
  • ️Tue May 31 2022
Image of Ve'nari
Title <Purveyor of Cyphers>
Gender Female
Race Broker (Humanoid)
Level 55-60 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Former affiliation(s) Cartel Ve
Location Ve'nari's Refuge, Maw [46.9, 41.7]
Unknown (lore)
Status Alive
Ve'nari hologram

The visage that Ve'nari left behind

Ve'nari is a broker located at her refuge within the Maw. She trades in Inv stygia [Stygia] for useful items in the Maw and Torghast, Tower of the Damned.

She lives among the shadows and, through unknown means, has managed to survive inside the Maw for years[1] away from the eyes of The Jailer. She is the closest thing adventurers can find to a friendly face in the Maw.[2] However, Ve'nari is very elusive and seems to always know more than she is saying. She states that her relationship with the adventurers is pure business: they give what she wants, and she gives what they need.


Ve'nari along with other members of Cartel Ve were assigned to the Maw.[3][1] In time Ve'nari would come to hide from the rest of the cartel.[4] The reasons for their animosity are unclear; while Ve'brax claims that Ve'nari betrayed them,[3] Ve'nari maintains that it was they who betrayed her.[1] According to the findings of Ta'lora, Ve'nari was the leader of the expedition into the Maw, but after discovering a defensible position in the area, Ve'nari arranged the elimination of her fellow cartel members to secure exclusive access to her newfound resources.[5]

At some point Ve'nari secured an area within the Maw as her hideout and successfully remained out of sight of the Mawsworn and Zovaal. She took notice when Adventurers from Azeroth and the Knights of the Ebon Blade entered the Maw and how they thwarted the Jailer's festivities. Becoming intrigued Ve'nari would choose to aid the Maw Walker and Darion Mograine when the pair was confronted by a Mawsworn Myrmidon and swiftly ended it. She subsequently offered them a proposition, to which Darion questioned her decision to offer them aid. To that Ve'nari merely pointed out that their presence drew attention that would be bad for her business dealings.[6]

Ve'nari then offered the pair her aid in finding the missing Maldraxxi baron from the House of the Chosen, in return for the Inv jewelry necklace 53 [Amulet of the Horsemen] as she felt it held interesting power, and that the pair would leave as she preferred to keep a low profile.[7] After receiving the amulet, Ve'nari led the way towards Perdition Hold to rescue the baron. As the trio traveled Darion admitted that they sought others to rescue as well, which prompted Ve'nari to reveal that they were most likely taken to Torghast. After warning that breaching the tower would be folly at this time,[8] she aided in the rescue of Alexandros Mograine and then opened a portal to her refugee from which the Azerothians could make their way to the waystone to Oribos.[9]

During the Revendreth storyline, the Maw Walkers returned to the Maw seeking to liberate the lost Prince of the venthyr - Prince Renathal. Ve'nari aided the Maw Walkers by 'obtaining' a Torghast portal and setting it up in her refuge, though she wouldn't reveal how or where she obtained it from, only that she expected the Maw Walkers would need access to the Tower in due time.

Despite her desire for secrecy, rumors of aiding the Maw Walker would reach the covenants and the other brokers within Oribos.[10] As a result of this the covenants would implore the Maw Walker to seek her out to help rescue the souls within the Maw, while Cartel Ve member Ve'rayn questioned the Maw Walker as to her whereabouts.[11] As Ve'nari and the Maw Walker had established a partnership, with Ve'nari giving them a Spell shadow haunting [Soulkeeper] to help liberate souls from the Maw in return for their silence,[12] Ve'rayn would leave unemptied but not convinced that the Maw Walker didn't have knowledge of Ve'nari's whereabouts.[13]

As Ve'nari and the Maw Walker bonded, she imparted life lessons to them. After coming to appreciate the Maw Walker, she outright declared them a reliable associate and entrusted them with a task that she would usually perform on her own: investigating a nearby device of broker origin. As the Maw Walker investigated the device they were attacked by Ve'brax and as the fight progressed, Ve'nari arrived to assist the Ma Walker. Following Ve'brax's death, Ve'nari declared that their partnership had become permanent as Cartel Ve wouldn't rest until they were both eliminated. She remarked how her former cartel did not handle envy particularly well, how those who had sent her to the Maw sought her death, implored them not to trust Cartel Ve, and that they were partners from now until their last flame flickered.[14]

Chains of Domination[]

Who is the Maw Walker

Ve'nari meeting Tal-Galan.

