Armor set

  • ️Tue Jul 12 2005

Class sets[]

Every class have "raid" and "PvP" equipment sets available to them. These sets are typically head, shoulder, chest, wrist, hands, waist, legs, and feet items (8 pieces altogether), but set composition can vary dramatically. All sets give extra bonuses when wearing multiple pieces of the set.

Theoretically, these sets benefit the activity one engages in to acquire them: PvP sets are best in PvP situations, raid sets in raid situations, etc., but some players have found it more beneficial to mix and match.

All classes available prior to World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King have "dungeon" equipment sets as well. Class armor sets were not present in Battle for Azeroth, their function being fulfilled by Azerite Armor. They returned in Shadowlands patch 9.2. These armor sets can be obtained as drops from certain bosses in the Sepulcher of the First Ones, from any activities that normally grant Great Vault rewards (raids, Mythic+ dungeons, or PvP), or by crafting them in the Creation Catalyst.

World of Warcraft (level 30)[]

PvP gear sets[]

Dungeon sets[]

Both original sets are no longer obtainable since patch 4.0.3a, but their replicas can be bought on Darkmoon Faire since patch 4.3.0.

Tiers 1-2-3

Classic WoW Raid Sets

Raid tier sets[]

World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade (level 30)[]

PvP gear sets[]

Dungeon sets[]

Raid tier sets[]

World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King (level 30)[]

PvP gear sets[]

Dungeon sets[]

There were no new dungeon sets released with Wrath of the Lich King.

Raid tier sets[]

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm (level 32)[]

Tiers 11-12-13 A

Cataclysm Raid Sets

PvP gear sets[]

Dungeon sets[]

There were no new dungeon sets released with Cataclysm.

Raid tier sets[]

  • Tier 11 - This set has a Normal and Heroic version. The Normal version is purchased with gold and Class Tokens (Nefarian's End and Cho'gall), the heroic version is purchasable with heroic class token plus normal version. This armor set is associated with Bastion of Twilight and Blackwing Descent.
  • Tier 12 - This set has a Normal and Heroic version. The Normal version is purchased with gold and Class Tokens (Staghelm and Ragnaros), the heroic version is purchasable with heroic class token plus normal version. This armor set is associated with Firelands.
  • Tier 13 - This set has a Raid Finder, Normal and Heroic version. All versions are available through tokens dropped by Warlord Zon'ozz (Hands), Yor'sahj the Unsleeping (Legs), Hagara the Stormbinder (Shoulder), Ultraxion (Chest) and Warmaster Blackhorn (Head), but the heroic version is purchasable with heroic class token plus normal version. These tokens are dropped in the Dragon Soul.

World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria (level 35)[]

Tiers 14-15-16 A

MoP Raid Sets

PvP gear sets[]

Challenge Mode sets[]

There were no traditional dungeon sets released with Mists of Pandaria. However, completing Challenge Mode dungeons awarded special armor sets. As Challenge Mode was removed with the launch of Warlords of Draenor, these sets are no longer available.

Raid tier sets[]

World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor (level 40)[]

Tiers 17-18

WoD Raid Sets - Heroic & Mythic versions

PvP gear sets[]

Dungeon sets[]

There were no new dungeon sets released with Warlords of Draenor.

Raid tier sets[]

World of Warcraft: Legion (level 45)[]

Icon-time This section contains information that is out-of-date.

Raid tier sets[]

Class Hall sets[]

These sets are rewarded from completing various quests and achievements related to the Class Hall and Broken Isles content. All pieces of this set can be purchased from the Order Hall's quartermaster.

Class Set
Death Knight Death Knight Deathlord's Battleplate
Demon Hunter Demon Hunter Battlegear of the Shattered Abyss
Druid Druid Dreamgrove Raiment
Hunter Hunter Guise of the Unseen Path
Mage Mage Vesture of Tirisgarde
Monk Monk Grandmaster's Finery
Paladin Paladin Battleplate of the Silver Hand
Priest Priest Regalia of the High Priest
Rogue Rogue Battlegear of the Uncrowned
Shaman Shaman Raiment of the Farseer
Warlock Warlock Vestments of the Black Harvest
Warrior Warrior Battlelord's Plate

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands (level 60)[]

Raid tier sets[]

Reward from Sepulcher of the First Ones and Zereth Mortis content.

