Elder Ironbranch

  • ️Tue Dec 11 2018
Main article: Freya (tactics)
BossElder Ironbranch
Image of Elder Ironbranch
Race Ancient of Lore (Elemental)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Conservatory of Life, Ulduar
Status Killable

Elder Ironbranch is an ancient of lore and one of Freya's Elders.


  • Ability warrior bloodbath Impale - Inflicts 16,650 to 19,350 (25 Player: 32,375 to 37,625) Physical damage every 1 second for 5 seconds. Stuns the target.
  • Spell nature stranglevines Iron Roots - Summons Iron Roots that root a player and inflicts 5,550 to 6,450 (25 Player: 7,800 to 8,200) Nature damage every 2 seconds to them. Lasts until the roots are dead.
  • Spell nature thorns Thorn Swarm - Inflicts 8,325 to 9,675 (25 Player: 12,488 to 14,512) Nature damage to enemies within 6 yards of the target.


Mortals have no place here!
Killing a player
  • I return you whence you came!
Freya! They come for you.

Sound files[]

See Sound Files of Ulduar: Freya

Patch changes[]

External links[]