After the Jailer used his chains to pull Korthia into the Maw, Fatescribe Roh-Tahl sensed the emergence of a second waystone within the Maw.[15] Thus the Maw Walker turned to Ve'nari for help in locating and securing it, a task which Ve'nari accepted as she believed it would be beneficial to both of them.[16] As the pair traveled to Korthia unseen amongst the Mawsworn, they discovered that the Eye of the Jailer was unable to peer into the realm, causing Ve'nari to remark that Korthia must be strong in magic and that the legends may be true. They later discovered that while Korthia was protected from the Jailer's Eye, the Mawsworn were freely able to invade the realm.[17] As the pair entered the City of Secrets, Ve'nari scanned the area, which allowed them to encounter Tal-Galan, who tested them to see if they were the true Maw Walker. However, in the process the Maw Walker had a small burst of anima rapidly fly from them as their health drained. Unamused by this, Ve'nari prepared to attack Tal-Galan, who promptly stopped and declared them Ability mount charger [The True Maw Walker].[18][19]

After the Maw Walker activated the Waystone to Oribos, Ve'nari ventured into the small cave behind the waystone within Keeper's Respite.[20] Sometime later Tal-Galan offered Ve'nari his thanks for aiding the Maw Walker and offered to answer her questions. This prompted Ve'nari to declare that while a thank-you was polite, a favor was better.[21] The Maw Walker and Ve'nari subsequently established a permanent connection between her refuge and the respite, during this process the Maw Walker transported Inv misc bag 31 [Ve'nari's Overstuffed Bag] for her.[22] However the Maw Walker quickly learned that the bag in question didn't truly belong to Ve'nari, who when questioned about it changed the subject, and had the Maw Walker test out the Transferral Augmentor until it landed the Maw Walker outside Desmotaeron in the Beastwarrens. [23] Quick to take advantage of the opportunity Ve'nari, through a projection, directed the Maw Walker with placing Aural Sequencers within the area in order to establish a functional signal. During this process, the pair noticed glittering feathers on the ground, which grew their curiosity.[24] With the sequencers relaying information reliably, the pair discovered the caged Danica the Reclaimer and learned the Mawsworn had captured Odyn's Val'kyr and sought to turn them to their cause. Following Danica's liberation, she took the Maw Walker to Odyn within Skyhold as Ve'nari ended the projection.[25][26]

She was later approached by the Maw Walker who sought her help in binding the Ilskahorn, which allow for Odyn's Val'kyr to pierce the shroud protecting the Maw and invade it, to the Maw.[27] Ve'nari subsequently directed the Maw Walker with collecting Tears of the Damned and draining the rage from the Furious Shades in the River of Souls, in order to acquire the essence of the Maw to bind to the horn.[28][29] With the Ilskahorn bound to the Maw, Ve'nari revealed that the horn should best be used at the Terminus Platform, where the River of Souls flows upward to Torghast. Thus it was there that the Eye of the Jailer was attacked by the Maw Walker, Danica, and her fellow Val'kyr, where it ultimately retreated into Torghast.[30]

At some point following these events, the Maw Walker would kill Ve'rayn and deliver her head to Ve'nari. After being briefly surprised, she remarked how they had done her a favor, as Ve'rayn had proven herself problematic for some time. She also remarked that while Cartel Ve would continue to send operatives after her, the eliminaton of Ve'rayn afforded her significant time.[31]

After Zovaal opened the way into Zereth Mortis, and the Primus collected the Sigils in order to follow, Ve'nari approached Tal-Galan, who was quick to deduce that she sought his knowledge about Zereth Mortis.[32] Oddly enough, despite Ve'nari's expressed interest in the realm of the First Ones, she was not amongst those who ventured into Zereth Mortis after the way to the realm was open.

