Defender Golem

Defender Golem
Base unit Rock Golem
Faction Neutral
Hit points 500
Hit point regeneration Always
Hit point regeneration rate 0.5 HP/sec.
Mana 400
Mana Regeneration rate 1.00 Mana/sec.
Level 6
Gold Bounty Awarded 44-52 BTNPillage
Sleeps No
Normal attack 31 avg
Can attack Ground
Range Melee
Attack type Normal
Cooldown 1.35 sec.
Weapon type Normal
Secondary attack 31 avg
Can attack Air
Range 50
Attack type Piercing
Weapon type Missile
Armor Type Heavy
Armor 2
Day Sight 140
Night Sight 80
Movement Speed 270


The Defender Golem appears in Misconceptions, guarding the gold stash on the north-west island.

Spells and abilities[]

Hurl Boulder[]


A magical boulder is thrown at an enemy unit, causing 100 points of damage and stunning the target for 2 seconds.
Duration Cooldown Range Effect
2 sec. 8 sec. 80 100 damage and stun.

Spell Immunity (Passive)[]


Renders this unit immune to negative spells.