
  • ️Tue Nov 23 2010
Classic The subject of this article was removed in patch 4.0.3a but remains in World of Warcraft: Classic.
  • This includes items and quests that can no longer be obtained or are now deprecated.
Image of Elysa
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 7-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Syndicate
Occupation Aliden Perenolde's mistress
Location Dandred's Fold, Alterac Mountains
Status Unknown (presumed alive)

Elysa was a quest giver located on the top floor of the Dandred's Fold mansion in northwestern Alterac Mountains. She was forced into becoming Aliden Perenolde's mistress, and was given a necklace that once belonged to Taretha Foxton. She seemingly accompanied Aliden wherever he went.[1]

When the Horde adventurers traveled to Dandred's Fold to retrieve Taretha's necklace, they killed Aliden. Elysa, very frightened, plead them to spare her, stating she never meant any harm to their people and that Aliden held her against her will.[2] She then gave the champions the necklace.[3]

Following the Cataclysm, she is nowhere to be found.


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