
  • ️Tue Mar 28 2017
Main article: The Desolate Host
Image of Dejahna
Title Soul Queen, Mother[1]
Gender Female
Race Night elf (Undead)
Level ?? Elite
Class Priestess of the Moon
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Sisterhood of Elune, Kaldorei Resistance
Occupation High priestess of Elune
Location Tomb of Sargeras

Deceased (lore)

Student(s) Tyrande Whisperwind, Marinda, and other Sisters of Elune

Dejahna was the high priestess of Elune at the Temple of Elune in Suramar before[2] and during the War of the Ancients.[3]


War of the Ancients[]

At the first lesson session with girls who had just joined the Sisters, Dejahna would act with severity, her sharp eyes examining them to quickly weed out any half-hearted pupils who had simply joined because of their lack of magical aptitude.[4]

During the War of the Ancients, Dejahna was an ally and staunch supporter of Lord Kur'talos Ravencrest, who led the Kaldorei Resistance against the Burning Legion. During the push back toward Suramar, Dejahna was lanced through the stomach by a demon on the battlefield, and much of her magic was subsequently drained from her by a felbeast. Despite her great healing skills, she did not survive her injuries.[5] Her last act before death was to name her successor, one who was favored by Elune and filled with the light of the goddess herself: the current high priestess, Tyrande Whisperwind.


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Dejahna appears in the Tomb of Sargeras as Soul Queen Dejahna, part of the Desolate Host. Her spirit had initially attempted to resist the fel corruption before she was overwhelmed and made into the keeper for the Host.[6] Dejahna's last words are an apology to her former pupil, Tyrande.[7]


Seeds of Faith[]

  • "Faith is the beginning of all things. If your skill with the arcane is passable, but not strong, you may still become a sorceress. If your skill with a needle and thread is passable, but not strong, you may still become a seamstress. But if your faith is only passable and not strong, you will never become a priestess." - Tyrande Whisperwind's first lesson as a Sister of Elune[8]
  • "Why have you chosen this path, Tyrande Whisperwind?"
"Because I want to protect others. Especially the ones I love." - Dejahna and Tyrande at the latter's first lesson[9]

World of Warcraft[]

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Main article: The Desolate Host#Quotes



  • Fan model by Vaanel.

    Fan model by Vaanel.

Patch changes[]


  1. ^ The Well of Eternity, chapter 9
  2. ^ Seeds of Faith, pg. 11
  3. ^ The Well of Eternity, pg. 137
  4. ^ Seeds of Faith, pg. 10-11
  5. ^ The Warcraft Encyclopedia: Dejahna
  6. ^ Soul Queen Dejahna yells: I tried to resist them, but failed. At least now I am free.
  7. ^ Soul Queen Dejahna yells: I should have been stronger. Tell Tyrande... I am sorry.
  8. ^ Seeds of Faith, pg. 10
  9. ^ Seeds of Faith, pg. 11

External links[]