General Xakal

  • ️Tue Jul 19 2016
BossGeneral Xakal
Image of General Xakal
Gender Male
Race Fel lord (Demon)
Level 112 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Burning Legion
Occupation General
Location Fel Breach, The Arcway
Status Killable

General Xakal
Advisor Vandros


General Xakal is a fel lord located in the Fel Breach in the Arcway.


Adventure Guide[]

When Gul'dan threatened Suramar with destruction if Elisande did not comply with his demands, those were not idle words. A Legion invasion force has burrowed into the tunnels beneath the city, and Xakal leads those forces. He awaits further command, ready at a moment's notice to surge forth and bring death and destruction to the streets of Suramar.


General Xakal periodically summons Dread Felbats and causes the ground to erupt with Fel Fissures. After several waves, he casts Wicked Slam, inflicting damage to all players and knocking them back.

Damage Dealer Alert Damage Dealers[]

  • Avoid Shadow Slash when it is targeted towards you.
  • Position carefully to avoid [Wicked Slam] knocking you into Fel Fissure.

Healer Alert Healers[]

  • Wicked Slam inflicts heavy group wide damage.

Tank Alert Tanks[]

  • Dread Felbats periodically spawn and must be tanked.


  • Ability bossfellord felfissure Fel Fissure — General Xakal tears open a rift at a random player's location that persists for the remainder of the fight. After 3 seconds, the rift will explode into a Fel Spire if any players are within the targeted location.
    • Ability bossfellord felspike Fel Eruption — Fissures erupt to form a spire, inflicting 633750 to 666250 Shadow damage to all players within 6 yards, knocking them back.
  • Inv axe 2h felfireraid d 01 Wicked Slam — General Xakal slams his axe into the ground, inflicting 477750 to 502250 Physical damage to all players, knocking them back.
  • Ability warlock coil2 Shadow Slash — General Xakal empowers his axe with dark magic, creating a wave of energy that shoots out towards a random player. This effect inflicts 477750 to 502250 Shadow damage to all players hit by the wave.
  • Dread Felbat — General Xakal periodically calls Dread Felbats to fight for him. Each Dread Felbat flies over the battlefield, casting Bombardment several times and then lands to melee players.
    • Ability warlock handofguldan Bombardment — Dread Felbats fire a bolt of energy at a random player's location, inflicting 243750 to 256250 Shadow damage to all players within 5 yards of the targeted location.
    • Ability deathwing bloodcorruption death Thirst for Blood — Dread Felbats claw at their target, inflicting Physical damage. In addition, their movement speed and damage done is increased by 10% for the remainder of the fight. This effect stacks.


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Item Type
Spell fire felhellfire [Sealed Fel Fissure] Fel artifact relic
Inv stone weightstone 08 [Xakal's Determination] Iron artifact relic
Inv helmet mail legionendgame c 01 [Mardum Chain Helm] Mail helmet
Inv chest leather legionendgame c 01 [Felbat Leather Vest] Leather chest
Inv bracer mail legiondungeon c 01 [Remorseless Chain Armbands] Mail bracers
Inv glove plate legiondungeon c 01 [Fists of the Legion] Plate gloves
Inv pant leather legiondungeon c 01 [Bloodclaw Leggings] Leather leggings
Inv pant cloth legiondungeon c 01 [Legwraps of Reverberating Shadows] Cloth leggings
Inv pant plate legionendgame c 01 [Portalguard Legplates] Plate leggings
Inv boot cloth legionendgame c 01 [Netherwhisper Slippers] Cloth boots
Inv 70 dungeon ring8d [Ring of Looming Menace] Ring
Inv 7 0raid trinket 02b [Terrorbound Nexus] Melee DPS trinket


Form up, maggots! Secure the breach until we receive orders from Gul'dan!
Good! Some entertainment! I was getting restless!
Fel Fissure
All who rise against the Legion are doomed!
Wicked Slam
All in my shadow will crumble and fall!
Dread Felbat
Reinforcements to me! NOW!
Killed a player
  • More fuel to stop the fel fires.
  • Another notch for my fel blade.
  • No match for the great Xakal!
Gather, minions! Feast on their corpses, while the blood is still warm.
No... NO! None can best... the great Xakal...

Patch changes[]

External links[]