Eternity's End[]

Ve'nari Dead

The apparent corpse of Ve'nari.

Following Zovaal's death, Ve'nari weighed the risk of Cartel Ve's wrath and made the decision to head into Zereth Mortis. She left a vestige in her place at her refuge that informed the Maw Walker of her decision. This vestige then revealed that thanks to them she had all the stygia she needed for her plans. The value of Stygia remained a mystery to the Maw Walkers, and yet Ve'nari saw its value as key to achieving her goal in Zereth Mortis. What these plans are is currently unknown, though they seemed to have become rendered moot when the Maw Walker discovered Ve'nari's corpse at the Creation Catalyst in Zereth Mortis. While investigating her body, the Maw Walker determined that something went wrong when she sought to use her stygia in the catalyst, and that it was a quick death. However, those with engineering were able to deduce that there were small barely noticeable inconsistencies in the area, on account of their knowledge of Ve'nari and mastery of engineering.

After five days, Ve'nari sent the Maw Walker a letter revealing her survival, and how she had faked her death to get Cartel Ve off her back. She then revealed that within Zereth Mortis, she created a device that allows her to travel the cosmos, which led to her meeting Xolartios, who agreed to serve as her guide as they explored this new unkown.


Ve'nari knows more about the Maw than anyone, and she might share a fraction of that information with you if you earn her regard.

Like selected NPCs from other expansions, Ve'nari has her own reputation faction. Various standings with her are required to purchase some of her wares and gain access to some areas of the Maw. Uniquely, Ve'nari's goods can be purchased based on the highest reputation of all characters on your account, rather than the reputation of the character purchasing the item.

Standing Overall rep To next level
Dubious 0 - 999 1,000
Apprehensive 1,000 - 6,999 6,000
Tentative 7,000 - 13,999 7,000
Ambivalent 14,000 - 20,999 7,000
Cordial 21,000 - 41,999 21,000
Appreciative 42,000 10,000
Paragon n/a 10,000

In patch 9.1, Ve'nari's standing can gain paragon reputation. Earn another 10,000 points of standing with her to acquire the 70 inscription vantus rune suramar [Mysterious Gift from Ve'nari] from her via the quest N [60] Mysterious Gifts from Ve'nari. The chest contains 3,500g, 1,000 Stygia, and can contain Inv mawguardpet white [Rook] or Ability mount mawhorsespikes teal [Soulbound Gloomcharger's Reins].


Ve'nari reputation is gained by completing her daily and weekly quests, as well as defeating encounters in the Maw:

Maw currencies
Source Reputation Stygia Threat Threat per rep Threat per Stygia
Generic mob 0 ≈1 6 6.00
Generic elite 0 ≈2.5 12 4.80
Rescue soul 0 ≈20 100 5.00
Event mob 40 ≈45 300 7.50 6.67
Rare mob 80 ≈50 300 3.75 6.00
Rare elite mob 100 ≈75 500 5.00 6.67
Daily quests 75 140 500 6.67 3.57
Wrath of the Jailer (weekly) 250 100 500 2.00 5.00
Perdition/Beastwarrens daily 100 225 667 6.67 2.96
Weekly quests 850 425 1000 1.18 2.35
Beastwarrens Hunt 525 ≈300 1000 1.90 3.33
Perdition Hold weekly 1100 700 1200 1.09 1.71
Maw Lore (one-time) 100-150 0 0 0 0

It is recommended to focus on the daily quests first, then the weeklies. Once they're done, complete a Wrath of the Jailer event once a week (preferably with a group), and then kill rares and complete events around the Maw until Eye of the Jailer has filled, to maximize the reputation earned.

Rares and events have a decent chance of dropping a Maw Lore item quest, which can be turned in at Ve'nari for 100 reputation.


