
The bloodied crown of Terenas Menethil.
The Menethils (sometimes called the Menethil Dynasty)[1] were the ruling family of the Kingdom of Lordaeron prior to the nation's destruction and the murder of King Terenas Menethil II by his son, Prince Arthas at the start of the Third War. The house was known for their kindness to the Wrynns during the Second War, when the Horde ruled over the lands of Stormwind. The Menethils ruled for many decades, with Terenas' reign alone lasting 50 years.[2]
Terenas's grandfather is said to have had successful negotiations with the elves of Quel'Thalas over the borders there for his northern vassals.[3]
As of the Fourth War and beyond, the royal Menethil bloodline is all but extinct, with the possible exception of Calia Menethil's sole surviving daughter, and Calia herself has thus far expressed very limited interest in becoming ruler of Lordaeron, both in life and in her current state.
However, following the Battle for Lordaeron, a group of survivors from the crippled Scarlet Crusade named the "Scarlet Brotherhood" claims through false propaganda to be loyal to House Menethil and to have secretly harbored Calia's "son", intending to use him to restore the Kingdom of Lordaeron as well as to depose Anduin Wrynn, whom they view as a traitor and a puppet king with sympathies for the Forsaken, and whom they further accuse of conspiring with his secret lover Sylvanas Windrunner to kill Calia at the Gathering.[1][4]
- Alternate timeline
- Terenas and Arthas Menethil from an alternate timeline. Arthas' and Jaina Proudmoore's (who could possibly change her name to Menethil) son, Uther Menethil.
- The King's Guard, the royal guard force.
- Several servants, including scullery maids, valets, blacksmiths[5] (including a master blacksmith), grooms, a horsemaster,[6] and a palace baker.[7][8]
- An unnamed bishop who worked in the family's private chapel.
- A governess who tutored Arthas until he was eleven.[6]
- Wroth served as a torturer in Terenas' court during his youth.[9]
- Menethil Harbor - A human/dwarven town in the Wetlands, named after the royal house of Lordaeron.
- Menethil Bay - A bay in the Wetlands, near Menethil Harbor.
- Terenas' crown disappeared after his murder, having secretly been spirited away and buried at the lighthouse in Stormwind Harbor.[10] Calia believes that the crown is lost to time and that neither she nor her daughter will ever wear it.[11]
- Terenas' family was noted to be remarkably close-knit compared to some other ruling families.[5]
- The Menethils were known for being tall; at age eleven, Arthas was five foot eight and noted that he was "likely to grow even taller if his heritage was any indication".[6]
- The royal household regularly bought their mounts from the Balnir family of horsebreeders.[5]
- Since King Terenas has a "II" at the end of his name, there must have been a Terenas Menethil I or Terenas I of Lordaeron at one point.
- ^ a b
[The Last Menethil]
- ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, chapter 17
- ^ Day of the Dragon, pg. 82
- ^
[The Traitor King]
- ^ a b c Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, chapter 1
- ^ a b c Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, chapter 2
- ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, chapter 11, pg. 175 (paperback)
- ^ Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, chapter 14, pg. 204 (paperback)
- ^
[15-30] The Rod of Compulsion
- ^ Exploring Azeroth: The Eastern Kingdoms, pg. 121
- ^ Before the Storm, chapter 20