
  • ️Mon Oct 10 2005
Image of Firemaw
Race Black drake (Dragonkin)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Black dragonflight
Location Crimson Laboratories, Blackwing Lair
Status Killable

Firemaw is the fourth boss in Blackwing Lair, found patrolling the Crimson Laboratories after Broodlord Lashlayer and before Ebonroc. He may drop Tier 2 gloves for all classes.

Attacks and abilities[]

  • Spell fire fireball Flame Buffet — Inflicts 139 to 161 Fire damage to an enemy and increases the Fire damage it takes by 150 for 20 sec.
  • Spell fire incinerate Shadow Flame — Inflicts 3938 to 5062 Shadow damage to enemies in a cone in front of the caster.
  • Inv misc head human 02 Summon Player — Summons an enemy player. (summons to the front of the dragonkin)
  • Ability ghoulfrenzy Thrash — Gives the caster 2 extra attacks.
  • Inv misc monsterscales 14 Wing Buffet — Inflicts 563 to 937 damage to enemies in a cone in front of the caster, knocking them back.

Seasons of Mastery[]

During the Season of Mastery, Firemaw has a lightning shield that deals damage when he is attacked. In addition, whenever a player takes damage they gain a stack of Static Electricity. Upon reaching 10 stacks, the debuff will erupt in a chain lightning attack against all nearby players.

Tactics and tips[]

Wing Buffet
Knocks back the target, doing damage and reducing aggro.
Shadow Flame
Ability shared with Ebonroc, Flamegor and Nefarian. Deals about 3,938 - 5,062 cone-shaped shadow damage and is not partially resistable. Previously it has a Damage over Time effect (Shadow Flame) on its target for 1,750 - 2,250 damage per second for 10 seconds unless the recipient is wearing an Inv misc cape 05 [Onyxia Scale Cloak].
Flame Buffet
Firemaw's Flame Buffet is a stackable and non-dispellable debuff that hits anyone within Firemaw's line of sight. It begins by doing 150 damage and increasing the amount of damage done by Fire effects by 150. And each tick that you are in LoS of Firemaw the debuff is renewed and stacks another time. Each time it stacks the damage increases, as does Fire damage taken. The Flame Buffet debuff will last for 20 seconds if not renewed.
Gives Firemaw 2 extra attacks, hitting the tank in rapid succession.

Firemaw should be tanked in the entrance to the room he guards, where the Broodlord Lashlayer was stationed. He should not however be pulled without clearing the first few packs of Mobs in the room, the amount needing to be cleared depending on the skill of the raid, but most likely three.

He should be aggroed so that he is attacking the main tank inside the doorway and can be put out of sight by the raid if they hug the walls either side of him. This is necessary to negate the stack of Flame Buffet that quickly accumulates. One tank should stand in front of him to take aggro for most of the fight being healed from the right side of the room, however during his knockbacks the tank behind him will have to take over, healed by the left side. The main tank will keep getting hit with debuffs, so there should be a second tank prepared to switch in for the Main Tank until the MT's debuffs fall off.

DPS should stand, with the majority of the healers, on the right hand side of the room and get out of LoS when stacks reach about 5-10, depending on your health. Bandaging should be used on non tanks as much as possible, as mana will be needed to heal tanks taking more damage from their lessened fire resistance.

As with all the other drakes, Firemaw's most deadly weapon is his shadowflame. In order to reduce the impact that this has it is considered wise to have priests cast a Power Word Shield on the MT just prior to this. Other tactics include having one or two healers using big heals and attempting to time them so they land the second after the shadowflame hits.

As with all BWL fights, it is important to manage aggro heavily here as wing buffet reduces the aggro on the tank who is hit by it. In a perfect kill the MT will never take a buffet and will be able to keep ahead of aggro, however if he does get hit by one aggro can get finicky later in the fight.

His knockbacks are about 30–35 seconds apart, and his shadowflames about 15–18 seconds apart.

Keys to the Fight[]

1. Constantly watch your health. Everyone besides the healers is taking constantly increasing damage this fight; not watching your health will allow the debuffs to stack up and eventually kill you.

2. Positioning for this fight is everything. You've heard it before, but it's really true here. All efforts should be taken to ensure that Firemaw does not change location while the fight goes on. The buffet-eater should get right on Firemaw to taunt, as being at the edge of his hit box forces him to move to the OT. The replacement tank should stand on the spot the MT is at before taunting Firemaw off. However your guild does positioning, be wary of the possibility of Firemaw shadowflaming while the buffet tank has aggro; if the raid is behind the eater, it can lose 10-20 people in one breath. As bosses go, Firemaw does not hit hard. If you can get your positioning down, you've won the fight.


Items marked with a * in the table are shared between Firemaw, Ebonroc, and Flamegor. Only two Tier 2 gloves will drop between the three drakes each reset.

Item Type
Inv gauntlets 21 [Bloodfang Gloves]* Rogue Rogue Tier 2 gloves
Inv gauntlets 10 [Dragonstalker's Gauntlets]* Hunter Hunter Tier 2 gloves
Inv gauntlets 11 [Gauntlets of Ten Storms]* Shaman Shaman Tier 2 gloves
Inv gauntlets 10 [Gauntlets of Wrath]* Warrior Warrior Tier 2 gloves
Inv gauntlets 14 [Handguards of Transcendence]* Priest Priest Tier 2 gloves
Inv gauntlets 29 [Judgment Gauntlets]* Paladin Paladin Tier 2 gloves
Inv gauntlets 19 [Nemesis Gloves]* Warlock Warlock Tier 2 gloves
Inv gauntlets 14 [Netherwind Gloves]* Mage Mage Tier 2 gloves
Inv gauntlets 25 [Stormrage Handguards]* Druid Druid Tier 2 gloves
Inv chest cloth 50 [Black Ash Robe] Healer/FR cloth chest
Inv weapon shortblade 27 [Claw of the Black Drake] Strength fist weapon
Inv misc cape 18 [Cloak of Firemaw] Stamina/AP back
Inv belt 10 [Firemaw's Clutch] Caster cloth waist
Inv pants plate 16 [Legguards of the Fallen Crusader] Strength plate legs
Inv misc gem 03 [Natural Alignment Crystal] Shaman Shaman trinket
Inv pants mail 19 [Primalist's Linked Legguards] Caster mail legs
Inv scroll 08 [Scrolls of Blinding Light] Paladin Paladin trinket
Inv axe 10 [Drake Talon Cleaver]* Strength 2H axe
Inv shoulder 23 [Drake Talon Pauldrons]* Strength/Agility plate shoulder
Inv misc gem topaz 02 [Rejuvenating Gem]* Spirit trinket
Inv jewelry ring 43 [Ring of Blackrock]* Spirit finger
Inv belt 16 [Taut Dragonhide Belt]* Agility/dodge leather waist
Inv staff 13 [Shadow Wing Focus Staff]* Spirit/spell power staff


Patch changes[]

External links[]

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Black Dragonflight
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