Avatar of Freya

  • ️Tue Oct 14 2008
NeutralAvatar of Freya
Image of Avatar of Freya
Gender Female
Race Titanic watcher (Giant)
Level 20-30 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Rainspeaker Rapids,[65, 49] Sholazar Basin
Status Active

Avatar of Freya, also called "the Lifewarden", was created by Keeper Freya as a failsafe to watch over Sholazar Basin if she couldn't. She remembers all living things that have been under her care.[1]

During the war against the Lich King, she stood at the Rainspeaker Rapids, watching over the blighted lands near the fallen Lifeblood Pillar, and protecting the region against the threat of the Scourge.

Following the war against the Jailer, the brothers Bronzebeard asked her how the lands fared and her answer was "better than they were during the war, and healing slowly". When they brought up the subject of their ancestor, Mina Stormsmith, the Avatar of Freya said that she once met her after the dwarf journeyed to Sholazar Basin from Dragonblight. She described her as very young, but with the determination of a warrior, and wielding her brother's axe (which had an emanation of Light and Life). The Lifeward explained that Mina stayed for a bit, asking for stories of the titans and keepers and helping her with her work. She then mentioned that she was "sad" when the dwarf left, frustrated by the lack of answers to her questions about the Forge of Wills, and leaving to resume her journey towards Ulduar.[1]



The Scourge are a blemish upon these pristine lands. By the might of my creators, I will crush every last one of their decrepit bones under my heel.

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