Eye of Azshara

  • ️Tue Jul 19 2016
Not to be confused with Queen Azshara or Azshara.
This article is about the non-instanced zone. For the 5-man dungeon located in Azsuna, see Eye of Azshara (instance).
NeutralEye of Azshara
Level: 10 - 45
Battle Pet Level: 25
Eye of Azshara 1
Races NagaNaga Naga
MurlocMurloc Murloc
Makrura Makrura
IconSmall Skrog Sea giant
IconSmall DragonTurtle Dragon turtle
Affiliation Nazjatar Empire
Location Southern Broken Isles
PvP status Contested territory

The Eye of Azshara is zone south of Dalaran in the Broken Isles. It is a level 110 elite zone that is a replica of the dungeon of the same name. A flight master can be found here, but even with a level 100 boost, you need to unlock it by visiting the flight point. This area is occupied by 110 elite mobs that are the objectives of N [45REWQ] Aquatic Assassination and N [45REWQ] Hate the Hatecoil. A rare elite C'Thrax called Kosumoth the Hungering also spawns here once his attunement is completed. The world quest to kill it rewards the Inv fishing lure starfish [Fathom Dweller] mount or the Spell priest voidtendrils [Hungering Claw] companion.

Getting there[]

No quest ever leads the player to the zone, so it needs to be reached manually. Having the Inv misc map06 [Broken Isles Pathfinder, Part Two] achievement unlocked allows one to simply fly there. Otherwise, using a Inv misc bag 07 red [Goblin Glider Kit], demon hunter's Ability demonhunter glide [Glide], or Inv misc herb felblossom [Emerald Winds] to glide down from Dalaran can get one there. There is a flight path for subsequent visits.


Maps and subregions[]

VZ-Eye of Azshara-s1

Map of the Eye of Azshara.


Kosumoth the Hungering

Kosumoth the Hungering



  • In 2014, Blizzard was stated to have registered a trademark in Benelux for a bit of "computer game software" called Eye of Azshara. This led to the rumor of a new WoW or Hearthstone expansion announcement during BlizzCon 2014.[1]



This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.


  • The Eye of Azshara instance initial paper mapping design document by Paul Cazarez, named "Aszuna Isle".

    The Eye of Azshara instance initial paper mapping design document by Paul Cazarez, named "Aszuna Isle".

Patch changes[]


External links[]