Additionally, the addition of Legion Timewalking for the Mage Tower means that cosmetic recolors of Tier 20 armor sets are available.

Sepulcher of the First Ones Sets[]

Set Class Proc
The First Eidolon's Soulsteel Death knight
Mercurial Punisher's Painweave Demon hunter
Tapestry of the Fixed Stars Druid
Godstalker's Battlegear Hunter
Erudite Occultist's Vestments Mage
Garb of the Grand Upwelling Monk
Luminous Chevalier's Gallantry Paladin
Habiliments of the Empyrean Priest
Soulblade Shadowhide Rogue
Theurgic Starspeaker's Regalia Shaman
Shroud of the Demon Star Warlock
Armaments of the Infinite Infantry Warrior

World of Warcraft: Dragonflight (level 70)[]

PVP Sets[]

Sold by Seltherex and Caldarex at the Gladiator's Refuge in Valdrakken.

Raid Sets[]

Vault of the Incarnates Sets[]

Set Class Proc
Haunted Frostbrood Remains Death knight
Skybound Avenger's Flightwear Demon hunter
Lost Landcaller's Vesture Druid
Scales of the Awakened Evoker
Stormwing Harrier's Camouflage Hunter
Bindings of the Crystal Scholar Mage
Wrappings of the Waking Fist Monk
Virtuous Silver Cataphract Paladin
Draconic Hierophant's Finery Priest
Vault Delver's Toolkit Rogue
Elements of Infused Earth Shaman
Scalesworn Cultist's Habit Warlock
Stones of the Walking Mountain Warrior

Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible Sets[]

Set Class Proc
Lingering Phantom's Encasement Death knight
Kinslayer's Burdens Demon hunter
Strands of the Autumn Blaze Druid
Legacy of Obsidian Secrets Evoker
Ashen Predator's Scaleform Hunter
Underlight Conjurer's Brilliance Mage
Fangs of Forged Vermillion Monk
Heartfire Sentinel's Authority Paladin
The Furnace Seraph's Verdict Priest
Lurking Specter's Shadeweave Rogue
Runes of the Cinderwolf Shaman
Sinister Savant's Cursethreads Warlock
Irons of the Onyx Crucible Warrior

Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope Sets[]

Set Class Proc
Risen Nightmare's Gravemantle Death knight
Screaming Torchfiend's Brutality Demon hunter
Benevolent Embersage's Guidance Druid
Werynkeeper's Timeless Vigil Evoker
Blazing Dreamstalker's Trophies Hunter
Wayward Chronomancer's Clockwork Mage
Mystic Heron's Discipline Monk
Zealous Pyreknight's Ardor Paladin
Blessings of Lunar Communion Priest
Lucid Shadewalker's Silence Rogue
Vision of the Greatwolf Outcast Shaman
Devout Ashdevil's Pactweave Warlock
Molten Vanguard's Mortarplate Warrior

Sets by class[]

Non-class sets[]

Non-class sets are not restricted by class. Any class that is qualified to wear the armor type can wear the set. Technically, all Dungeon 1 and all Dungeon 3 sets are non-class sets, as they don't have a class requirement. However, some sets, including all Dungeon 1 and some Dungeon 3 sets, are aimed at specific classes due to the bonuses on the sets. All non-class sets give extra bonuses when wearing multiple pieces of the set.

World of Warcraft (level 30)[]

Low level sets[]

The following sets are available to players leveling up to 30.

Set Level range Armor class Slots Source Type
Defias Leather 7 Leather Chest, Feet, Hands, Legs, Waist Deadmines Physical
Embrace of the Viper 8 Leather Chest, Feet, Hands, Legs, Waist Wailing Caverns Physical/Magical
Chain of the Scarlet Crusade 13-14 Mail Chest, Feet, Hands, Legs, Waist, Wrist Scarlet Monastery Physical
Green Dragon Mail 20-21 Mail Chest, Hands, Waist Leatherworking Nature resistance/Magical
Ironfeather Armor 21-22 Leather Chest, Shoulder Leatherworking Magical
Imperial Plate 20-23 Plate Chest, Feet, Head, Legs, Shoulder, Waist, Wrist Blacksmithing Physical
The Gladiator 20 Mail Chest, Feet, Hands, Head, Legs Blackrock Depths Physical
Volcanic Armor 27-29 Leather Chest, Legs, Shoulder Leatherworking Fire resistance
Blue Dragon Mail 22-23 Mail Chest, Legs, Shoulder Leatherworking Magical
Devilsaur Armor 28-29 Leather Hands, Legs Leatherworking Physical
Stormshroud Armor 21-23 Leather Chest, Hands, Legs, Shoulder Leatherworking Physical
Black Dragon Mail 23 Mail Chest, Feet, Legs, Shoulder Leatherworking Physical

Instance sets[]

The following sets can be found in Scholomance.

