Halls of Reflection

  • ️Tue Jan 05 2010
For the greater complex of which this dungeon is a part, see Frozen Halls. For the achievement, see Achievement dungeon icecrown hallsofreflection [The Halls of Reflection].
Halls of Reflection
FH3 / HoR
Halls of Reflection loading screen

Halls of Reflection loading screen

Location Icecrown Citadel, Icecrown Glacier
Race(s) ScourgeScourgeScourgeScourge Scourge
End boss IconSmall LichKing The Lich King
Instance info
Type Dungeon
Advised level 25-30
Minimum average
item level
Player limit 5
Icecrown Citadel
The Frozen Halls
The Forge of Souls (5)
Devourer of Souls
Pit of Saron (5)
Forgemaster Garfrost
Krick and Ick
Scourgelord Tyrannus
Halls of Reflection (5)
Escape from Arthas
Icecrown Citadel (10/25)
Lord Marrowgar
Lady Deathwhisper
Icecrown Gunship Battle
Deathbringer Saurfang
Professor Putricide
Blood Prince Council
Blood-Queen Lana'thel
Valithria Dreamwalker
The Lich King
Halls of Reflection bosses

The Halls of Reflection bosses.

The Halls of Reflection is the third and last wing of the Frozen Halls of Icecrown Citadel, released in patch 3.3. It was considered the hardest 5-man instance of the expansion, due to the difficulty and loot. The Halls of Reflection are the private chambers of the Lich King, the only place where he lets his guard down. Judging by the loading screen and map, it appears to be a dark, twisted replica of Lordaeron's imperial chamber.

To become attuned and unlock the doors to the Halls of Reflection, players are required to complete the quest B [25-30D] Deliverance from the Pit in the Pit of Saron as part of the Frozen Halls story line quest chain. Pit of Saron has its own "attunement" prerequisite quest that must be completed in the Forge of Souls.

Queuing for the Halls of Reflection in the Dungeon Finder requires level 80 and that one's gear have an average item level of 180. However, any level 80 player may enter directly through the portal.


With the Lich King's attention focused on the Ashen Verdict's attacks, covert agents have managed the near-impossible feat of infiltrating the citadel and providing invaluable intelligence on the frozen halls and their wings: the Forge of Souls, the Pit of Saron, and the Halls of Reflection. If the champions of justice are to have any hope of defeating the lord of the dead, they will have to rely on courage, fortitude, and an increasingly narrow window of opportunity to strike at Icecrown Citadel from within its own walls.[1]

With Jaina and Sylvanas leading the way, adventurers who make it as far as these frigid halls will quickly recognize the weapon that lies ahead: Frostmourne, the corruptive, legendary device and weapon of the Lich King himself. The Lich King's private chambers are within reach, although they may be the death of anyone who ventures there. It is the only place where Arthas let his guard down.[2]

The events of the dungeon play out in the following quests:

  1. B [25-30D] Frostmourne
  2. B [25-30D] Wrath of the Lich King

Dungeon Journal[]

For many years, champions among the races of Azeroth have stood against the Lich King only to be slaughtered mercilessly and forced to serve in his army of undead horrors. In his ongoing struggle to stop the Lich King, Tirion Fordring of the Argent Crusade has joined forces with Darion Mograine of the Knights of the Ebon Blade in order to assault Icecrown Citadel with a unified army called the Ashen Verdict.

Dungeon denizens[]


IconSmall FalricIconSmall MarwynFalric and Marwyn
Captains of Arthas Menethil in life, Scourge commanders of the Lich King in death, Falric and Marwyn will be summoned to the Halls of Reflection for one purpose: destroying all intruders.
IconSmall LichKingThe Lich King
Sylvanas, thirsty for vengeance against the corrupted prince who sentenced her to an existence as an undead monstrosity, and Jaina, eager to find a flicker of Arthas's soul locked somewhere within the Lich King, have brought their hand-picked allies to this final confrontation. Arthas's true power may only now be discovered. Is there any hope in this mission, or does only death await?

The "fight" against him is more of a damage race, in which players must escape lest they be struck down by the wrath of the Lich King (literally).


