Hiren Loresong

  • ️Tue Mar 05 2013
AllianceHiren Loresong
Image of Hiren Loresong
Title <Silver Covenant Quartermaster>
Gender Male
Race High elf (Humanoid)
Level 32-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Silver Covenant, Kirin Tor Offensive, Magocracy of Dalaran
Location Silver Covenant Pavilion, Icecrown; Isle of Thunder
Status Alive
Relative(s) Savinia Loresong

Hiren Loresong is a vendor who can be found in the Silver Covenant Pavilion of the Argent Tournament Grounds in Icecrown. He offers various items to players who have earned the achievement Money achievement A Silver Confidant.

Mists of Pandaria This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.

He makes his second appearance on the Isle of Thunder.

Shadowlands This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

He was present in Icecrown during Death Rising.



At the Argent Tournament Grounds, Hiren Loresong sells the following items:

Inv misc tabardpvp 01 [Silver Covenant Tabard]
50 Champion's Seal
Ability mount ridinghorse [Quel'dorei Steed]
100 Champion's Seal
Ability mount warhippogryph [Silver Covenant Hippogryph]
150 Champion's Seal
Inv elemental primal mana [Shimmering Wyrmling]
40 Champion's Seal

On the Isle of Thunder, he sells the following items:

Hiren Loresong
<Kirin Tor Offensive Quartermaster>
Rep Item Cost Slot Focus
Neutral Achievement reputation kirintor offensive [Kirin Tor Beacon] 25g Hearthstone
Achievement reputation kirintor offensive [Kirin Tor Offensive Insignia] 1 Tattered Historical Parchments Rep token
Achievement reputation kirintor offensive [Greater Kirin Tor Offensive Insignia] 10 Tattered Historical Parchments Rep token
Ability deathwing bloodcorruption earth [Blood Spirit] 200g Crafting ingredient
Inv cape pandaria c 01 [Thunder-Chaser Cloak] 377g 23s Back Agility DPS
Inv cape pandaria c 02 [Static-Collecting Cloak] 374g 50s Back Intellect DPS
Inv cape pandaria c 03 [Shan'ze Gravetender Cloak] 375g 88s Back Spirit
Inv misc cape cataclysm caster b 01 [Shan'ze Partisan's Greatcloak] 378g 61s Back Strength DPS
Inv cape pandaria c 04 [Cloak of the Immortal Guardian] 370g 28s Back Tank
Inv jewelry ring 44 [Refurbished Band of Jin] 316g 72s Finger Agility DPS
Inv jewelry ring 37 [Restored Hexxer's Signet] 319g 1s Finger Intellect DPS
Inv jewelry ring 47 [Ancient Primalist's Seal] 320g 17s Finger Spirit
Inv jewelry ring 44 [Refurbished Seal of Jin] 315g 56s Finger Strength DPS
Inv jewelry ring 39 [Ancient Overlord's Onyx Band] 317g 88s Finger Tank
Friendly Trade alchemy potiona5 [Potion of Light Steps] 1 Elder Charm of Good Fortune Troves of the Thunder King
Honored Inv belt cloth reputation c 01 [Shan'ze Scholar's Girdle] 300g Waist Cloth spirit
Inv belt cloth reputation c 01 [Pain-Binder Girdle] 300g Waist Cloth spell caster
Inv belt cloth reputation c 01 [Belt of Loa Charms] 300g Waist Cloth spell caster
Inv belt leather reputation c 01 [Skumblade-Tooth Girdle] 300g Waist Leather agility
Inv belt leather reputation c 01 [Cinch of the Dead Forest's Vigil] 300g Waist Leather spirit
Inv belt mail reputation c 01 [Skumblade Ritualist Links] 300g Waist Mail spirit
Inv belt mail reputation c 01 [Rotting Bog Cinch] 300g Waist Mail agility
Inv belt plate reputation c 01 [Girdle of Shan'ze Glory] 300g Waist Plate spirit
Inv belt plate reputation c 01 [Thunder Caressed Waistguard] 300g Waist Plate tank
Inv enchant dustspirit [Sleep Dust] 1 Elder Charm of Good Fortune Troves of the Thunder King
3x Inv stone 16 [A Common Rock] 1 Elder Charm of Good Fortune Troves of the Thunder King
Revered Pvpcurrency honor alliance [Grand Commendation of the Kirin Tor Offensive] 50g Rep token
2x Spell arcane invocation [Arcane Propellant] 1 Elder Charm of Good Fortune Troves of the Thunder King
Spell mage runeofpower [Frost Rune Trap] 1 Elder Charm of Good Fortune Troves of the Thunder King
Exalted Ability mount triceratopsmount orange [Reins of the Golden Primal Direhorn] 3000g Mount (150)
Achievement reputation kirintor offensive [Kirin Tor Offensive Tabard] 10g Tabard
Inv misc key 02 [Polymorphic Key] 3 Elder Charm of Good Fortune Troves of the Thunder King
Inv crate 01 [Empty Supply Crate] 3 Elder Charm of Good Fortune Troves of the Thunder King
Achievement dungeon nexus80 normal [Arcane Trove] 15 Elder Charm of Good Fortune Goody bag
Quest Achievement reputation kirintor offensive [Glorious Standard of the Kirin Tor Offensive] Banner

Patch changes[]

See also[]

External links[]

Argent Tournament Isle of Thunder Death Rising