
  • ️Tue Aug 28 2012
Image of Ferdinand
Gender Male
Race Yaungol (Humanoid)
Level 10-35 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Arboretum, Jade Forest
Status Killable

Ferdinand is a level 85 rare yaungol found in the Jade Forest, roughly west of the Arboretum. Ferdinand is a pandarian champion.


Gonna bash you into pretty flower food!


Ferdinand shares abilities with all other yaungol champions.

  •  Bellowing Rage — Bellow with rage, increasing damage dealt by 190% but reducing movement speed by 20%. Lasts for 5 sec. 2 sec cast.
  •  Rushing Charge — Charge the enemy, inflicting 350% weapon damage and knocking the target down for 2 sec. 20-60 yd range.
  •  Hoof Stomp — Stomp the ground, inflicting 65% of the target's max health in damage and stunning enemies within 6 yards for 2 sec. 2 sec cast.


Yaungol champions are some of the simpler champions to defeat. They deal melee damage and have only one critical special attack. With a little situational awareness, they are easily beaten.

The most important yaungol ability is Hoof Stomp. Although survivable, it deals substantial damage to all targets within a 6 yd radius and also stuns for 2 seconds. Luckily it has a 2-second cast, and its area of effect is clearly marked by dust rising from the ground. When the champion begins to cast it, simply move out of the affected area.

If players try to move too far away, the champion will use Rushing Charge. This works similarly to warriors' [Charge], knocking down the player for 2 seconds and inflicting damage. This has a minimum range of 20 yards, so by keeping within this range, players can easily ensure it is not used.

The final yaungol ability is Bellowing Rage. This increases the champion's damage done by 190%, but reduces his movement speed by 20%, lasting for 5 seconds. If incoming damage is of a concern, players can easily evade the champion during this period due to his reduced speed and the ability's 2-second cast, although make sure not to stray far enough to incur a Rushing Charge. Players strong enough to withstand the champion's melee attacks can generally ignore this ability, provided they do not fall prey to a Hoof Stomp; the combination of the two effects could prove fatal.

In short:

  • Avoid Hoof Stomp - move out of the affected area as soon as the champion begins to cast it
  • Stay within 20 yards to avoid incurring Rushing Charge
  • If incoming melee damage is of a concern, kite the champion during Bellowing Rage


Ferdinand always drops one of the following:

And has a chance to drop one or both of the following:


As a Pandarian champion, defeating Ferdinand is part of the following achievements:


  • Ferdinand may be inspired by The Story of Ferdinand, a children's book featuring a bull who would rather smell flowers than fight in bullfights. Ferdinand's aggro quote also likely refers to this.
    • He may also named after Ferdinand Porsche.
  • Ferdinand is notable as one of the only yaungol champions to be neutral when encountered. The only other is Yorik Sharpeye, who is speculated to actually be a tauren (Mr. Smite) and not a yaungol at all.

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