Mob Normal mode notes Heroic mode
Sword's Rest
IconSmall GhostGhostly Priest High elf. Shadow Word: Pain: 1,200 shadow/2 for 8 sec. Circle of Destruction: 1369-1631 shadow AoE + knockback. Cower in Fear: 4 second fear. Dark Mending: Heal for 32-37k SW:P: 2,500/2. CoD: 3,194-3,806. Dark Mending: 51-59k.
IconSmall GhostPhantom Mage Human. Fireball: 5,225-5,775 fire. Flamestrike: 3,700-4,300 fire + 6k over 8 sec. Frostbolt: 4,750-5,250 frost. Chains of Ice: 6 sec root. Hallucination: Summons in a hallucination with same health as mage. Fireball: 6175-6825. Flamestrike: 5625-5375 + 8k/8. Frostbolt: 5225-5775.
IconSmall GhostPhantom Hallucination Human. Summoned by the mage at ~50% with same health/abilities as mage. Explodes for 6k damage when killed. Explodes for 10k when killed.
IconSmall GhostShadowy Mercenary Human rogue. Deadly Poison: 465 nature/3 sec for 12. Shadowstep: 3,000 damage. Envenomed Dagger Throw: 465 nature/3 sec, -15% movement speed for 12 sec. Kidney Shot. 3 sec stun Deadly: 1065/3 sec. Shadowstep: 7,000 damage. EDT: 1065/3 sec
IconSmall GhostSpectral Footman Human warrior. Spectral Strike: 100% weapon damage, ignores armor. Shield Bash: 10% weapon damage, 4 second interrupt. Tortured Enrage: +100% melee attack speed for 8 sec. Shield Bash: 20% weapon damage
IconSmall GhostTortured Rifleman Dwarf hunter. Shoot: 2775-3225 damage. Cursed Arrow: +50% incoming magical damage for 15 sec. Ice Shot: 4275-4725 damage, 2 sec stun. Frost Trap. Shoot: 4163-4837 damage. Ice Shot: 5700-6300 damage.
Before the Shadow Throne
IconSmall BoneGiantFrostsworn General Bone giant. Throw Shield: 7,400-8,600 damage, 2 sec stun.
Spiritual Reflection Reflections of the party members. Baleful Strike: 2025-2475 damage on tank. Spirit Burst: 3238-3762 shadow within 15 yards Baleful Strike: 2925-3575 damage.
Hidden Passage
IconSmall NorthrendGhoulRaging Ghoul Ghoul. Leap: 5-30 yd range.
IconSmall VargulRisen Witch Doctor Vargul. Shadow Bolt: 2828-3172 shadow. Shadow Bolt Volley: 2828-3172 shadow. Curse of Doom: 4,000 shadow after 15 sec. Shadow Bolt: 4242-4758 shadow. Volley: 4242-4758 shadow. Doom: 6,000 shadow after 15.
IconSmall AbominationLumbering Abomination Abomination. Vomit Spray: 6938-8062 nature, +20% incoming damage for 8 sec. Cleave: 110% melee swing to two. Vomit Spray: 9250-10750 nature.


Halls of Reflection is the hardest heroic 5-man in the game. Most groups will find the most challenging part to be the waves of trash before the first two bosses. The mobs hit very, very hard, and several of them are ranged, making them difficult for tanks to corral.

LoS Stategy[]

Before each wave of trash before Falric and Marwyn, everyone except the tank hides in the corner of the left alcove, out of the line of site of all mobs. The four players (healer and 3 DPS) stand on top of each other. The tank stands in the middle of the alcove in plain view.

When the mobs activate, the tank allows the melee mobs to reach him, and uses abilities (e.g., Thunder Clap) to aggro them. The ranged mobs may aggro on the tank immediately, or, having aggrod on a hidden party member, will have to run past the tank to reach their targets. In the latter case, the tank's close-range aggro abilities can be used to take aggro. In this way all of the mobs in the wave will be aggro'd onto the tank.

The tank then runs into the corner (where the other party members are hiding) to force the remaining ranged mobs to run to him. As soon as the tank reaches the corner (but not before), the other party members leave and spread out in the alcove. All mobs are within AoE range of the tank and the fight can proceed on the party's terms.

A similar tactic can be used while fleeing from the Lich King. There is a recess in front of each of the four ice walls raised by the Lich King. These can be used to force attackers into close range, if all party members cluster there as the attack begins.

Crowd Control Strategy[]

The other approach fights in the open. Players must dust off long-neglected crowd control abilities. Spell nature slow [Shackle Undead], Spell nature stranglevines [Entangling Roots], Spell holy prayerofhealing [Repentance], Ability paladin turnevil [Turn Evil], Spell frost freezingbreath [Frost Trap] are all very useful. Silencing casters and using Ability hunter misdirection [Misdirection] or Ability rogue tricksofthetrade [Tricks of the Trade] on melee mobs will help the tank hold aggro. Everyone who can interrupt spells should do so. Mindlessly maximizing DPS will lead to wipes - intelligently controlling the mobs will lead to victory.


