Slaughtered Lamb

  • ️Wed May 05 2004
Slaughtered Lamb

The Slaughtered Lamb.

Slaughtered Lamb Tavern

The tavern's interior.

The Slaughtered Lamb is a seedy pub in the Mage Quarter of Stormwind City. The top floor is empty except for the bartender Jarel Moor, which advises patrons to "stay away from the shadows".

Beneath the pub, the basement and catacombs serve as host to the warlocks of Stormwind,[1] they are used as training grounds for new recruits in the kingdom, and for transferred students from Khaz Modan.[2] Within the hidden enclave, the warlock community study and practice the dark arts, sheltered from the rest of the population. Among the warlock masters, Demisette Cloyce is one of the oldest and most respected members of their circle,[3] while Spackle Thornberry was once in charge of selling demonic grimoires to the apprentices. To ensure that their lair is not revealed, warlocks are not allowed to tell anyone about it,[4] and they assassinate those who try to reveal their activities.[5] When asked about, the city guards replied they don't know of any warlock trainers in the city, however, they mentioned some sightings of demonic activity at the Slaughtered Lamb and advised concerned adventurers to check there.[6]

Rather eerily, below the warlock trainer's area there is another area of the Stormwind catacombs, with some empty, open coffins across the floor.


World of Warcraft[]

WoW Icon update This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

Slaughtered Lamb Cellars

The Slaughtered Lamb's cellars serve as the hidden enclave of the Stormwind warlock community.

At some point, Surena Caledon was a student of Gakin the Darkbinder in the Slaughtered Lamb's, however, she ended up running away with a Defias named Erlan Drudgemoor and a bloodstone choker offered by her master.[7] Eager to recover his property, Gakin sent a warlock apprentice to kill her and let them use the choker to invoke and dominate a voidwalker.[8]

When Lord Baurles K. Wishock discovered that the warlocks of Stormwind City were hiding in the basement below the tavern, he caused a stir amongst the House of Nobles and lobbied for a full investigation, intending to petition the king to shut down the establishment.[9] In reality, Wishock had spent his days at the tavern consuming liquors, without ever paying his tabs, and was at the time looking for a way to escape his debt. Before he could garner enough support to cause grief, Zardeth of the Black Claw sent an Alliance adventurer to collect ingredients for a beverage, which unbeknownst to them was poisoned, and later caused Wishock's death after consumption.[5] Consequently, the warlocks were once more able to practice their ways without disturbance.[1]

In Khaz Modan, all warlocks were trained under the auspices of the masters of Gnomeregan, but after its irradiation, they moved to Ironforge where King Magni Bronzebeard decided to keep a careful watch on them. In these conditions, the warlocks of Ironforge were forced to send their novices to Stormwind for training. However, Gakin the Darkbinder expressed his anger since they are limited in terms of rooms and teachers, and because he feared that all the increased traffic would attract attention sooner or later on them.[2]

During their training, the warlock masters sent their apprentices to some of their fellow associates out of the kingdom, notably Gakin the Darkbinder in the Burning Steppes to master a dreadsteed,[10] and Takar the Seer in the Southern Barrens for help to conjure a sayaad.[11] The young warlocks also learn from the Ratchet warlock coven, among them Strahad Farsan to learn the invocation of the felsteed and felhunter,[12][13] and Menara Voidrender to get powerful artifacts and equipment.[14][15]

When they summon demons to defeat and bind them, the warlocks descend into the catacombs to set up the summoning circles there.[16][8]


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

Slaughtered Lamb Catacombs

The catacombs, where the demonic rituals took place.

Following the Cataclysm, King Varian Wrynn began to take note of the warlock's power and their value to the Alliance, thanks to a warlock adventurer's deeds.[3] Consequently, the elders in the city's community ranks took notice of their progress and dedication, and among them, Demisette Cloyce summoned and met the warlock adventurer about the creation of a powerful weapon, which was ordained by the king himself in recognition of their achievements.[17]

At some point, Demisette learned from a reliable source that the SI:7 was concerned about collaboration between Twilight's Hammer and the Dark Iron dwarves in Blackrock Depths. In order to prove their value to the Alliance, and to get powerful elemental binding stones used by the cult for studies,[18] she summoned the warlock adventurer and sent them on a mission at the Blackrock Mountain.[19]

Mists of Pandaria[]

One year after the end of the Cataclysm, an Alliance warlock found Inv misc codexofxerrath nochains [The Codex of Xerrath], and met Sandahl at the Slaughtered Lamb to learn more about it.[20] The warlock trainer explained them that after Deathwing was defeated, six of the greatest warlocks of Azeroth gathered together as the Council of the Black Harvest, and decided to teach all warlocks advanced forms of magic stolen from their defeated foes, such as Cho'gall, Ragnaros and Deathwing himself. Among the warlocks, Jubeka Shadowbreaker had the duty to share their wisdom and knowledge, and thus sent a few tomes to the warlock community of Stormwind City.[21]


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

During the Burning Legion's third invasion, a few warlocks traveled from the Slaughtered Lamb to the Dreadscar Rift, where they joined the Council of the Black Harvest under the leadership of the Netherlord.


Shady Bartender HS

The bartender Jarel Moor inside the Slaughtered Lamb, as seen in Hearthstone.

Available drinks[]

Item Cost
Inv drink 10 [Bottle of Dalaran Noir] 50c
Inv drink milk 02 [Skin of Dwarven Stout] 1s 20c
Inv potion 12 [Flask of Stormwind Tawny] 1s 50c
Inv drink 05 [Flagon of Dwarven Mead] 15s
Inv cask 02 [Jug of Badlands Bourbon] 20s
Inv drink 05 [Lordaeron Lambic] 2g 24s
Inv drink 10 [Lagrave Stout] 2g 24s
Inv drink 08 [Foote Tripel] 2g 56s
Inv holiday tow spicepotion03 [Hearthglen Ambrosia] 2g 56s

Notes and trivia[]

  • In the Vision of Stormwind, the pub was titled "AnaGg hoq an'zig" in Shath'Yar.
  • As a servant of Gakin the Darkbinder, Remen Marcot knows about the warlocks beneath the pub.[4]
  • During the World of Warcraft beta, the tavern's name was simply known as Warlock Tavern.[22]
  • The open basement's access seems to exist only for gameplay purposes since, lorewise, the area appears to be kept secret from the public.[4]
  • The Slaughtered Lamb is named after a pub of the same name that appears in the film An American Werewolf in London.


Stormwind City is Alliance territory

Map of Stormwind City