Dwarf Archaeology Fragment

  • ️Tue Feb 08 2011

Trade archaeology dwarf artifactfragment

  • Dwarf Archaeology Fragment
  • Total Maximum: 200

Dwarf Archaeology Fragments are found using the Inv misc shovel 01 [Survey] ability of the Archaeology skill.

As with all Archaeology Fragments, they are not inventory items but instead tracked on the relevant page of a player's archaeology dialog.

These fragments are found at Dwarven archaeology sites.

Known artifacts[]

Dwarf artifacts (31)
Name Fragments Skill Rarity Value Achievement
Trade archaeology chalice of mountainkings [Chalice of the Mountain Kings] 100 + 3 sockets 150 Rare
Inv misc head clockworkgnome 01 [Clockwork Gnome] 100 + 3 sockets 225 Rare
Trade archaeology staffofsorcerer than thaurissan [Staff of Sorcerer-Thane Thaurissan] 150 + 3 sockets 450 Rare
Trade archaeology theinnkeepersdaughter [The Innkeeper's Daughter] 150 + 3 sockets 150 Rare
Inv belt 40a [Belt Buckle with Anvilmar Crest] 34 1 Common 1g
Trade archaeology silverdoorknocker of female dwarf [Bodacious Door Knocker] 35 + 1 socket 1 Common 5g
Inv misc dice 02 [Bone Gaming Dice] 32 1 Common 1g
Trade archaeology decorated leather boot heel [Boot Heel with Scrollwork] 34 + 1 socket 1 Common 5g
Inv misc urn 01 [Ceramic Funeral Urn] 35 + 1 socket 1 Common 1g
Trade archaeology dentedshield [Dented Shield of Horuz Killcrow] 35 + 1 socket 1 Common 10g Achievement boss cyanigosa [Blue Streak]
Inv boots cloth 14 [Dwarven Baby Socks] 30 1 Common 1g
Trade archaeology goldchamberpot [Golden Chamber Pot] 35 + 1 socket 1 Common 5g
Trade archaeology stoneshield [Ironstar's Petrified Shield] 36 + 1 socket 1 Common 5g Achievement zone ironforge [Kings Under the Mountain]
Trade archaeology mithrilnecklace [Mithril Chain of Angerforge] 35 + 1 socket 1 Common 10g Achievement zone ironforge [Kings Under the Mountain]
Trade archaeology gemmeddrinkingcup [Moltenfist's Jeweled Goblet] 34 + 1 socket 1 Common 1g Achievement zone ironforge [Kings Under the Mountain]
Trade archaeology notchedsword [Notched Sword of Tunadil the Redeemer] 35 + 1 socket 1 Common 5g Achievement boss cyanigosa [Blue Streak]
Inv misc pipe 01 [Pipe of Franclorn Forgewright] 45 + 2 sockets 1 Common 20g
Inv misc beer 01 [Pewter Drinking Cup] 35 + 1 socket 1 Common 1g
Trade archaeology jeweleddwarfscepter [Scepter of Bronzebeard] 45 + 2 sockets 1 Common 20g Inv qirajidol night [Seven Scepters]
Trade archaeology spinedquillboarscepter [Scepter of Charlga Razorflank] 35 + 1 socket 1 Common 10g Inv qirajidol night [Seven Scepters]
Trade archaeology blackenedstaff [Scorched Staff of Shadow Priest Anund] 35 + 1 socket 1 Common 10g Achievement boss cyanigosa [Blue Streak]
Trade archaeology silverdagger [Silver Kris of Korl] 45 + 2 sockets 1 Common 20g Achievement boss cyanigosa [Blue Streak]
Inv jewelry necklace 07 [Silver Neck Torc] 34 + 1 socket 1 Common 1g
Trade archaeology skullstaff [Skull Staff of Shadowforge] 35 + 1 socket 1 Common 10g Achievement zone ironforge [Kings Under the Mountain]
Inv qiraj hiltspiked [Spiked Gauntlets of Anvilrage] 45 + 2 sockets 1 Common 20g Achievement zone ironforge [Kings Under the Mountain]
Trade archaeology carved wildhammer gryphon figurine [Stone Gryphon] 35 + 1 socket 1 Common 1g
Inv mace 81 [Warmaul of Burningeye] 45 + 2 sockets 1 Common 20g Achievement zone ironforge [Kings Under the Mountain]
Trade archaeology wingedhelm [Winged Helm of Corehammer] 35 + 1 socket 1 Common 5g Achievement zone ironforge [Kings Under the Mountain]
Ability hunter beastcall [Wooden Whistle] 28 1 Common 1g
Inv misc pearlring2 [Word of Empress Zoe] 45 + 2 sockets 1 Common 375g
Inv sword 110 [Worn Hunting Knife] 30 1 Common 1g

Patch changes[]

  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.6 (2011-02-08): Archaeology fragments now have a hard cap of 200 per race. Players will not be able to collect additional fragments until they complete artifacts to take them down below 200 fragments. Players with more than 200 fragments will not lose additional fragments in 4.0.6, but in a future patch we may remove any fragments above 200.
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Added.

External links[]