Elaine Trias

AllianceElaine Trias
Image of Elaine Trias
Title <Mistress of Cheese>
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 30
Class Rogue
Resource Energy
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Stormwind
Location Trade District, Stormwind[66.4, 76.6]
Status Alive
Relative(s) Elling Trias (husband), Ben Trias (son)

Elaine Trias is a human cheese vendor located in the Trade District of Stormwind City. She is most likely the wife of Elling Trias and the mother of Ben Trias. She can be found behind the counter in the family shop Trias' Cheese in the Trade District.

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

When Stormwind was under a lockdown, Elaine greeted Shadow of the Uncrowned.[1]


Inv misc food 37 [Alterac Swiss]
Inv misc food 100 hardcheese [Briny Hardcheese]
1g 28s
Inv misc food 101 sourcheese [Chilton Stilton]
2g 4s 80c
Inv misc food 39 [Dalaran Sharp]
Inv misc food 06 [Darnassian Bleu]
Inv misc food 07 [Dwarven Mild]
Inv misc food 03 [Fine Aged Cheddar]
Inv misc food 94 garadarsharp [Garadar Sharp]
44s 80c
Inv misc food 05 [Highland Sheep Cheese]
1g 60s
Inv misc food 100 hardcheese [Redridge Roquefort]
1g 79s 20c
Inv misc candle 02 [Smoked String Cheese]
1g 44s
Inv misc food 101 sourcheese [Sour Goat Cheese]
Inv misc food 38 [Stormwind Brie]


  • Best deals in all of Stormwind my friend, won't find any better. Now, what can I help you with?
  • Just browsing my wares or is there something specific I can help you find today?

Buy I want to browse your goods.

See also[]


  1. ^ H Rogue [10-45] The Unseen Blade

External links[]

Stormwind City During infiltration