground facility found hidden near the Moon Guard Stronghold in Suramar.
- Al'ameth - A lake in southeastern Teldrassil.
- Aldrassil - An inhabited tree in northeastern Teldrassil.
- Althalaxx - A highborne tower created before the Sundering in Darkshore.
- Ama'shan - A night elven title.
- Ameth'Aran - Former night elven city in Darkshore.
- Anora - A hollow and underground ley station facility in Suramar.
- Ara-Hinam - A night elven village, long since destroyed.
- Arauk-Nashal - A location on the Broken Isles.
- Arcan'dor - A type of magical fruit tree that balances nature and arcane magic by feeding on ley lines.
- Arlithrien - Pools in southwestern Teldrassil.
- Ash'theran - A large night elf enclave in northeastern Val'sharah.
- Astranaar - Night elven town in Ashenvale.
- Azsuna - An island in the southwestern part of the Broken Isles.
- Ban'ethil - A barrow den in central Teldrassil.
- Ban'Thallow - A barrow den located very close to Starfall Village in Winterspring.
- Bashal'Aran - Former night elven city in Darkshore.
- Beth'mora - A ridge with highborne ruins near the Severed Span in the Shimmering Expanse.
- Biel'aran - A ridge with highborne ruins near the Severed Span in the Shimmering Expanse.
- Constellas - A former night elven settlement in Felwood.
- Daral'nir - A great tree located within the Emerald Dream that has the ability to calm enraged beings.
- Darnassus - The current capital of the night elves.
- Dolanaar - Night elven town in central Teldrassil.
- Dor'Danil - Barrow den in eastern Ashenvale.
- Eldara - Tower in northeastern Azshara.
- Eldarath - A ruined city in Azshara.
- Eldra'nath - Night elf ruins now inhabited by Imperean and his air elementals just west of Bor'gorok Outpost and north of Blistering Pool in the Borean Tundra.
- El'dranil - A mountain and shallow ocean inlet in Azsuna.
- Eldreth - Adjective used for Eldreth Row, various Eldreth ghosts, and Eldreth Darters in Dire Maul (Eldre'Thalas).
- Eldre'Thalas - Dire Maul.
- Eldre'thar - Newly discovered ruins of a highborne city located inside Sishir Canyon in the Stonetalon Mountains.
- Eldretharr - A shrine that is a large, open-air night elf temple in Dire Maul (Eldre'Thalas).
- Elor'shan - An underground facility under the Crimson Thicket in Suramar.
- Elune'ara - A lake in Moonglade.
- Elune'eth - A part of Meredil that is directly over Shal'Aran, possibly the same submerged building, in Suramar.
- Ethel Rethor - A tower in western Desolace.
- Fal'adora - An underground temple of Elune located in the city ruins of Falanaar in Suramar.
- Falanaar - A small ruined town that has partially collapsed into tunnels behind Ambervale in Suramar.
- Falathim - Lake in western Ashenvale.
- Fal'dorei - Spider-like corrupted night elves that reside in the tunnels beneath Falanaar.
- Falfarren - River in central Ashenvale.
- Faronaar - A large island found in western Azsuna.
- Feralas - Lush jungle in southwestern Kalimdor.
- Hyjal - Historical mountain in northern Kalimdor, sacred to the Wild Gods, upon which Nordrassil grows.
- Isildien - Night elf ruins in southern Feralas.
- Izal-Shurah - A great highborne library in the city of Suramar.
- Jademir - A lake in northern Feralas.
- Kal'delar - A ruined night elf military city on the southwestern shores of Val'sharah.
- Kalidar - Alleged former name of island currently known as Teldrassil.
- Kel'balor - An underground facility found hidden near the Crimson Thicket in Suramar.
- Kelp'thar - A kelp forest region in Vashj'ir. Possibly Nazja, as there was no kelp forest before the Sundering.
- Kel'Theril - Former night elven city in Winterspring.
- Lar'donir - Night elf ruins in the Verdant Thicket of Mount Hyjal.
- Lariss - A pavilion in northeastern Feralas.
