
  • ️Mon Oct 10 2005
Image of Flamegor
Race Black drake (Dragonkin)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Black dragonflight
Location Crimson Laboratories, Blackwing Lair [38.6, 47.9]
Status Killable

Flamegor is the third of the three drakes in the Crimson Laboratories of Blackwing Lair after Ebonroc and before Chromaggus. In common with Firemaw and Ebonroc he can drop the Tier 2 gloves along with other epic items. Commonly referred to by players as the "Loot Pinata" due to the ease of this fight.

Attacks and abilities[]

  • Ability druid challangingroar Enrage — Decreases the time between your attacks by 150% for 10 sec.
  • Spell fire incinerate Shadow Flame — Inflicts 3938 to 5062 Shadow damage to enemies in a cone in front of the caster.
  • Inv misc head human 02 Summon Player — Summons an enemy player. (summons to the front of the dragonkin)
  • Ability ghoulfrenzy Thrash — Gives the caster 2 extra attacks.
  • Inv misc monsterscales 14 Wing Buffet — Inflicts 563 to 937 damage to enemies in a cone in front of the caster, knocking them back.
  • Spell fire sealoffire Brand of Flame — Additional damage taken from Brand of Flame. (Season of Mastery only)

Seasons of Mastery[]

During the Season of Mastery, both Ebonroc and Flamegor join together in a single encounter. Ebonroc will cast Brand of Shadow and Flamegor will cast Brand of Flame, stacking debuffs which deal increasing damage over time. Both drakes must be killed at about the same time, or else the surviving drake will enrage.


The fight is in many ways more simple than Firemaw as the debuff does not stack and therefore tanks do not need to hide to lose debuff stacks. As of patch 1.11, it is no longer possible to avoid the Fire Nova by utilizing line of sight, so it will damage all members of the raid when it is active. He only does the Fire Nova when enraged, which can be dispelled by Tranquilizing Shot (previously looted from Lucifron). Flamegor will enrage every 10 to 15 seconds, so it is critical that multiple hunters have a well-coordinated Tranquilizing Shot rotation. Otherwise he does no more damage than Ebonroc. Tank him like Firemaw, the enrage debuff can get 1k + dmg on your raid if not dealt with fast enough. Have a dedicated healer for the off tanks and hunters, they will be taking the most fire and wont have time to care for themselves.

Avoid shadow flames.


Items marked with a * in the table are shared between Firemaw, Ebonroc, and Flamegor. Only two Tier 2 gloves will drop between the three drakes each reset.

Item Type
Inv gauntlets 21 [Bloodfang Gloves]* Rogue Rogue Tier 2 gloves
Inv gauntlets 10 [Dragonstalker's Gauntlets]* Hunter Hunter Tier 2 gloves
Inv gauntlets 11 [Gauntlets of Ten Storms]* Shaman Shaman Tier 2 gloves
Inv gauntlets 10 [Gauntlets of Wrath]* Warrior Warrior Tier 2 gloves
Inv gauntlets 14 [Handguards of Transcendence]* Priest Priest Tier 2 gloves
Inv gauntlets 29 [Judgment Gauntlets]* Paladin Paladin Tier 2 gloves
Inv gauntlets 19 [Nemesis Gloves]* Warlock Warlock Tier 2 gloves
Inv gauntlets 14 [Netherwind Gloves]* Mage Mage Tier 2 gloves
Inv gauntlets 25 [Stormrage Handguards]* Druid Druid Tier 2 gloves
Inv jewelry ring 37 [Circle of Applied Force] Agility/strength finger
Inv wand 11 [Dragon's Touch] Caster wand
Inv pants mail 17 [Emberweave Leggings] Agility/intellect mail legs
Inv mace 05 [Herald of Woe] Strength 2H mace
Inv misc cape 16 [Shroud of Pure Thought] Spirit back
Inv misc armorkit 10 [Styleen's Impeding Scarab] Parry trinket
Inv scroll 08 [Scrolls of Blinding Light] Paladin Paladin trinket
Inv axe 10 [Drake Talon Cleaver]* Strength 2H axe
Inv shoulder 23 [Drake Talon Pauldrons]* Strength/Agility plate shoulder
Inv misc gem topaz 02 [Rejuvenating Gem]* Spirit trinket
Inv jewelry ring 43 [Ring of Blackrock]* Spirit finger
Inv belt 16 [Taut Dragonhide Belt]* Agility/dodge leather waist
Inv staff 13 [Shadow Wing Focus Staff]* Spirit/spell power staff


Patch changes[]

External links[]

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Black Dragonflight
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