High Warlock Xi'lun

  • ️Tue Nov 23 2010
MobHigh Warlock Xi'lun
Image of High Warlock Xi'lun
Gender Male
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level 15-30
Class Warlock
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Blackrock clan
Location Dreadmaul Rock, Burning Steppes[69.6, 42.9]

High Warlock Xi'lun is an orc warlock who is in charge of Dreadmaul Rock. He is the mastermind behind a plan that will wipe out both the Alliance and the Horde in the Burning Steppes and assure the Blackrock clan's conquest of the Redridge Mountains.


  • Spell shadow ragingscream Demon Armor — Protects the caster, increasing armor, Shadow resistance and health regeneration for 30 min.
  • Spell shadow lifedrain02 Drain Life — Drains health from an enemy over 5 sec., transferring it to the caster.
  • Spell shadow shadowbolt Shadow Bolt Volley — Hurls missiles of dark magic, inflicting Shadow damage to nearby enemies.
  • Spell shadow summonvoidwalker Summon Felhunter — Summons 1 Felhunter to accompany the caster until dismissed.


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What is it, underling? Can't you see I'm busy?


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