- Lithduin - An underwater reef located just off the coast of the Isle of the Watchers to the northeast in Azsuna.
- Llothien - A ruined night elf city and highlands in Azsuna.
- Lor'danel - A seaside night elf settlement in northern Darkshore.
- Loreth'Aran - A night elven ruin on Bloodmyst Isle.
- Lorlathil – A night elf village in Val'sharah, and the birthplace of the Stormrage twins, Malfurion and Illidan.
- Lornesta - A flooded night elf ruin in Darkshore.
- Mathystra - Former night elven city in Darkshore.
- Mazthoril - A cave in Winterspring.
- Mennar - Lake in southern Azshara.
- Meredil - A ruined area of Suramar City that was not protected by the energy shield in Suramar.
- Morlos'Aran - A former night elven city in Felwood.
- Mystral - Lake in southern Ashenvale.
- Nar'shola - Ruined terrace in the Ruins of Vashj'ir in the Shimmering Expanse.
- Nar'thalas - A ruined night elf city with an academy in Azsuna.
- Nendis - A night elf seaport town razed during the third war on the coast of northern Azshara or eastern Winterspring. No evidence of the town remains.
- Nor'Danil - A wellspring site in Azsuna.
- Nordressa - Night elf ruins west of the Northern Rocketway Exchange in Azshara.
- Oneiros - Night elven ruins in northern Feralas.
- Ordil'Aran - Former night elven city in Ashenvale.
- Quel'Dormir - A ruined highborne terrace, gardens, and temple of Elune in the Ruins of Vashj'ir in the Shimmering Expanse.
- Rhut'van - A mountain, mountain range, and road in Azsuna.
- Rut'theran - A village in southern Teldrassil.
- Sardor - Island off the Feralas coast.
- Sar'theris - A beach on the coast of Desolace.
- Satyrnaar - A satyr town in eastern Ashenvale.
- Shaladrassil - A World Tree in Val'sharah.
- Shala'nir - A large druid grove at the base of the world tree Shaladrassil in Val'sharah.
- Shal'Aran - An underground ruin in Meredil in Suramar.
- Shandaral - A ruined night elf city located in the center of the Unbound Thicket, in the eastern part of Crystalsong Forest.
- Solarsal - Night elven ruins in Feralas.
- Suramar - Night elven city, jewel of the night elven empire, and home of the nightborne.
- Sylvanaar - A night elven town in Blade's Edge Mountains.
- Tal'doren - Home of the Druids of the Scythe in Blackwald in Gilneas. Also referred to as "the wild home", so it is highly likely that it's what the name Tal'doren means.
- Talrendis - A night elven camp in southwestern Azshara.
- Tel'anor - A massive graveyard and ritual site overlooking Suramar City atop a plateau in central Suramar.
- Tethris Aran - A former night elven city in northern Desolace.
- Thalanaar - Night elven settlement in eastern Feralas.
- Thal'dranath - The original name of the Broken Shore.
- Thas'talah - The grove of Elothir in Val'sharah, above its basin.
- Thelserai - A ruined highborne temple located directly east of the Silver Tide Trench in the Shimmering Expanse.
- Val'sharah - Forested region on the Broken Isles, sacred to all druids.
- Vashj'elan - Naga infested highborne ruins located in southern Lost Isles.
- Vashj'ir - The highborne ruins of the once-majestic city of Vashj'ir in the southwestern Shimmering Expanse.
- Zarkhenar - A ruined city and ley-siphoning facility in Azsuna.
- Zin-Malor - Temple in Eldarath.
- Zoram - A ruined night elf city and beach in Ashenvale.
In-game parser[]
This is the list of words created by the in-game language parser for the Darnassian language, which is listed as language number two (word range 101-202) in the Language text file.
Note: The language algorithm used by the in-game "translator" merely makes the words look like Darnassian. It does not actually use a specific dictionary. Therefore, translated in-game speech isn't true Darnassian.