Shadowlands press kit - Ve'nari

Promotional image of Ve'nari.

Pointer repair on 32x32 This vendor offers a repair service.

Reputation Item Cost Purpose
n/a Trade archaeology titan fragment [Cypher of Relocation] 60 Teleports the player to Ve'nari's refuge
Creatureportrait twilightshammer lava magicball [Anima Supricifer] 50 Quest item
Apprehensive Sha spell warlock demonsoul nightborne [Vessel of Unfortunate Spirits] 527 Torghast upgrade (death)
Inv belt mail raidhunter p 01 [Extradimensional Pockets] 800 Torghast upgrade (obleron armaments)
Inv alchemist 81 spiritedalchemiststone [Encased Riftwalker Essence] 1130 Maw upgrade (Chaotic Riftstones)
Inv staff 2h maw c 01 [Soultwinning Scepter] 205 Stat buff
Inv misc craftingreagent vial01 [Oil of Ethereal Force] 165 Stealth + movement speed buff
Tentative Inv ring oribos 01 copper [Bangle of Seniority] 1135 Torghast upgrade (broker powers)
Trade alchemy ghostironrodruned [Sigil of the Unseen] 666 Maw upgrade (assassins)
Inv belt 44 [Animated Levitating Chain] 1050 Maw upgrade (grappling hook)
Item icecrownringa [Animaflow Stabilizer] 1650 Maw upgrade (Animaflow Teleporter)
Inv engineering 90 scope blue [Broker Traversal Enhancer] 875 Torghast upgrade (9.0.5 Broker teleports)
Inv alchemy 80 elixir01green [Maw-Touched Miasma] 230 Torghast Mawrat skill
Inv skeletonhandpet blue [Sticky-Fingered Skeletal Hand] 210 Torghast lock bypass
Ambivalent Inv jewelcrafting necklace3 blue [Soul-Stabilizing Talisman] 775 Maw upgrade (abductors)
Inv misc dice 01 [Ritual Prism of Fortune] 1025 Torghast upgrade (anima powers)
Spell burningsoul [Phantasmic Infuser] 3760 Torghast upgrade (phantasma)
Inv misc masterofanatomy [Memory of Jailer's Eye] 4986 Runecarver memory
Cordial Inv jewelcrafting 815 focusinglens [Loupe of Unusual Charm] 1330 Torghast upgrade (broker powers)
Inv jewelcrafting 70 cutgem03 red [Rank Insignia: Acquisitionist] 1575 Torghast upgrade (broker powers)
Sha ability mage firestarter nightborne [Unbound Reality Fragment] 1900 Conduit unlock/upgrade
Trade archaeology draenei tome [Recipe: Crafter's Mark II] 300 Crafting reagent
Appreciative Spell animamaw buff [Possibility Matrix] 1525 Torghast upgrade (anima hoard)
Inv misc addsocketbracer [Spatial Realignment Apparatus] 7200 Socket unlock
Inv misc food ghoststeak bone [Stygia Dowser] 1500 For Inv jailerhoundmount white [Bound Shadehound] (9.0.5)
Inv offhand pvp330 d 02 [Partial Rune Codex] 2000 For Inv jailerhoundmount white [Bound Shadehound] (9.0.5)

Purchasing and using the permanent upgrades Ve'nari sells awards the achievements Inv belt mail raidhunter p 01 [To 'Ghast, Two Curios] and Spell animamaw buff ['Ghast Five].



Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

Objective of[]

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the alpha stages.



Main article: The Brand Holds the Key#Notes
Main article: Hope Never Dies#Notes
Main article: Delving Deeper#Notes
Main article: A Bond Beyond Death#Notes
Main article: Wake of Ashes (quest)#Notes
Main article: Maw Walker (quest)#Notes

After Rule 4: Make a List:

Gossip Your cartel says they know what you did. Is there something you're not telling me?