Set Armor class Slots Type
Necropile Raiment Cloth Chest, Feet, Legs, Shoulder, Wrist Magical
Cadaverous Garb Leather Chest, Feet, Hands, Legs, Waist Physical
Bloodmail Regalia Mail Chest, Feet, Hands, Legs, Waist Physical
Deathbone Guardian Plate Chest, Feet, Hands, Legs, Waist Physical

The following sets are Cloth class sets.

Set Slots Source Type
The Postmaster Chest, Finger, Feet, Head, Legs Postmaster Malown in Stratholme Magical
Ironweave Battlesuit Chest, Feet, Hands, Head, Legs, Shoulder, Waist, Wrist Blackrock Spire instances and Dungeon Set 2 summonable bosses Magical

Anti-Scourge sets[]

The following sets were available to fight the Scourge Invasion. Since the invasion has ended, the sets are no longer available. Each set occupied the same three slots: chest, hands and wrist.

Set Armor class Type
Regalia of Undead Cleansing Cloth Magical
Undead Slayer's Armor Leather Physical
Garb of the Undead Slayer Mail Physical
Battlegear of Undead Slaying Plate Physical

Arathi Basin sets[]

Those sets are available at Arathi Basin vendors. They are class-restricted, thus can only be worn by the listed classes. Each set uses the same three slots: feet, waist and shoulders.

Alliance / Horde
Restricted to Type
The Highlander's Intent / The Defiler's Intent Mage, Warlock, Priest Magical
The Highlander's Will / The Defiler's Will Druid, Rogue Magical/Physical
The Highlander's Purpose / The Defiler's Purpose Druid, Rogue Physical
The Highlander's Determination / The Defiler's Determination Hunter, Shaman Physical
The Highlander's Fortitude / The Defiler's Fortitude Hunter, Shaman Magical
The Highlander's Resolve / none Paladin Physical
The Highlander's Resolution / The Defiler's Resolution Warrior, Paladin Physical

Quest sets[]

The only quest set so far is the Twilight Trappings set.

World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade (level 30)[]

Uncommon crafted sets[]

The following sets are craftable.

Set Armor class Slots Profession Type
Netherweave Vestments Cloth Chest, Feet, Hands, Legs, Waist, Wrist Tailoring Magical
Thick Draenic Armor Leather Chest, Feet, Hands, Legs Leatherworking Physical
Wild Draenish Armor Leather Chest, Feet, Hands, Legs Leatherworking Magical
Felscale Armor Mail Chest, Feet, Hands, Legs Leatherworking Physical
Scaled Draenic Armor Mail Chest, Feet, Hands, Legs Leatherworking Magical
Fel Iron Chain Mail Chest, Head, Hands, Wrist Blacksmithing Physical
Fel Iron Plate Plate Chest, Feet, Hands, Legs, Waist Blacksmithing Physical

Rare crafted sets[]

The following sets are craftable. They are designed for players at or near level 30.

Set Armor class Slots Profession Type
Imbued Netherweave Armor Cloth Chest, Feet, Legs Tailoring Magical
Fel Skin Leather Feet, Hands, Legs Leatherworking Physical damage
Strength of the Clefthoof Leather Chest, Feet, Legs Leatherworking Physical tank
Fury of the Nether Mail Feet, Legs, Waist Leatherworking Magical
Felstalker Armor Mail Chest, Waist, Wrist Leatherworking Physical
Burning Rage Plate Chest, Hands, Head, Shoulder Blacksmithing Physical damage
Adamantite Battlegear Plate Chest, Hands, Wrist Blacksmithing Physical
Faith in Felsteel Plate Hands, Head, Legs Blacksmithing Physical tank
Khorium Ward Plate Feet, Legs, Waist Blacksmithing Magical damage

Epic crafted sets[]

The following sets are craftable. They are designed for advanced level 30 players.

