
  • ️Fri Sep 08 2017
Image of Glubtok
Title <The Foreman>
Gender Male
Race Ogre mage (Humanoid)
Level 8-31 Elite / Heroic Difficulty37 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Defias Brotherhood
Location Deadmines[37.9, 61.1]
Status Killable

Glubtok, the Foreman, is an ogre mage and the first boss of the Deadmines instance.


At some point Glubtok destroyed his own ogre mound with his magical abilities.[1] During the time following the Cataclysm, he ran extortion operations out of the Jangolode Mine. It was in the mine that he was approached by Vanessa VanCleef,[2] who had heard of his destructive power.[1] She gave him a choice: Risk his life attempting to crush her, or join her and be rich and powerful. He chose the latter option[2] and joined the Defias Brotherhood, acting as the foreman of their mining operations.[3]

Adventure Guide[]

In a fit of rage, Glubtok unleashed his potent magical abilities and reduced his ogre mound to ash. Upon hearing of his destructive talents, the Defias hired the massive ogre mage to supervise their laborers as head foreman of the Deadmines.


Stage One: Fists of Flame and Frost[]

  • Spell fire immolation Fists of Flame — Glubtok shrouds his fists in flame, causing each of his melee attacks that land to deal 38 Fire damage. Additionally, when Glubtok lands a melee attack he will sometimes deal 113 Fire damage and knock up nearby enemies within 5 yards.
  • Spell fire blueimmolation Fists of Frost — Glubtok coats his fists with frost, causing each of his melee attacks that land to deal 38 Frost damage. Additionally, when Glubtok lands a melee attack he will sometimes deal 117 Frost damage, reduce the movement speed by 40%, reduce the frequency of melee and ranged attacks by 25%, and increase the casting time by 25% of nearby enemies within 5 yards for 4 sec.
  • Spell arcane blink Blink — After either Fists of Flame or Fists of Frost wears off, Glubtok will randomly teleport to a location nearby a random player. WarningIn Heroic Difficulty, when Glubtok casts the Blink spell, he resets the threat of all enemies to zero.

Stage Two: Arcane Power![]

At 50% health, Glubtok blinks to the center of the room and levitates in place. Glubtok then begins to cast Fire Blossom and Frost Blossom spells randomly throughout the room.

  • Spell fire immolation Fire Blossom — Glubtok launches a Fire Blossom at a random location in the room that lands two seconds later. When the Fire Blossom lands, it knocks up and inflicts 58 Fire damage to nearby enemies within 5 yards. WarningIn Heroic Difficulty, wherever the spell lands, a Fire Blossom creature rises from the flames and begins to attack.
  • Spell fire blueimmolation Frost Blossom — Glubtok launches a Frost Blossom at a random location in the room that lands two seconds later. When the Frost Blossom lands, it deals 58 Frost damage, reduces the movement speed by 40%, reduces the frequency of melee and ranged attacks by 25%, and increases the casting time by 25% of nearby enemies within 5 yards for 4 sec. WarningIn Heroic Difficulty, wherever the spell lands a Frost Blossom creature forms from the ice and begins to attack.
  • Spell holy innerfire Fire Wall Heroic Difficulty — After casting Arcane Power, Glubtok creates a single wall of fire that begins to slowly rotate around him. Players who do not avoid the Fire Wall take 59,821 Fire damage every second.


Stage 1[]

Glubtok will alternate Fists of Frost and Fists of Fire. Fists of frost will slow the movement and attack speed of the tank and nearby players and Fists of Fire will cause his melee attacks to deal AoE Fire damage and have a small knockback. Glubtok will blink between fist cycles.

Stage 2[]

Once Glubtok reaches half health, he will deep freeze the entire party and teleport to the center. He will then gain Arcane Power, causing him to float above the ground (still attackable by melee) and channel a spell causing him to shoot fire and frost at random locations, visibly marked. In this phase, the party needs to DPS him down while avoiding his attacks. He no longer melees and only uses the fire and frost abilities.

Heroic Mode[]

In phase 2, a wall of flame will appear and slowly rotate around the room, centered on Glubtok. It is easy to avoid, but everyone must pay attention to it as touching it will deal massive damage to any party member. Also, Fire Blossoms and Frost Blossoms will spawn near where ever one of the spells of the same name landed. You should get rid of them as soon as possible as a lot of these adds will sum up to a lot of damage. It is a good idea for everyone to get together as phase 2 starts, because the tank cannot cross the fire wall to protect party members once it is up, and all adds that have been aggroed by the tank will be hit by any AoE spells the players cast.

Any player who finishes the fight without taking damage from the fire wall will earn the achievement Spell fire burnout [Ready for Raiding].


Normal loot
Heroic loot

Objective of[]



Glubtok ash

Too much power!

Glubtok show you da power of de arcane!
Fists of Flame
Fists of flame!
Fists of Frost
Fists of frost!
Killed a Player
  • (laughs)
  • 'Sploded dat one!
Entering Phase 2
Glubtok ready?
Let's do it!
Glubtok is obliterated by the arcane energies into a pile of ash.



Patch changes[]


External links[]