Oh, there are many things I choose not to tell you. As I am sure there are many things you do not tell me.
Trust is built on discretion, Maw Walker. Without it, business would be impossible.
That being said, I have trusted you with my most valuable secret: the location of this very refuge. I ask only that you trust me in return.

After Rule 5: Be Audacious:

Gossip Aren't you concerned about the brokers who were taken to the Beastwarrens?

It is unfortunate that they should suffer such a fate, but make no mistake. They are as much our enemy as are the Mawsworn.
Those brokers were doomed from the moment they arrived. And even if you rescued them, doing so would only invite ruin upon us both.
A ruthless mentality, I admit. But it is one that is necessary for survival in the Maw.
You would do well to remember that.

After Rule 6: Concealment is Everything:

Gossip What happened to the other brokers who came into the Maw with you?

None of the others survived. Only me.
The Maw, as you are well aware, is a dangerous place. And while traveling in a large group may provide the illusion of security, in reality it just makes you a more tempting target.
We learned that the hard way. Our numbers were whittled away until there were few enough of us left to hide ourselves. That slowed the hunt... but did not stop it.
When I alone remained, I accepted the truth of my situation. Solitude offered the best chance of survival.
At least until you arrived.


  • Ah, my new partner! Let us see how long you last.
  • All mysteries will be revealed.
  • Do you feel the Maw tearing at your mind?
  • Find anything of interest, Maw Walker?
  • Have you come to trade or to waste your breath?
  • I have limitless time. You do not.
  • I trust you were not followed.
  • Just because I have infinite time does not mean I have infinite patience.
  • Long have I observed the Mawsworn torture their victims. Perhaps you want a demonstration?
  • You know, not all of my previous associates met their end at the Jailer's hands.
  • Discover more secrets. Then we can talk.
  • Do not draw the Jailer's eye.
  • I will detain you no longer.
  • Procure something of value.
  • Return only if you must.
  • Trust not what you see in the Maw.
  • Will that be all, Maw Walker?


  • Oh, you've returned. How fortuitous.
  • Please tell me you have something interesting to discuss, Maw Walker.
  • You were not followed, were you?
In Korthia and the Rift

It is preferable when an investment pays off.

Ve'nari Refuge patch 9.2.5 gossip (one time only)

Greetings Maw Walker. I have a special message for you.

Buy What do you have to trade?

Gossip <Listen to Ve'nari's message>

You have hopefully noticed that I am now more incorporeal than usual.
I have found what I was looking for. Zereth Mortis. Thanks to you, I have all the stygia necessary for my plans to come to fruition.
Now that the Jailer is out of the way, it is worth risking the attention of Cartel Ve to reach Zereth Mortis through Oribos.
However, this visage of mine shall continue to aid you, as I know you would be heartbroken to ever truly part from me.
Zereth Mortis

<You see the smoldering corpse of Ve'nari. Looking around, it seems she was trying to use her stockpile of stygia to interact with the surrounding machinery.

Something must have gone horribly wrong.>

Gossip <Take a closer look at Ve'nari> (Appears only once)

<It appears something went wrong when Ve'nari tried to use her collected stygia in this area.
Whatever happened, it ended quickly.>
Gossip (Engineering) Something doesn't seem right...
<There are some small, barely noticeable inconsistencies in the area. Most would go unnoticed, but your mastery of engineering and familiarity with Ve'nari allow you to notice them.
You're not too sure of what to make of it, however. Perhaps only time will tell.>
Ve'nari HS

Ve'nari in Hearthstone.

In Hearthstone[]

Hearthstone This section contains information exclusive to Hearthstone and is considered non-canon.

Ve'nari appears as a alternate bartender in Hearthstone Battlegrounds. Her flavor text reads: "Ve'nari is perhaps the only kind entity to be found in the Maw, but she keeps things strictly business. This mysterious being has a vast amount of knowledge, and she will share it for a price."


  • Ve'nari is voiced by Aysha Selim, who is best known for her performance as Ana Amari in Overwatch.[33]

Patch changes[]


External links[]

NPC Faction