Set Armor class Slots Profession Type Bind on
The Unyielding Cloth Waist, Wrist Tailoring Magical BoE
Battlecast Garb Cloth Head, Legs Tailoring Magical BoE
Spellstrike Infusion Cloth Head, Legs Tailoring Magical BoE
Whitemend Wisdom Cloth Head, Legs Tailoring Magical BoE
Primal Mooncloth Set Cloth Chest, Shoulder, Waist Mooncloth Tailoring Magical BoP
Shadow's Embrace Cloth Chest, Feet, Shoulder Shadowweave Tailoring Magical BoP
Wrath of Spellfire Cloth Chest, Hands, Waist Spellfire Tailoring Magical BoP
Primal Intent Leather Chest, Waist, Wrist Elemental Leatherworking Physical BoP
Windhawk Armor Leather Chest, Waist, Wrist Tribal Leatherworking Magical BoP
Netherscale Armor Mail Chest, Waist, Wrist Dragonscale Leatherworking Physical BoP
Netherstrike Armor Mail Chest, Waist, Wrist Dragonscale Leatherworking Magical BoP

Resistance sets[]

The following sets provide high resistances against a school of magic. They are craftable.

Set Resistance Armor class Slots Profession
Arcanoweave Vestments Arcane Cloth Chest, Feet, Wrist Tailoring
Soulcloth Embrace Arcane Cloth Chest, Hands, Shoulder Tailoring
Flame Guard Fire Plate Chest, Hands, Head, Wrist Blacksmithing
Enchanted Adamantite Armor Arcane Plate Chest, Feet, Legs, Waist Blacksmithing

Dungeon Set 3[]

Some sets of Dungeon Set 3 are not designed for particular class. Each set uses the same five slots: chest, hands, head, legs, and shoulder. They are as follows:

Set Armor class Type
Mana-Etched Regalia Cloth Magical
Wastewalker Armor Leather Physical
Desolation Battlegear Mail Physical
Doomplate Battlegear Plate Physical

Anti-Scourge sets[]

The following sets were available to fight the second Scourge Invasion, shortly before the launch of WotLK. Since the invasion has ended, the sets are no longer available. Each set occupied the same four slots: chest, hands, legs and shoulders.

Set Armor class Type
Blessed Regalia of Undead Cleansing Cloth Magical
Undead Slayer's Blessed Armor Leather Physical
Blessed Garb of the Undead Slayer Mail Physical
Blessed Battlegear of Undead Slaying Plate Physical

World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King (level 30)[]

Uncommon crafted sets[]

The following sets are craftable. Each set uses the same eight slots: chest, feet, hands, head, legs, shoulder, waist, wrist.

Set Armor class Profession Type
Duskweaver Cloth Tailoring Magical
Frostwoven Power Cloth Tailoring Magical
Borean Embrace Leather Leatherworking Physical
Iceborne Embrace Leather Leatherworking Magical
Frostscale Binding Mail Leatherworking Physical
Nerubian Hive Mail Leatherworking Magical

Rare crafted resilience sets[]

Each set uses the same eight slots: chest, feet, hands, head, legs, shoulder, waist and wrist.

Set Level range Armor class Profession Type
Frostsavage Battlegear 80 Cloth Tailoring Magical
Eviscerator's Battlegear 78 Leather Leatherworking Physical
Overcaster Battlegear 78 Leather Leatherworking Magical
Stormhide Battlegear 78 Mail Leatherworking Magical
Swiftarrow Battlegear 78 Mail Leatherworking Physical
Ornate Saronite Battlegear 78 Plate Blacksmithing Magical
Savage Saronite Battlegear 78 Plate Blacksmithing Physical

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm (level 32)[]

Uncommon crafted sets[]

The following sets are craftable. Each set uses the same eight slots: chest, feet, hands, head, legs, shoulder, waist, wrist.

