Highmountain tauren (playable)

  • ️Tue Jul 11 2023
Core races
Allied races
This article is about the playable race. For the Highmountain tauren lore, see Highmountain tauren. For the in-game faction, see Highmountain Tribe.
HordeBattle for Azeroth Highmountain tauren
Highmountain tauren Heritage Armor
Character classes Druid, Hunter, Monk, Shaman, Warrior, Shadowlands Death Knight, Dragonflight Mage, Priest, Rogue, Warlock
Main language Taur-ahe
Secondary language Orcish
Starting zone Thunder Totem, Highmountain
Racial leader IconSmall Mayla Mayla Highmountain
Capital Thunder Totem
Racial mount Inv hmmoosemount [Highmountain Thunderhoof]

The Highmountain tauren are one of the playable Horde allied races in World of Warcraft, introduced at the end of Legion. Consisting of four tribes - Highmountain, Rivermane, Skyhorn, and Bloodtotem - they are native to the Broken Isles as opposed to their Kalimdor kin. Upon the Burning Legion's third invasion, the tribes of Highmountain fought bravely alongside the Alliance and Horde, but ultimately pledged allegience to the latter in reconnecting with the tribes of Thunder Bluff.

Highmountain tauren start out within their capital city of Thunder Totem. Under the instruction of their High Chieftain Mayla Highmountain, they report to their faction's embassy (much like all other allied races). Unlike the kodo that Kalimdor tauren ride, those native to Highmountain prefer the moose. What they do have in common, however, is a native language in Taur-ahe. Orcish is their secondary language.


Main article: Highmountain tauren#History
Highmountain Tauren Crest

Highmountain tauren crest

Race preview[]

Descended from Huln, brave hero of the War of the Ancients, the Highmountain tauren honor the spirits of earth, river, and sky. Though the Legion invaded their lands and sowed seeds of distrust between them, the tribes of Highmountain stand united once more. At long last they are ready to venture beyond their sacred mountain and stand beside their kin from Kalimdor, lending their nobility and strength to the mighty Horde.[1]

Creation screen description[]

The tauren of Highmountain are devoted to the spirits of earth, river, and sky. After ages spent protecting their sacred mountain, they are now ready to venture out into the world beyond the Broken Isles.

Opening cutscene[]

Mayla Highmountain: Highmountain stands. These words speak of more than earth and stone. They tell the history of our people, enduring hardship and conflict to unite against common foes. The time has come for you to venture beyond our sacred peaks. Walk the path that Huln took so very long ago, and bring honor to the name... Highmountain.


In order to unlock the ability to play as Highmountain tauren, players must have a level 40 Horde character and complete the following recruitment questline:

  1. H [40-70] A Feast for Our Kin
  2. H [40-70] Shadow Over Thunder Bluff
  3. H [40-70] Dark Forces
  4. H [40-70] Return to Highmountain
  5. H [40-70] Dark Tales
  6. H [40-70] Walking in Their Footsteps
  7. H [40-70] Shadow of the Sepulcher
  8. H [40-70] Minions of the Darkness
  9. H [40-70] Huln's Mountain
  10. H [40-70] Servants of the Darkness
  11. H [40-70] How Fares Ebonhorn?
  12. H [40-70] Curse of the Necrodark
  13. H [40-70] Whispers of the Darkness & H [40-70] Ice and Shadow
  14. H [40-70] The Final Ward
  15. H [40-70] The Darkness
  16. H [40-70] Together We Are the Horde!


Racial traits[]

Ability racial bullrush [Bull Rush] - active - 2 minute cooldown
Charges forward for 1 second, knocking enemies down for 1.5 seconds.
Ability racial prideofironhorn [Pride of Ironhorn] - passive
Mining skill increased by 15 and allows you to mine faster.
Ability racial mountaineer [Mountaineer] - passive
Increases Versatility by 1%.
Ability racial ruggedtenacity [Rugged Tenacity] - passive
Reduces damage taken by (Stamina * 0.0003 * 60).
Ability racial wastenotwantnot [Waste Not, Want Not] - passive
You have a chance to loot additional meat and fish.



Main articles: Jokes#Highmountain tauren male, Jokes#Highmountain tauren female
Main articles: Flirt#Highmountain tauren male, Flirt#Highmountain tauren female

Notes and trivia[]

  • Playable Highmountain Tauren start out at Friendly with the Highmountain Tribe.
  • Highmountain tauren are the second race to have a proper sound effect when using the /moo emote, with their mainland cousins being the first. However, their /moo is deeper.
  • Prior to the removal of reputation and achievement requirements to unlock allied races, unlocking Highmountain tauren required Exalted reputation with the Highmountain Tribe and the achievement Achievements zone highmountain [Ain't No Mountain High Enough].
  • In the patch 7.3.5 PTR, the race's description was as such: "Descended from Huln, brave hero of the War of the Ancients, the Highmountain tauren honor the spirits of earth, river, and sky. Though the Legion invaded their lands and sowed seeds of distrust between them, the tribes of Highmountain stand united once more. At long last they are ready to venture beyond their sacred mountain and stand beside their kin from Kalimdor, lending their nobility and strength to the mighty Horde."


  • The Highmountain tauren totem.

    The Highmountain tauren totem.

  • The Highmountain tauren choice.

    The Highmountain tauren choice.

  • Highmountain tauren male.jpg

  • Highmountain tauren female.jpg

  • Racial mount

    Racial mount

  • Highmountain tauren shaman totem.

    Highmountain tauren shaman totem.

  • [Travel Form].

  • [Travel Form].

  • [Cat Form].

  • [Bear Form].

  • New customizations in patch 9.1.5

    New customizations in patch 9.1.5

  • New customizations in patch 9.1.5

    New customizations in patch 9.1.5

  • New customizations in patch 9.1.5

    New customizations in patch 9.1.5

Patch changes[]


External links[]