Farmer Furlbrow

  • ️Tue Nov 23 2010
AllianceTheodore Furlbrow
Image of Theodore Furlbrow
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 5-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Stormwind
Occupation Farmer
Location Jansen Stead,
Westfall[60.0, 19.2]
Status Deceased
Relative(s) Unnamed brother, Verna (wife), Private Furlbrow (son)
Farmer Furlbrow

After his death during the Cataclysm.

Theodore Furlbrow[1] (commonly known as Farmer Furlbrow) was a farmer who owned a pumpkin farm with his wife, Verna Furlbrow, in northern Westfall. The couple decided to leave Westfall when their farm was overrun by the Defias Brotherhood, but their wagon broke down on the road to Elwynn. Stranded, they wound up squatting at the Jansen Stead for the next five years.

Around the time of the Cataclysm, the Furlbrows and their horse, Old Blanchy, were found murdered near their cart at the Jansen Stead. Lieutenant Horatio Laine and some Stormwind Investigators were on the scene trying to discover what happened. The Furlbrows were killed on orders of Vanessa VanCleef because they recognized her.[2]

Theodore had a brother working as a horsehand in Tarren Mill, but whose ultimate fate is unknown. Together, Theodore and Verna also had a son, Private Furlbrow, who joined the Valiance Expedition with the Westfall Brigade. He's stationed at the Westfall Brigade Encampment in the Grizzly Hills.



Nothing but trouble in these parts. I tried to tell that fool Saldean to get out while he still could be[sic] he won't hear of it. But I ain't no fool. Verna and I are gonna mosey on out as soon as we get this wagon fixed.

  • Can't believe the forsaken wagon broke down. Ain't no luck to be had in this land. . . .
  • We'll be out of here just as soon as I get this wagon fixed. . . .


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