Set Armor class Profession Type
Deathspeaker Cloth Tailoring Magical
Spiritmender Cloth Tailoring Magical
The Dark Brand Leather Leatherworking Tank
The Big Wave Leather Leatherworking All

World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria (level 35)[]

Timeless Isle[]

Set Armor Class Type
Cloudscorcher Robe* Cloth DPS
Amaranthine Robe* Cloth Priest
Cranefeather Jerkin* Leather Agility
Fire-Chanter Jerkin* Leather Intellect
Crimsonscale Vest* Mail Agility
Ordon Legend-Keeper Vest* Mail Intellect
Elder Tortoiseshell Breastplate* Plate Tank
Inv chest plate reputation c 01 [Cliffbreaker Breastplate] Plate DPS
Everbright Breastplate* Plate PaladinHoly

World of Warcraft: Legion (level 45)[]

Court of Stars and The Arcway[]

Set Armor Class Proc
Nightwell Arcanum Cloth +Haste
Jacin's Ruse Leather +Mastery
Traitor's Oath Mail +Critical Strike
Fortitude of the Nightborne Plate +Versatility
Journey Through Time Misc +Movement, +Haste
March of the Legion (set) Misc +Fire Damage

Return to Karazhan[]

Set Armor Class Proc
Burden of Power Misc % Damage And Healing after boss kill

World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth (level 50)[]

Uldir Sets[]

Set Armor Class Proc
Eternal Curator's Vestment Cloth
Eternal Curator's Garb Leather
Eternal Curator's Chains Mail
Eternal Curator's Protectorate Plate

Battle of Dazar'alor Sets[]

Set Armor Class Proc
Soul Reaper's Raiment Cloth
Boneblade Battlegear Leather
Death-Devourer Vestments Mail
Gravelord's Direplate Plate

Eternal Palace Sets[]

Set Armor Class Proc
Frilled Harbinger's Vestments Cloth
Razorfin Regalia Leather
Queen's Guard Scalemail Mail
Naga Lord's Warplate Plate

Ny'alotha, the Waking City Sets[]

Set Armor Class Proc
Oblivion Cultist's Robes Cloth
Treacherous Schemer's Leathers Leather
Lurking Defiler's Scalemail Mail
Cosmic Abberation's Plate Plate

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands (level 60)[]

PVP Sets[]

Sold by Purveyor Zo'kuul in the Enclave, Oribos.

Raid Sets[]

Castle Nathria Sets[]

Set Armor Class Proc
Depraved Beguiler's Visage Cloth
Sin Slayer's Leathers Leather
Inexorable Castigator's Guise Mail
Grand Sentinel's Greatplate Plate

Sanctum of Domination Sets[]

Set Armor Class Proc
Soulcaster Threads Cloth
Stygian Tormentor's Leathers Leather
Chainmail of Domination Mail
Soulforged Dreadplate Plate

Dungeon Sets[]

Set Armor Class Proc
Sincollector's Vestments Cloth
Soulbearer's Leathers Leather
The Mail Courier Mail
Shieldguard's Plate Plate

Quest Sets[]

Set Armor Class Proc
Spirit Tender's Vestment Cloth
Deceitful Agent's Leathers Leather
Desolate Scale Chain Mail
Blackhound Plate Plate

Covenant sets[]

All pieces of these sets can be acquired through your Covenant campaign. Replacement pieces can be purchased in your Covenant hall.

Covenant Armor Set
Kyrian Kyrian Cloth Vestments of the Selfless
Leather Garb of the Selfless
Mail Chain of the Selfless
Plate Vestments of the Selfless
Necrolord Necrolord Cloth Rationale of Maldraxxus
Leather Guile of Maldraxxus
Mail Alacrity of Maldraxxus
Plate Authority of Maldraxxus
Night Fae Night Fae Cloth Faewoven Regalia
Leather Oakheart Raiment
Mail Runewarden's Guise
Plate Queensguard Warbark
Venthyr Venthyr Cloth Soulbreaker's Ebony Vestments
Leather Ebony Death Shroud Armor
Mail Fearstalker's Ebony Battlegear
Plate Dread Sentinel's Ebony Battleplate

Patch changes[]

  • WoW Icon update Patch 1.6.0 (2005-07-12): Set items which are broken no longer contribute to set bonus listings in the item tooltips.

See also[]

Armor sets


Class sets


Raid sets

WoW Icon update
Bc icon
Mists of Pandaria
Warlords of Draenor
Battle for Azeroth
  • Tier 22
  • Tier 23
  • Tier 24
  • Tier 25
  • Tier 26
  • Tier 27
  • Tier 28
  • Tier 29
  • Tier 30
  • Tier 31

PvP sets

WoW Icon update
Bc icon
Mists of Pandaria
Warlords of Draenor
Battle for Azeroth

Other sets

WoW Icon update
Bc icon
Mists of Pandaria
  • Raging Tempests sets