Golems are constructs, magically wrought automatons of bones, flesh, metal, or stone and are generally thought to be mindless. They are built generally as guardians or protectors of a person, place, or thing. Most usually have [Golem Oil] flowing inside them like blood, but some are also mechanical.
Third War[]
- Main articles: Golem (Warcraft III), War golem
The golems of the Third War were magically wrought automatons of varying types of stone. Most golems could be found in and around Dalaran, for the mages there created them to perform manual labor and guard their mystical holdings. Certain renegade wizards were also known to create their own golems to protect their secret dens and lairs. Most golems were magically protected from spells, so that enemy mages couldn't turn them against their creators. Golems were generally thought to be mindless, however there were documented cases of golems roaming freely, without their masters to control them. Where these vagabond constructs went or what they sought was a complete mystery.[1]
Arcane base golems:
Biological base golems:
Demon-crafted golems:
Mechanical base golems:

- Main article: Golem (Warcraft III)
Titanic/dwarven-crafted golems:
Troll-crafted golems:
In the RPG[]
This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.
Golems can be found in stone, flesh, and iron types and typically guard mystical dwellings. Recent reports tell of golems roaming the countryside as if independent of any masters. Some sages suspect a hybrid form of arcane magic is causing this phenomenon.[2]
The word "golem" refers to any vaguely humanoid-shaped construct built by another creature. Golems can be found in stone, metal, straw, iron and even flesh types. In some cases, a bound elemental or eldritch magic animates the golem; other golems are purely mechanical constructs. All golems share a number of traits. As mindless, soulless constructs, they cannot feel, nor do they require food, air, or sleep. They follow orders literally and unrelentingly. Adventurers cannot reason with golems. They cannot bargain with golems. A golem is a tool, a weapon, with a specific purpose. It fulfills that purpose or dies trying. Golems are able to withstand even the harshest environments. This trait combined with their loyalty makes them excellent guardians for vaults and underground lairs. The harvest golem is one type; other types of golem undoubtedly exist.[3]
RPG-only types[]
- Additionally to the above, the Manual of Monsters Appendix Three has the other types of golems: the Wood Golem and the Crystal Golem however the validity of the source is disputed.
Notes and trivia[]
- During the War of the Ancients, Alexstrasza raised a stone golem of the same shape and size as her to transport and protect Krasus.[4]
- The Kirin Tor students learn about golems.[5]
- Golems also appear in Blizzard's Diablo games. They are mainly summoned by necromancers.
- The original meaning of the word comes from European Jewish folklore and mysticism. A golem was an animated humanoid form, made from flesh or clay, given life and potency by holy scripts and the singular word of truth.[citation needed]
Dragonflight concept art of Terros is described a an "earth elemental golem"
- ^ Warcraft III manual, pg. 139
- ^ Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game, pg. 240
- ^ Monster Guide, pg. 85
- ^ The Sundering, chapter 12
- ^ Day of the Dragon, chapter 17