Number of letters in word | Word List |
One-letter words | A, D, E, I, N, O |
Two-letter words | Al, An, Da, Do, Lo, Ni, No, Ri, Su |
Three-letter words | Ala, Ano, Anu, Ash, Dor, Dur, Fal, Nei, Nor, Osa, Tal, Tur |
Four-letter words | Alah, Aman, Anar, Andu, Dath, Dieb, Diel, Fulo, Mush, Rini, Shar, Thus |
Five-letter words | Adore, Balah, Bandu, Eburi, Fandu, Ishnu, Shano, Shari, Talah, Terro, Thera, Turus |
Six-letter words | Asto're, Belore, Do'rah, Dorini, Ethala, Falla, Ishura, Man'ar, Neph'o, Shando, T'as'e, U'phol |
Seven-letter words | Al'shar, Alah'ni, Aman'ni, Anoduna, Dor'Ano, Mush'al, Shan're |
Eight-letter words | D'ana'no, Dal'dieb, Dorithur, Eraburis, Il'amare, Mandalas, Thoribas |
Nine-letter words | Banthalos, Dath'anar, Dune'adah, Fala'andu, Neph'anis, Shari'fal, Thori'dal |
Ten-letter words | Ash'therod, Dorados'no, Isera'duna, Shar'adore, Thero'shan |
Eleven-letter words | Fandu'talah, Shari'adune |
Twelve-letter words | Dor'ana'badu, T'ase'mushal |
Thirteen-letter words | U'phol'belore |
Fourteen-letter words | Anu'dorannador, Turus'il'amare |
Fifteen-letter words | Asto're'dunadah, Shindu'falla'na |
Sixteen-letter words | - |
Seventeen-letter words | Ando'meth'derador, Anu'dorinni'talah, Esh'thero'mannash, Thoribas'no'thera |
The novel Cycle of Hatred mentions "four elven dialects".[52] The naga, high elves, and blood elves all speak languages derived from Darnassian. The Naga (former Highborne elves), speak the language Nazja, which is as corrupted as the creatures who speak it. The language of the high elves, who were exiled from Kalimdor, changed into what is now known as Thalassian. It is also the language of the blood elves.
Darnassian, Thalassian, and Najza seem to have many common phrases, as is evidenced by Prince Kael'thas' use of "Ishnu'alah", Lady Vashj's "Ishnu'dal'dieb", as well as the names of the different elf subtypes, the Kaldorei, Quel'dorei, and Sin'dorei.
The high elves have very long life spans compared to humans, so Thalassian might be so similar to Darnassian that it would be more correct to call it a dialect, rather than a separate language. However, various sources call them languages, and imply that there would be difficulty in communication between the separate languages.
In Hearthstone[]

Song of the Voyage to the Sunken City cinematic trailer.[22]
This section contains information exclusive to Hearthstone and is considered non-canon.
- Aluth neladar - A druidic attack spell commanding surrounding plants to fight on the speaker's behalf.[53] Spoken by Elise the Trailblazer while attacking.
- Tel'zaxus Nalore! - No translation, spoken by Elise Starseeker during the Skelesaurus Hex boss encounter in the League of Explorers adventure.[54]
In the RPG[]
This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.
Beyond the current spoken version of Darnassian there is one ancient dialect of Darnassian, written in Darnassian runes.[55] However, it is possible that it is the language currently known as Elven which is also spoken on Mount Hyjal.[56]
- Allaminar! - Word of magic that creates a illumination spell, which causes a bright light.[57]
- Keermissar! - Word of magic that causes three whirling magic stars to flash forth and strike an enemy.[57]
Night elf names[]
Night elf names always have a special meaning. First names derive from an elven word or the name of a famous hero having a totemic or ancestral connection. Surnames are indicative of the family line and often date back millennia.[58]
- Male: Ilthilior, Mellitharn, Khardona, Andissiel, Mardant, Tanavar.
- Female: Kaylai, Keina, Deliantha, Meridia, Freja, Alannaria, Nevarial.
- Family: Moonblade, Glaivestorm, Proudstrider, Oakwalker, Nightwing, Staghorn.
