Elling Trias

AllianceElling Trias
Image of Elling Trias
Title <Master of Cheese>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 1-70
Class Rogue
Resource Energy
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Stormwind, SI:7, Uncrowned
Occupation Cheesemaker (officially); Agent of the Uncrowned[1]
Location Trias' Cheese, Trade District, Stormwind City;[66.1, 74.2] Hall of Shadows
Status Alive
Relative(s) Elaine (wife), Ben (son)
Elling Trias

Elling as he appears in World of Warcraft.

Elling Trias is the owner of the shop Trias' Cheese, which is located in the Trade District within Stormwind City. He runs the shop with Elaine and Ben Trias, his wife and son. Giving the impression of being a mere cheesemaker, Elling Trias is a man with more to him than it appears at first glance. He has an extensive web of contacts, stretching from SI:7 to agents as far off as Hearthglen.[2]

Tyrion is his old friend.[3] He also has some kind of a history with Jorgen,[4] is one of Bishop DeLavey's contacts,[5][6] and worked with the adventurer to uncover Defias Brotherhood activity in kidnapping a "diplomat" at Theramore.

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

During the third invasion of the Burning Legion, he could be found in the Hall of Shadows. When Stormwind City was under a lockdown, due to the infiltration of the Veiled Hand, he assisted the Uncrowned's Shadow in his shop and gave them smoke bombs to create a diversion.[1]

He later appeared in Deliverance Point on the Broken Shore.

Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

When Wrathion and the Obsidian Warders entered Stormwind City, Elling was sent by Mathias Shaw to watch the dracthyr discreetly. He could later be found with different disguises across the city.[7]


Inv misc food 38 [Moist Azsunian Feta]
2g 50s
Inv misc food 06 [Pungent Vrykul Gamalost]
2g 50s




Elling Trias HS

Elling Trias in Hearthstone: United in Stormwind.



This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

He may be related to David Trias of Deathknell who also happens to be a rogue trainer and Lucian Trias, a cheese vendor in Dalaran who also has ties to rogues in the form of the Uncrowned.


  • As an Auction Goer.

  • As an Embassy Guard.

  • As a Cathedral Priest.

  • As an Apprentice Mage.

See also[]


External links[]