Get Your Mix On

  • ️Tue Jul 19 2016
NeutralGet Your Mix On
Start Deucus Valdera
End Deucus Valdera
Level 10-45
Category Alchemy
Experience 15,070
Next N Alchemy [10-45] Missing Shipments


Deucus Valdera in Dalaran wants you to craft some new potions. Merchant Patricia Egan in the alchemy shop can help you learn how.


Let's see... potion stains on your tabard, crushed herbs on your boots... I know a fellow alchemist when I see one!

We will do good work together, the two of us. I trust you're not averse to learning new tricks.

Be sure to use my state-of-the-art alchemy table. I built her myself!


You will learn: Legion Alchemist

You will also receive:

  • 56s
  • 15,070 XP


I hope you're making good use of my alchemy table. It's my pride and joy!


I trust you were successful in making the potions? This will be the first step in building trust between us.


On accept
Deucus Valdera says: Patricia! Would you be so kind as to show our friend here the newest recipes we've discovered?
Patricia Egan says: I'd be happy to! Have a look at my stock, <name>.
Deucus Valdera says: Just make sure <he/she> doesn't make a mess on my alchemy table!
Patricia Egan says: Yes, yes... We all know how attached you are to your alchemy table!

Buy the recipes and Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]s from Patricia Egan and use the Dalaran Alchemy Station near Deucus to craft them.


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