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This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore. |
It has been pointed out that Darnassian, an old language, shares the same root word with the name of the Night Elven capital, Darnassus, a city created relatively recently. Some reasons as to why this may be include: 1) the language was always called Darnassian, and the city was named for the language; 2) there was no name for the language prior to the foundation of the city, and so they bore the same, 3) the name of the language was changed, or 4) "darnass" has a translation that is not yet known.
Based on the primer above, one can draw several conclusions as to the meanings of specific words, suffixes and prefixes in the Darnassian language:
- "An" = "Snow"
- "Aran" = "Town"
- "Do" = "Teacher"
- "Dorei" = "Children", "Born of"
- "Drassil" = "Crown"
- "Dris" = "Eye"
- "Ishnu" = "Good fortune"
- "Kal" = "Star(s)"
- "-naar" = "Town"
- "Nor" = "Heavens"
- "Quel" = "High" or "Noble"
- "Shan" = "Honored"
- "Tel" = "Earth"
- "Thero" = "Student"
- "Vor" = "Broken"
- "Zin" = "Glory"
- ^ Wolfheart, chapter 1
- ^ Quotes by Arathandris Silversky
- ^
[53] Betrayed: You assume the text is of some ancient language... perhaps Kaldorei?
- ^ The Comic: Destiny Awaits!
- ^
[Arcane Tome]
- ^
[8-45] The Keystone
- ^
[57] Under the Chitin Was...
- ^ The Warcraft Encyclopedia/Thalassian
- ^ Don Adams on Twitter - "Correct. It's an offshoot, similar to Thalassian."
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s The Warcraft Encyclopedia: Darnassian
- ^ Mount Journal entry for
[Reins of the Spotted Frostsaber] and
[Reins of the Striped Frostsaber]
- ^ Eric Law 2022-03-19. Hearthstone Interview: Christie Golden and Valerie Chu Weigh Anchor on Narrative and Atmosphere of Voyage to the Sunken City. Game Rant. Retrieved on 2022-05-07.
- ^ Rensar Greathoof#Quotes
- ^ Alash'anir
- ^ a b c Seeds of Faith
- ^
[70] Call of the Dream
- ^ Destiny Awaits!, pg. 11
- ^ a b World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 124
- ^ a b c d e f g h Alliance Player's Guide, pg. 128
- ^
[5-30] Call Down the Thunder
- ^ a b Loreology on Twitter
- ^ a b c d e f Hearthstone on Twitter (2022-05-06). Archived from the original on 2022-05-07.
- ^ A Good War, pg. 66
- ^ The Sundering, chapter 1
- ^ a b Flashback, pg. 22
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 94
- ^ Elegy, pg. 87
- ^ World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor, pg. 108
- ^ Stormrage, pg. 84
- ^ Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos manual, pg. 47
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 95
- ^
[50] An Urgent Request
- ^
[60] Daughter of the Night Warrior
- ^ Feral Worgen (Val'sharah)
- ^ Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor, pg. 56
- ^ Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos manual, pg. 48
- ^ War Crimes, chapter 6
- ^ Christie Golden on Twitter (2014-05-08). Retrieved on 2019-03-12. “it means thank you :-)”
- ^ a b Curse of the Worgen
- ^ World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, pg. 139
- ^ The Founding of Quel'Thalas
- ^
[50] Make Some Noise
- ^ Lieutenant Aylissa Silverarrow#Quotes
- ^ Day of the Dragon, pg. 136
- ^ The Art of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, pg. 6
- ^ Lands of Mystery, pg. 74
- ^ Enemies at the Gate
- ^ a b The Spirits of Ashenvale
- ^ Curse of the Worgen Issue 4
- ^ A Parting of Ways
- ^
[Encrypted Sigil]
- ^ Cycle of Hatred, pg. 67
- ^ Peter Whalen on Twitter: "Druidic attack spell - she's commanding the plants to fight on her behalf. Especially powerful given the local vegetation."
- ^ Skelesaurus Hex dialogue
- ^ Shadows & Light, pg. 134
- ^ Lands of Mystery, pg. 17
- ^ a b Magic and Mayhem, pg. 57 - 58
- ^ World of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game, pg. 39