Pyrewood Village

  • ️Tue Nov 23 2010
NeutralPyrewood Village
Pyrewood Village cata
Type Town[1]
Leader(s) IconSmall Human Male Captain Tobias Zaren (presumed)
  Formerly IconSmall Human Male Lord Mayor Morrison †
Government Pyrewood Council (formerly)
Race(s) Unknown
  Formerly ForsakenForsaken Forsaken
WorgenWorgen Worgen
HumanHuman Human
Language(s) Common, Gutterspeak (formerly)
Faith(s) Holy Light
Affiliation(s) 7th Legion (presumed)
  Formerly Forsaken, Alliance, Arugal, Kingdom of Gilneas, Alliance of Lordaeron
Location Southwestern Silverpine Forest
Status In ruins

Pyrewood Village (or simply Pyrewood) was an Alliance-friendly Gilnean village within the Silverpine Forest. The village was a settlement, with a town hall, a blacksmith and a chapel, inhabited by a group of humans who had survived the coming of the Scourge during the Third War, though not without paying a large price.

Following the Cataclysm, the town fell into the hands of the Forsaken, but quickly became the center of a struggle with the Alliance to gain its control during the invasion of Gilneas, before finally being burned down by agents of the Horde on the orders of Lord Godfrey.

During the Fourth War, the ruined town seems to have been taken back under the control of the 7th Legion, thus coming into conflict with the Forsaken who gained control over Shadowfang Keep, until the Bloodfang pack regains control of the keep at the end of the war.



The village, along with Ambermill,[2] was originally a part of the kingdom of Gilneas before the Greymane Wall was erected.[3]

Following the liberation of the orcs from internment camps by Thrall and the splitting of the Alliance, King Greymane started the construction of the Wall. Lord Darius Crowley, who was the landholder of both Pyrewood and Ambermill, was displeased by King Greymane's decision to cut off his holdings from the rest of Gilneas and disagreed with Greymane on the rationale of seceding Gilneas from the Alliance of Lordaeron.

Jordan Stilwell and his wife Daphne once resided in the village and the keep above it.[4]

Third War and aftermath[]

At the time of the Third War, the gates of the Wall were closed, cuting off Pyrewood from any support from Gilneas, and leaving its people to their own means while the Scourge draws closer.

Some of the citizens of Pyrewood did not stay during the fall of Lordaeron. After finding the Greymane Wall would not open for them, they departed on a ship called the Sea Wolf, headed for Stormwind. After a severe storm that blew them off course, they landed on the western shores of Val'sharah, where they founded Bradensbrook.[5]

Shards of the Alliance - Pyrewood Village

Pyrewood in The Frozen Throne.

Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider and his caravan, escorted by Tyrande Whisperwind, Maiev Shadowsong and their night elves, made it to Pyrewood Village as their last stop on their travel before River Arevass. The village was mostly intact and was built right on the edge of the river. Numerous Scourge forces however started converging toward Pyrewood in a massive ambush against the living. While holding the bridge that led out of the town and across the river against the undead, Tyrande fell into the river due to the bridge collapsing.[6]

It is unknown what happened to the village after that, but Tyrande's Starfall may have successfully driven off the undead, as the village was still inhabited by humans in its later appearances.

Following the War, still unable to persuade Greymane to change his mind and upset by being cut off from his holdings and his people, Crowley instigated the Northgate Rebellion, which eventually led to a civil war.[2]

The worgen curse[]


Pyrewood Village before Cataclysm.

To the north, overlooking the village, there was a keep owned by Baron Silverlaine. Silverlaine, his servants, and his forces led by the paladin of the Silver Hand Commander Springvale, were slain by Archmage Arugal's worgen, who then took residence in the keep renaming it Shadowfang Keep. From there, Arugal cursed the inhabitants of Pyrewood, so that they underwent a nightly transformation into the bestial Moonrage worgen, then returned to their human forms upon the arrival of dawn.[7] It was during this time that they became hostile to all regardless of faction. Despite all its hardships, however, the village continued to service Alliance travelers by selling cloth, leather, and mail armor to customers.

During the efforts to eradicate the worgen from Silverpine Forest, the Forsaken eventually disposed of Pyrewood Village, which was under the control of Arugal. Deathstalker Faerleia enlisted Horde adventurers aid to bring down the ruling council of Pyrewood, hoping that without their guidance the other villagers would turn against Arugal.[8]

Arugal himself was later defeated and beheaded by agents of the Horde, and buried in an unmarked grave just south of the village.[9] The Lich King saw fit to bring him back as one of his puppets, so the San'layn princes Keleseth, Valanar, Theraldis and Atherann resurrected Arugal as a ghost in the service of the Scourge and sent him to the Grizzly Hills to subvert the trapper communities.[10]


Pyrewood Village cata2

Pyrewood Village from the other entrance.

Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

During the invasion of Gilneas, the Forsaken managed to take control of the town (which was half-ruined) for a period of time. However, Pyrewood was attacked by Alliance forces supporting the Gilneas Liberation Front, who defeated most of the Forsaken stationed there. The Forsaken were able to retake the village one last time, but on the orders of Godfrey they also burned it to the ground, leaving only ruins behind.[11]

A squad of Forsaken Troopers patrol the ruins.

Battle for Azeroth[]

Following the destruction of the Undercity, the 7th Legion with Captain Tobias Zaren at their head surrounds Shadowfang Keep, taking control of the areas immediately around it as the Forsaken gained control over Shadowfang Keep, turning it into a bio-weapons facility, in order to develop a new bio-weapon to unleash against Gilneas.[12] Given that Pyrewood is the most immediate area that surrounds the keep, it likely refers to this location. Captain Tobias Zaren was later encountered by the Horde champions, while his forces were targeted by Chief Plaguebringer Harris' plague.[13]



Pyrewood Village

Pyrewood Village before Cataclysm.


At daytime, the inhabitants of Pyrewood were human, but by night fall, they would have transformed into worgen (measured at 8:59PM–9:00PM server time).

Quest givers
During H [15] Pyrewood Ambush
Goods and services
Additional characters

Love is in the Air[]

Love is in the Air

The subject of this article or section is part of Love is in the Air, a seasonal event that lasts two weeks. Once the event has run its course, this will no longer be available until next year, but there are no guarantees.

The remains of Pyrewood are claimed by the Crown Chemical Company. They are performing experiments that turns a host into a Plague eruptor.[citation needed] 

In the RPG[]

Icon-RPG This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Pyrewood, at Shadowfang Keep's threshold, is afflicted with the Worgen Curse. Its inhabitants transform into lycanthropic worgen when the moon rises, and the worgen stalk through the forests and slay anything they encounter. One excellent lesson Brann Bronzebeard learned is never go outside at night in Silverpine Forest. The place is dangerous enough during the day.[14]


  • During the development of World of Warcraft, the developers initially wanted the entire game world to change and become more dangerous at night, but Pyrewood and its shapeshifting inhabitants were the only part of this idea that made it into the game.[15]
  • Pyrewood's original version can be seen outside of the Ruins of Lordaeron arena as part of the backdrop, alongside a portion of Tirisfal Glades. The area stretches out a substantial distance.
  • Once the quest H [5-30] Cities in Dust is completed, this area will be empty of Alliance troops.
  • Another Gilnean community is named similarly, Havenswood.
  • Unlike the citizens of Pyrewood, the Bradensbrook villagers are neutral to both factions.


Patch changes[]


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