Main article: Halls of Reflection loot

Normal mode[]

Boss Weapons and Shields Cloth Leather Mail Plate Back Other
Falric Inv sword 119 [Ghoulslicer] Inv gauntlets 91 [Marwyn's Macabre Fingertips] Inv helmet 153 [Fallen Sentry's Hood] Inv boots chain 11 [Muddied Boots of Brill] Inv shoulder 100 [Valonforth's Tarnished Pauldrons] Inv misc cape 11 [Eerie Runeblade Polisher]
Marwyn Inv shield 63 [Splintered Door of the Citadel]
Inv sword 85 [Splintered Icecrown Parapet]
Inv shoulder 118 [Frayed Abomination Stitching Shoulders] Inv gauntlets 62 [Carpal Tunnelers] Inv pants mail 33 [Frostsworn Bone Leggings]
Inv gauntlets 62 [Mitts of Burning Hail]
Escape from Arthas Inv axe 94 [Hate-Forged Cleaver]
Inv weapon bow 44 [Crypt Fiend Slayer]
Inv weapon shortblade 79 [Chilled Heart of the Glacier]
Inv mace 88 [Bone Golem Scapula]
Inv sword 127 [Mourning Malice]
Inv helmet 155 [Tattered Glacial-Woven Hood] Inv chest leather 23 [Blackened Geist Ribs]
Inv shoulder 115 [Grim Lasher Shoulderguards]
Inv pants mail 33 [Legguards of Untimely Demise] Inv helmet 158 [Greathelm of the Silver Hand]
Inv gauntlets 94 [Crystalline Citadel Gauntlets]
Inv misc cape 16 [Tapestry of the Frozen Throne]
Trash mobs Inv wand 1h stratholme d 01 [Coffin Nail] Inv shoulder 118 [Mantle of Tattered Feathers] Inv gauntlets 94 [Plated Grips of Korth'azz]
Inv belt 70 [Titanium Links of Lore]
Boss Weapons and Shields Cloth Leather Mail Plate Back Other

Heroic mode[]

Boss Weapons and Shields Cloth Leather Mail Plate Back Other
Falric Inv axe 89 [Falric's Wrist-Chopper]
Inv wand 1h stratholme d 02 [Soulsplinter]
Inv bracer 32a [Bracer of Worn Molars] Inv shoulder 115 [Spaulders of Black Betrayal] Inv boots chain 13 [Spiked Toestompers] Inv chest plate22 [Chestpiece of High Treason]
Marwyn Inv weapon halberd 26 [Orca-Hunter's Harpoon] Inv helmet 155 [Sightless Crown of Ulmaas]
Inv gauntlets 91 [Suspiciously Soft Gloves]
Inv chest leather 23 [Choking Hauberk] Inv chest mail 12 [Frostsworn Bone Chestpiece] Inv jewelcrafting empyreansapphire 01 [Ephemeral Snowflake]
Escape from Arthas Inv mace 78 [Black Icicle]
Inv ore feliron 01 [Shriveled Heart]
Inv sword 118 [Liar's Tongue]
Inv belt 67 [Strip of Remorse] Inv boots leather 8 [Blighted Leather Footpads]
Inv chest leather 23 [Chestguard of Broken Branches]
Inv gauntlets 77a [Hoarfrost Gauntlets] Inv helmet 158 [Second Helm of the Executioner]
Inv boots plate 11 [Grinning Skull Boots]
Inv jewelry ring 26 [The Lady's Promise]
Inv jewelry ring 68 [Oath of Empress Zoe]
Inv misc shell 04 [Fossilized Ammonite Choker]
Trash drops Inv weapon shortblade 61 [Unsharpened Ice Razor]
Inv weapon hand 04 [Seven-Fingered Claws]
Inv bracer 22c [Ghostly Wristwraps]
Boss Weapons and Shields Cloth Leather Mail Plate Back Other



  • Map of the Halls of Reflection.

    Map of the Halls of Reflection.

  • Chamber of the Frostsworn General.

  • The Lich King arrives to retrieve Frostmourne.

    The Lich King arrives to retrieve Frostmourne.

  • Frostmourne hovering above its altar.

    Frostmourne hovering above its altar.

  • The Lich King's throne room.

    The Lich King's throne room.

  • The Shadow Throne.

    The Shadow Throne.

  • The way out.

    The way out.

  • Orgrim's Hammer arrives.

    Orgrim's Hammer arrives.

  • The Skybreaker collapses the tunnel.

    The Skybreaker collapses the tunnel.


Patch changes[]


External links[]